August 27, 2005

A Zibbudie Babbuhl Recipe

Yes, Jemsy and I have tinkered with the idea of throwing a cookbook out, but then we remind ourselves.

"We can't cook for shit Jemsy"
"Oh..well Zibbudie Babbuhl"

But, we can cook one thing at least.


In the spirit of cookery, we have decided to somehat document the creation of a BabbuhlDog(s)

First, you need water(H20 for you science guys and or Adam Sandler) bring it to a boil and put the Babbuhldog in.

Any good Babbuhldog requires proper condiments, these being what we in Zibbudie Babbuhl call the "Triad" use said condiments at your discretion upon said Babbuhldog

This is to give you and idea of what an un-condimented Babbuhldog looks like(notice liberal application of cheese under the dog, hinting at tremendous skills of Zibbudie Babbuhl)

Yours truly after eating a Babbuhldog, I am obviously quite pleased in this picture, the taste is only multiplied by the inherent power of Zobble(the shirt)

A final gulp of the Zibbudie Babbuhl Drink of choice Fruitopia: Fruit Symbiosis, the perfect ending to a perfect meal, simple and yet, ever so elegant

People might be wondering:

"What makes a Babbuhldog so different from a regular hotdog?"

Well, the answer is quite simple, Zibbudie Babbuhl made it, it was created with our hands and eaten by us, by proxy, that makes it better, so you know, yeah, Zibbudie Babbuhl

We also have taken various other pictures which may suit your fancy.

Yours truly strikes a pose of total awesomeness, showing off the power of Zobble, Jems has credited it being the "most awesome picture i've ever taken"

Chunky Monkey climbs up the fridge and onto the tall roofs of the cabinets to further inspect our diabolic work, Jemsy is yelling at Chunky Monkey "For the love of God, don't jump into the boiling water, this ain't no episode of bugs bunny, and damn cat, you ain't no bugs bunny!"

Well, that's it

-Banyon Out.
She knows its too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger, I heard you say
At least not today

August 25, 2005

Change of Comment system.

As you may or may not be aware, Blog's tend to be hit by alot of ads' via comments, automated bots copy/paste and then comment onto blogs which have recently updated.

Here at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, we've grown tired of it, so we decided to take ou the trash.

As of now, we've set up a different comment system, much like a regular security function for logging onto a website, we've all seen it before.

"look at this image type down the letters/numbers as you see them"

This is just a forewarning so no one goes ape-shit within 10 minutes of us changing this system.

-Banyon out
Regarding the way we are together
Regarding the way we both should be
Regardless of time or space or weather
A part of you lives inside of me
So if you ever change your mind
You know where you can find me

August 23, 2005

A cut of conversation that we found stupidly hilarious.

As you may know, Kyle and I are avid fans of Late Night with Conan O'Brien, which is home to a little segment known as "Celebrity Secrets", where just that happens. Celebrities and quasi-celebrities reveal a series of fictitious "secrets" in what looks like an interrogation room. Laughter ensues. The Late Night with Conan O'Brien web site holds an archive of these segments in the form of text.

After scouring the site in unison, Kyle and I began sharing our favourites over MSN Messenger by the simple means of copy/past afforded to us by our browsers. This soon became a wicked ritual, lasting for days and days, some peppered with mild chuckles, others with exhausted silence. After I had figured the archives dry of new comedy, Kyle continued to slip quotes into our conversations at random. I jokingly reprimanded him for keeping the page open after all this time ("CLOSE IT FFS"), but he took it one step further: setting it as his homepage. Essentially, he cannot browse the internet without first being reminded of such folly.

Fast-forward to today. I hadn't seen any of these quotes in quite some time. I had forgotten. However, upon being told that Kyle saved his 30s detective dialogue (to be featured in its own post), I brought back "CLOSE IT," fearful that he was falling into yet another pattern of manic repetitiveness. Here's what went down:

Kyle says:
"I'm very proud of my 'son', and most importantly the light it provides to our solar system."

