February 15, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl and Islam


Well, Islam has been basically sticking their fingers up their assholes for a while now hasn't it, I mean, taking a look at their historical culture, one would surmise that the religion and it's people are based upon peace, unity and prosperity.

Oh Islam, where have you gone wrong?

Recently, a danish newspaper published drawings of the prophet Mohammed, for those who don't know, Mohammed is essentially the equal of the Lord Jesus Christ to us Christians/Catholics, now, I can understand the whole shouldn't depict the prophet in case of false idolization, we have that too, but to deny the whole planet it's right ot free speech and freedom of the press..all for one religion, while i'm sensitive to religion, I believe people can believe whatever they want, shouldn't the Muslim/Islam world offer the same courtesy?

This is not a one way street guys, respect goes both ways, if you want us to respect your faith I suggest you respect our freedom to parody it, the drawings did not infringe your right to worship your God in any way you see fit, it did not close down your Mosques and persecute you, it was simply a parody.

I see all this support for the violence from several members of the Muslim/Islam world, so I guess everytime a Boondocks comic is posted up, members of the black community will raze a consulate and kill innocent people because they were portrayed in a certain facility in which they do not necessarily prescribe to, that is some sick twisted justice we have going on here.

Look at North America, every single day we have defamations of various religious icons and people, look at the KKK for christ sake, while vast majority of the people on this planet do not agree with them, we have to tolerate them because well it's their freedom to do what they do, as sick as it is, Death Metal bands all over the world are a great example of this, it is their right to express themselves how they choose, do you see the christian world(presently) initiating a great crusade to wipe these people off the face of the planet?

The answer is no, I used crusade as analogy just for this, yes, the christian empire did initiate terrible wars for the holy land, however, this is the past, and we learned from it, while we might not be the most tolerating faith/people on the planet, we decided that this whole crusade to prove that were are the superior religion was wrong and that we should co-exist with out brothers and sisters of the faith(every faith, not just a singular)

Right now the Muslim/Islam world is losing every shred of credibility, you cannot control your people, you cannot allow a cartoon to not initiate you into a bloodbath and trial by fire, you are allowing violence to sterotype you as barbarians, it is your freedom to prescribe to any religion you see fit, but when you call for Jihads and the killing of innocent people it's going too far, especially over a cartoon.

Now, I support Cultural Relativism but this is just getting excessive it's like we can't go for a week without the Muslim/Islam world causing a huge debacle because it was parodied or offended in some inane way.

I am not sterotyping or generalizing, this is simply an observation n the current political situaitons occuring in today's world.

Any comments would be nice on this, your views as such.

I like to hear that i'm not crazy sometimes.

Another Topic

I'm looking for another worker again, i'm leaving soon and I don't want to give my two weeks in, jobs pretty sweet, I just want time to say bye to family, do training and shit, relax a bit before I venture out to the great wonder.

3 hour shifts 5pm-8pm good for students, it's in montreal, I can meet you snywhere and take you there, show you around, train you, i'm pretty desperate here, i'll take anyone at this point.

Leave a comment if interested, thanks.

-Kyle Oizzout.
With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone

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