February 02, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl goes back to school?

That's right faithful readers, Kyle Banyon Adam(me) may yet grace the halls of an academic institution once again(outside of the military)

In order to keep my options fresh and varied i've considered going to Vanier to learn a little somethin' somethin' and or becoming a firefighter in this fire infested city of ours, which would require me to go to an academy in Laval.

The military is still a big option for me though, Just well, the conservative government scares me, and well, I don't wanna die clutching a Canadian flag, all saying "Tell her I love her" then nodding off solemnly, I wanna go with with a bang "Der Adler ist gelantet" or somesuch(Delivery...in....*cough* the pizza), I wanna be an educated man, more so than I already am.

Also. in other news, Zibbudie Babbuhl has fully infested Somethingawful, we have begun a great plot, we wre show them our ways and convert them slowly, they will see the light of Zibbudie Babbuhl....or else(this means I now have a forum account there and I can read the cooking forum because i like to cook)

I might be going to OCS! as in Officer Candidate School, to become a Second Leftenant in the army, oh god yes.

-Kyle Out
I feel right
The music sounds better with you <3

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