Jems says:

Jems says:
they're going to come to your home

Jems says:
and shoot you

Kyle says:

Jems says:
conan himself will pull the trigger

Jems says:

Kyle says:
i would have it no other way

Jems says:

Jems says:
he prances over your body

Jems says:
pulling the invisible strings

Kyle says:
that would be a pretty cool way to go

Jems says:
cuts them

Kyle says:

Jems says:
then sets fire to your room

Jems says:

Kyle says:
man, you're making him into the joker all of a sudden

Jems says:

Jems says:
there's nobody there

Kyle says:

Kyle says:
jumps from my room into the living room

Jems says:
he just pulls his head back and cackles as the explosion erupts

Kyle says:

Kyle says:

Kyle says:
story time.

Kyle says:

Kyle says:
i am kyle laughing

Jems says:
i will do the honours

Kyle says:
i'll get some images.

Jemsy/Banyon out.

August 15, 2005

the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane is on vacation.

Aye, 2/3rds of the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane are on personal leave, Jems is in the United States as per the yearly agreement of family trips, I am in the process of moving and training, so we won't be around too much.

The Lane will continue it's usual posting schedule in 4-6 days, the awards will be put on hold until all 3 of us get back in the saddle, until then, as Jems would put it.

"Stay Frosty"

You can't hit me, so it's like shadow boxin'

August 13, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl Presents Paragons

The dictionary defines "Paragon" as:
A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example: a paragon of virtue

Believe it or not, there are other people in existance whom show the quality of Zibbudie Babbuhl other than us, and here, we will commemorate that, with the difference of opinion between the three of us, obviously no one man could be counted upon for this arduous task, thus in the spirit of Babbuhlcracy we will show the three choices.


Conan O'Brien

"In the year 2000..."-Conan O'Brien

Kyle - I really can't think of a better choice for the Paragon of Zibbudie Babbuhl, he's honestly a god in his own right, Conan O'Brien has supplemented so much of our humor, and we seek to emulate him, the clear winner of this contest would be no other than him, with his incredible presence, wit and creative writing, he is essentially the famous personification of all three Zibbudie Babbuhl writers, he's not always acknowledged as one of the greats, but neither are we, he is truly the champion of Zibbudie Babbuhl.


Chunky Monkey

"Br-br-br-browr-browr."-Chunky Monkey

Jems - Maybe I just had to be difficult, but in my mind there is no outside character who exemplifies the essence of Zibbudie Babbuhl more than Chunky Monkey. Sure, he's not a person, in the strictest sense of the word and yeah, he doesn't speak English, but spend more than a fleeting moment with The Monk of the Chunk and you'll understand why he reps the Babbuhls in his own special way. It's in his burlesque showboating, his care-free demeanour, the bubbly, almost fairy-like quality to his meows. He is a large, furry, friendly rodent. Plus, we've got to have an ambassador in other walks of life if we want to reach the hearts of would-be Babbuhlers, human and feline alike.


"Hail to the king baby"-Ash

Andre - Hail to the king indeed. Whether it's the kick-ass Evil Dead trilogy or the laugh-till-you-cry Bubba Ho-tep, Mr. Campbell delivers the goods. Like us here at ZBL Bruce Campbell possesses an incredible amount of talent. Unfortunately, he is also very under-appreciated. I don't need to go and on about his work or his excellence, because all you Babbuhlers out there already know it. Never has a word like "Boomstick" meant oh so very much. Mr. Campbell, your wit and screen presence will have me rolling on the flooor for years to come.

Next award to be determined.

August 12, 2005

The Best Game Award goes to--!

