I will start by showing one of the many space battles my forces have been engaged in with the empire.

The fleet is assembled at Atzerri under the command of General Han Solo, it is to strike the Vergasso Asteroid Cluster, the main hub of Empire shipping for materials on this new superweapon, which the latest reports from the bothans have supplied us, many bothans died to supply us with this information, let's make it worth the trouble.

The Zibbudie Babbuhl fleet hyperspaces into the system under the cover of a nebula to mask their approach, this is going to be a quick raid, destroy the main base to disrupt the Empire's vital shipping routes and then hyperspace out.

Unfortunately for us the Empire had ample time to set up their defense, they staitoned star destroyers in the immediate vicinity to deter any pirate raids, they would sonn be turning those turber laster batteries on us, the Interdictor cruiser in the background had activated it's Gravity Well Generator to prevent our escape by hyperspace, we had to destroy it.

The X-Wings have engaged the cruiser to draw it's batteries way from the capital ships and to provide a suicide bomb if needed, the great cruiser looms over the 3 X-wings breaking off to strike again.

The Interdictor was falling apart from the en masse assault from the ZB fighters, our pilots were brave this day, the turbo laser batteries on that ship would never fire at alliance vessels ever again

The Corellian Gunboats unleashed a salvo of Concussion Missles finally ending the career of the Interdictor, the alliance could finally being it's calculations for it's hyperspace jump, they had been battered and bruised

A damaged Imperial Star Destroyer hyperspaced in, no doubt from it's patrols on the outer rim, the Alliance forces caught it by suprise however, the orbital shift had throw small asteroids near it's course, it had to maneouver through them to get to us

An asteroid crashed into the ship's main power generator, and it shut down, the fleet hyperspaced out, leaving the ship to die in the asteroid field, the alliance has won this day, Babbuhl will be restored to the galaxy.
-Kyle Out
Tell the truth you never wanted me
The game looks good on your system. What are your specs?
2.2 ghz
728 mgb's of ram
128 meg video card
and yes, it looks very nice
Nice, I'm not far behind with my specs then.
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