February 06, 2006


Why hello wayward travellers, I am here again to spread my infinite wisdom to you, as moses proclaims his 10 commandments, so shall I(sans tablet and burning bush)

Zibbudie Babbuhl had it's very first WH40k battle, it was essentially Jemsy and Andre versus yours truly, the forces looked like this.

HQ Squad
Squad of Karskins
A platoon of Guardsmen
(I had over 62 men)

12 Chaos Space Marines

A fuckload of Orks

I know it looks heavily weighted in my favor, but in actuality, Andre had almost triple the point value fielded than I did(so nyahh)

The highlights were my 69 shots against Andre's already dwindled marines, he soon succumed to the Canadians, Jemsy attacked my Karskins and HQ squad, his orks soon fell, he took out quite a few though, about 9 of my elite troops, which is hard to do, Andre sadly, did not even get off a shot.

Jemsy has subsequently chose his side, he will be playing the Orks, all rushing into battle, knocking their skulls together.

I have also purchased Civilization4, wow, is it ever different, I owned the world as the romans on more than one occasion, then as the russians twice, the game is really somrthing special, best 69.99 I ever spent.

It's too bad, there's so much to buy, but so much to save for, Valentine's day is coming, have to save for that bugger, it's too bad, I wanted to buy Black this week.

Alas, it will have to wait.

-Kyle out
But there's something about us, I want to say,
Cause there's something between us anyway <3

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