Resident Evil 4

"This game is going to be tits on glass."- pfunk

Kyle - This game is the epiphany of control perfection, I remember seeing the various commercials and hype this game generated, I knew I had to play it, it took a long time to finally procure the game in our Zibbudie Babbuhl Hands, but we did it, and boy howdy did we love it. Every facet of this game screams perfection, the story, the setting, the enemies, never have I had such an exhilarating time playing a game, from beginning to end, it truly is the greatest of this generation, this game will remain intransigent in Gamecube's history as it's greatest and bloodiest game. Who says Nintendo is just for kids?

Jems - Upon seeing the image of a man being ripped at the seams by a chainsaw-wielding maniac with a potato bag over his head, I knew this game would be something special. When the game was announced, a forum frequented by characters Kyle and I now know all too well was ablaze with hype. One of these characters, a man known as pfunk, posted the above image with his now infamous presumption. Fast forward a year or so, with Kyle reminding himself and I that we must play this game. We decided to give it a rental, and we played it long and hard, enamored by its fluid controls, vivid graphics, and impeccable, perfectly realized vision of zombie ass-kicking. Long after Kyle had gone home, long after the rental period and two seasons had passed, I was still playing this game, with my father pumping his fist and yelling things like "SHOTGUN TIME!" and "Get that fucker, make sure he's down," whirling on a swiveling office chair as he went. It is my great pleasure to award Resident Evil 4 Zibbudie Babbuhl's Best Game Award. You earned it, you crazy Japanese vendors of violence.

Andre - Let me make something clear: I am a Nintendo hater. Don't ask me why, I can't explain. Yet, miracle of miracle, this game reached through my jaded loathing, grabbed my cerebullum and shook me like I was paint. It made me twitch. That is not a common thing. Technically, it's beatiful: the graphics are crisp and detailed, the controls responsive and the gameplay raw fun. I can see no major flaws, and I'm a harsh critic. A well placed shotgun blast, exploding heads, and I'm in Nirvana. I still hate Nintendo, but I LOVE this game. Hence, Best Game. Now, time to cap some fools with a Shotgun...

Tomorrow: The Paragon of Zibbudie Babbuhl Award!

The Zibbudie Babbuhl awards.

Yes, ladies and gents, you heard right, the Zibbudie Babbuhl awards will be commencing in a scant day or two.

But you must be asking "What are the Zibbudie Babbuhl awards and why should I care?"

A: The Zibbudie Babbuhl awards are the best and greatest of any number of categories, done over a time, we show the best, our reasons behind it and have a ball, and well, because here at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, were totally awesome

The first ceremony will take place tommorow or Sunday at the latest.

Our moment is swift, like ships adrift, we're swept apart, too soon
Speak low, darling, speak low, darling, when you speak love

Enough with these sad days.

Everybody start listening to David Cross.

An all around man of comedy, not unlike members of Babbuhlsquad, David Cross is reknowned the world over for his various stand-up comedy shows (Shut Up, You F****** Baby!) and bit parts into which he breathes new life, like the conspiracy theorist in Men in Black II and that guy in Pootie Tang. The three or four people who watch Arrested Development will recognize him as Tobias, the doctor-come-actor who lost his medical license for practicing CPR on someone who was not dying.

Enjoy these funny pictures of the man and the sample of his latest album available for download.

August 11, 2005

Another sad day.

Tuesday, August 9th, Matthew McGrory died at his home, he was 32 years old, paramedics at the scene determined the death to be natural causes.

Now, this normally wouldn't make much of a headline for us here, not that the loss of life isn't tragic, but Matthew McGrory played a large role in a movie I hold dear in my memory.

Litterally larger than life, standing at 7ft+ Mr.McGrory played Karl the giant in the critically acclaimed movie Big Fish, he was a giant with a calm heart, it is unfortunate you have been taken from us, you were truly larger than life, and you were an excellent actor.

August 09, 2005


Yes, far too many, but I have important news, nay, a call to arms if you will to us Canadians

CBC is doing a documentary on the great war in the coming months, and they are "enlisting" members of this country of ours whom have had ancestors in the great war, being a member of this selective organization, I have already "enlisted" to this great and noble cause.

