February 21, 2006

I'm leaving March 13th

Yes that's right, I venture to the great beyond on the 13th of march, i've told a few people, I get the random aww that sucsk, sure I guess it does, but i'm onto life now, I've had to leave for a long time only to be strung along by the military.

As sad as it is, it's also a time for awesomeness, I have no clue where i'm going after it, maybe to another country, maybe staying in Canada, but regardless it'll be something.

The military has been my family for a long time, nearing a decade now, I go with fierce pride and knowledge that I will be in service to my country and it's people, as decadent as some of them may be, I train and fight for you guys, I hope you're proud of me, at least as much as i'm proud of myself.

I've been asked to write out my living will this thursday an such, i've also been hinted that Afghanistan or Bosnia may be the country in which I serve a tour of duty, i'm hoping for Bosnia to be honest, want to work alongside EUFOR

I'll go on a tangent some other time, professing my love and such, but not tonight, I'm tired, and i'm burning up as in a fever.

-Kyle Out
He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright.
He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
You ain't gonna jump no more.

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