March 04, 2006

I'd like to present you something

I've been playing DoD to vent my anger, and alot of anger I do have, and i've discovered something in which i've discovered almost 3 years ago.

the M1 Carbine is the Lord and our saviour Jesus Christ in a weaponized platform, call me a heathen if you will, but one of my religious freedoms is to worship whatever I deem I have a spiritual connection with, and this is it baby.

Caliber: .30 US Carbine (7.62x33 mm)
Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt
Overall length: 904 mm
Barrel length: 458 mm
Weight: 2.36 kg without magazine
Magazine capacity: 15 or 30 rounds

WW2's finest, and in my hands it's deadly as all christ, Day of Defeat was never such a fun experience, it's a shame that the weapon has been relagated to a support function, however i went 56-24(that's 56 kills and 24 deaths on one map) with only 3 magazines each spawn, oh man oh man, this is so awesome, the carbine used to be my favorite weapon and now it's back with vengeance.

-Kyle out
King of the road


James said...

Right here. Been shooting with/at him.

Considering it's an antique and we're in Canada, a little hard to grab and get on the range. Maybe you should lighten up when reading about two bumbling idiots and their simple pleasures?

Kyle said...

I've handled an M1 Carbine on 4 different occasions with competance and due diligence, thank you for taking the time to critique my usage of weaponry and taking what I type far too litterally.

Maybe if everyone weren't so critical many other people would understand our ramblings.

Our other spaceman is off on an adventure.