CBC is taking 300 applicants, preference is given to military experience and being the same age as your ancestor when he/she enlisted.

12 count em' Twelve of these applicants will be chosen to be sent to europe for authentic WW1 training, living in the trenches, firing WW1 issued weapons etc, they will be filmed and put on international T.V, while in the summer of 2006, in Quebec, there will be a great re-enactment of the larger battles of WW1, using all 300 of the applicants, this will also be put onto international T.V.

To say the least it'll be interesting, and well, this is a broadcast to call possibly more people into this, it's always good to have squadmates you know.

The Great War

The sign-up is quite simple, and done in like 5 minutes.

Thank you for your time.

If you wish to contact me about finding out more about your ancestors if you are interested, please do not hesitate, I know how the archive system works very well, and I still pull alot of weight around the logistics department.

You may contact me at

I tell you I want you
I tell you I need you

A sad day

17 years ago today, the world lost one of the greats, a man named Alan Napier. Who is this Alan Napier the you may ask? You know him by another name: Alfred the butler, from the Batman TV series of the 60s. He tirelessly carried the show from its inception in 1965 to its cancellation in 1968. Sure, the credit usually goes to the insipid avian Burt Ward or that slow.....talking.....ham Adam West, but who was that stayed home to watch the mansion? Who gave the show its legitimate adult face? (Here's a clue, it wasn't the guy who put on tights and danced the Batusi). But alas, like many heroes of our time, he went unsung into the great halls above. Well, some still remember you Mr. Napier, I raise my cup for you.

Also, I'm officially part of ZBL. All you who would dare ruin our fun, you should quail in fear. Quail I say!

Addendum: I have now started my campaign to have Army of Darkness included in the curriculum at my school. Who wants some?

Kyle edit:

"Mr.Wayne, it's the commissioner, what shall I tell him?"

God bless you Mr.Napier, your butlerly ways will be spoken of for generations to come.

Kyle/Andre out.

Give it up for

We at Zibbudie Babbuhl find many things funny, the dumbest most idiotic drivel, we have successfully taken some of the most unfunny things and made them funny, it's a speciality here at Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, but this time, we didn't have to do anything, this is a tribute to someone whom it's so easy to make something funny of, it shouldn't even be worth a mention.

Give it up for...Abe Lincoln!

There are many places/sources which have exploited the comedic value of the 16th president of the United States many of these places/sources are websites of comedy in of themselves, but we shall flaunt them off like a cabaret showgirl, if anytihng, it's for abe right?

SomethingAwful flash animation done in a psychadellic style, music done by Zoomzip and lyrics done by Fragmaster Bowen, this is easily one the funniest songs.animation combo's Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane has ever come across.(click on the image to view the flash)

Achewood's always been a fan favorite, coincidentally enough, it makes many references to Abe Lincoln, so it becomes even better by proxy, if you find the material funny, please, check the comic out, it's really something amazing.

That's all the Lincoln material for now, Jemsy and I have even rapped about Lincoln at one point, although the source is long gone now, the devotion to Lincoln is quite apparent at this point, so I need not further explain, and well, I have a splitting headache right about now..

Also, Yes, I will still be writing, I am Zibbudie to Jemsy's Babbuhl, without me, there is no Lane.

And yes, Andre will be writing for the ZBL, and no Evan will not be making an appearance such as that until well into his teens, if he should so choose.

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing on beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long

August 08, 2005

I Google Image Searched "welcome andre" and this is what I got.

Everyone, welcome a new member to Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane

Since i'm leaving for Ontario shortly, myself and Jemsy decided to induct another member into the ZBL, this person is one of the original creators of Zibbudie Babbuhl alongside myself and Jems, i'd like to stress though, he is not my replacement, I will still remain with the ZBL, spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl in Ontario, we have simply decided to finally include one of the originals into this wonderful blog we have.

