February 14, 2006


Another crazed rant from yours truly I think you guys like this part more than my actual writings, there's some sort of...pseudo honor with these insane ramblings.

I don't want alot of T.V to be honest, most of the shows I loved are long gone, I was a T.V watcher of the 90's all pounding the VCR while it recorded Exo-Squad on my saturday mornings.

But I love this one show, Rescue Me, i'm sure alot of people have watched it, it's an insane show about this particular firefighter department, and these people are just insane in so many ways.

We have Tommy Gsvin the protaganist who lost his best friend and brother on 9/11 and he constantly has visions of grandeur and delusion, he sunk into depression and hi the bottle pretty badly, he seperated form his wife and the only thing he had left was the job, after taking anti-depressents not prescribed for him along with viagra because he couldn't screw her without being drunk, he basically lost his old ways and became a nice guy, only to be kicked off the FDNY hockey team, soon only to fatally injure a police officer on the other team, bringing him back to hs asshole demeanor.

That is just one example of the insanity, I can't do it justice really, it's something that's really genious, like me really, just i'm not Dennis Leary.

Achewood is geting like 10000 times more amazing with every comic, the great outdoor fight has begun, and well, I remember I told Jems if such a contest existed I would sign up in a second, he then told me I would be thrashed like a carpet hanging from a clothesline, dust puttering out and all.

I said no, no way, I could take these guys, they all think a good price for wine is 3 dollars, i'm a tough son of a bitch, all cracking my foot into some dudes asshole for speaking of the sabbatical, pulling a .45 on some stupid fucknut for stepping over the foul line, Kyle Adam doesn't take shit from no one, stupid Thundercunts, they say it can't be done, but i'd rip a guy's whole mid-section apart and then eat at as he cried.

I invited Jems into this posse of mine to be my co-pilot, he politely refused as I told him I could tear a mid-section apart, emphasizing the tearing, I told him he could drive the motor cycle and inform me on what I may be getitng myself into before I bravely step into a 3000 Acre 3000 Men brawl, but i'd nonetheless brave on and win the competition, only to find that I was wounded mortally and dying slowly.

You know what's funny? I can hardly stand pizza, I hate the stuff, but a pizza pocket, that's something else, I live for pizza pockets, damn I could go for one right now.

When I got back fro mthe Parade on friday we did a little mock battle in he westmoutn park, we basically kicked the kids off the football field, gave everyone a rifle and ran at each other, hypothesizing tactics and fanking maneovers, I didn't know what to scream as a battlecry anymore, being a Mechanized Soldier alongside engineers..I thought to myself what would be appropriate..the order for charge was given..people mounted up slowly getitng up from their prone position..

CHIMO! was screamed from the engineers a clear precise cry, I didn't say that, I couldn't anymore I had another unit now, they had to be represented!

VELOX!!!!!!! I yelled with fury, it could be heard from miles away with how loud I screamed, the flanking force was filled with such strength, man it was awesome, I love being a mechanized soldier, my sabre all clanking and such while I was charging, too bad I couldn't unsheathe it, but you know, as a Canadian, I shouldn't be stabbing another Canadian.

I am done now

-Kyle Out

1 comment:

James said...

Heh. Classic Kyle.