The person being inducted is none other than Andre Wallis A.K.A Seraph, he is a film student in Dawson on his second year, and has been an amazing friend of mine going on 14 years, he has a perverted sense of humor which has never been matched by anyone i've ever seen, a guru of films, comics, D&D and general non-sensicals.

Welcome to the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, may she treat you well.

could it be that we were wrong
and I was so wrong
when I realized and turned around
and you were gone

August 06, 2005

The Zibbudie Babbuhl Wikipedia(ZBW) and a speech.

Yes, ladies and gents, although the ZBW has been advertised before, but I think it deserves another flaunt, it wasp ut up at a weird time, promises were made, and things were not delivered just yet, but now, our promises are filled, the ZBW is done, and will never be complete.

We will always be adding more terms, and more history, because history will never end, and Zibbudie Babbuhl will always go on, even after mine and Jemsy's passing, I envision a world full of Zibbudie Babbuhl, where the only concern in life is to make others laugh and feel good about life, and when someone's feeling down, to crack a smile on their face and make their day feel somewhat better.

We did that, and Jemsy and I feel great about it, it's a mission we set out, and damnit, it's a mission we've completed, and again, we will keep trying at it, because well, it's what we do best.

Act like idiots that is.

without further ado:
Zibbudie Babbuhl Wiki

You're in my heart now you're in my head...always

August 03, 2005

Kitty + Box = Profit (Two in a Series)

Watch the video here. (It's good for a week, so get clickin'.)

You'll need Windows Media Player, about three minutes of free time, and a tolerance for crotch shots. It's completely safe for work.

Zip it up and zip it out.

August 02, 2005

The Muppet murders, part 3.

Kyle has done a fine job of conveying our sleep-deprived Muppet madness, but it is now my turn to deliver the final tale.

Stepping into a dimly lit warehouse, Kyle and myself finds ourselves in a musty darkness. Dust has settled on the ridges of walls, metal walls that recall train cars painted vaudeville hues, moving circus animals choking on the smell of their manure across state lines and carnival drop-offs. Warm sawdust licks at our eyes as we inch towards the single source of light at the room's centre.

The glaring white of a small bulb presents the silhouette of a drum set, and the vague outlines of a drummer. A sudden drumroll and an inhuman mumble cause us to tense. Kyle draws his handgun and cocks it as I fumble towards my own. The drumroll continues, drawling like the growl of an animal. This thought sets in place as Kyle calls out in a hurried whisper. "Animal."

I turn to him, at last fitting my grasp around the ivory stock of the hand cannon I call Dr. Schuster. The good doctor slips from my belt with a pleasing sound and I secure his weight in my hands. "What are you talking about, man?" I make the mistake of turning to look as I speak.

"It's him," he says with a hardened face, edging towards the sound as I do, weapon at half-mast. "It's the Animal."

I've only enough time to blink and set my thumb on the safety before the crash and clang of drum sticks on dusty brass punches through the silence and out leaps the beast known only as the Animal, leaping through the darkness like some kind of midget wrestler, hollering and bellowing unintelligible curses from his furry, god forsaken maw.

In a flash, he's down. A chorus of fire. Muzzle flashes erupt from each of our pistols after we squeeze instinctively and only start aiming once we compute that this is the Animal, the Animal, and he must die. It doesn't take long. He's pulled like with strings towards his drum set -- doesn't even have time to scream or fuss that he got hit -- and flies into it like a sack of potatoes and the sound, the sound isn't music but it's music to our ears. It's music because he's down and that moment is done with. A clang and crash and he settles, twitching. The drum stick rolling towards us stops at my feet and it's done with.

Kyle looks at me, a real "Dogg, man, fuck" look, then turns to leave after giving his smoking pistol a shake like it's a match. I stare at the Animal, not thinking that I took his life and getting the moral compass out but preparing a sermon of sorts. I look back at the cannon in my fist. Dr. Schuster.

"The doctor is in"? Nah. "Take two of these and call me in the morning"? No. Can't. Only one diamond left in the clip. I wipe my brow before throwing away something about health insurance and extend my arm until I can look down the sights at the top of that motherfucker's melonhead.

One more kickback so I can give this one an exclamation point. I turn to join Kyle and he's just shaking his head.

"Dogg, that's why we can't take you anywhere."

The Muppet murders pt.2

As a second foray into murdering mMuppets, Elmo was brought up, Jemsy went to the bathroom, so he came out exclaiming:

"Dogg, imagine if Elmo just popped out of a toilet, while you were emptying your tinker-tot, just sloshing aound the water and shit"

"oh god, oh man, that's insane, wait wait, get this, as he's popping his head slowly ouf othe the toilet bowl he quietly and all sinister like says:

"If you shake it more than 3 times, you're playing with yourself!"

Jems throughly frightened, lurches over to his bathroom sink, and retracts a baseball bat from it's innards somehow, and starts wailing away at the muppet slooshing around the water, missing it completely for the most part, Jemsy in his frustration would beat the side of the toilet, as the crazed elmo looks on.

We also thought about the Elmo being baby Elmo:

Jemsy then said:

"Dogg, I dunno, I don't really think killing baby Elmo would help our already tainted image"
"I can tell you now Jemsy, I would have no problems shooting baby Elmo"
"You just don't lead em' as much"

I promised said scenario.

Baby Elmo sloshing around the toilet, all going crazy and such, then I come in with a handgun, point it at the red bastard.

"Dude, how the hell can you shoot baby Elmo?"

and in a gruff voice, I would simply answer.

"Easy, just don't lead em' as much"

Ending baby Elmo's timely existance, flushed him, like an 8 year old would flush a goldfish, we watched on, as he spun slowly, and then sped up, I offered a sharp salute, as his last words were spoken.

"If you shake it more than 3're playing with yourself"

There's one more Muppet murder, but i'm getting really tired, it's like 3:30 in the morning, i'd do the last one, but i'm running low on creative energies.

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories

The muppet murders.

Myself and Jemsy thought up a clever premise one night at about 12:42am, during Conan O'brien.

The guest, who's name escapes me at the moment talked about Muppets. About meeting Muppets, which ones to me, in some good fun, I decided to tender said question to Jemsy.

"Totally Kermit dogg. You?"
"Animal...or Swedish Chef i'd say"
"What about Elmo, he's some sort of smooth operator"
"Him too, he gets all the ladies"

Somehow, we ended up talking about how funny it would be to shoot, kill or otherwise brutally maim a muppet.

I laughed a sinister laugh under my breath, I am becoming more like the Joker everyday. Yes I replied, it would be quite funny.

Jems presented the idea to me, where Kermit the frog and himself are locked into a furious stare, Jemsy holding a handgun, while Kermit is taunting him

"Come on it...!"

Jemsy would push the weapon closer to the face of Kermit.

"Don't you think I won't do it god-damnit, you fabric piece of shit motherfucker"

Taking a tense stare from Jemsy's perspective, Kermit just opening his mouth and closing it, as in a pause of thought or concentration.

A drop of sweat drops from his brow, as I enter the situation.

"Jemsy..there is a man behind the puppet"
"I-I-I know dogg"
"If you shoot the gun, the bullet will pass straight through the puppet"
"Yes, Yes!"
"Killing the man Jemsy, the man will die, do you want that?"
"I just don't know anymore!"

Jems looks towards the ground, finds an inert Miss Piggy laying on the ground un-used, as Jemsy would say "lacking a hand up the butt" he exclaims.


Smiles at Kermit, lowers his pistols towards the inert puppet and fires off a few rounds, killing the would be Muppet, Kermit screams


He starts to Flail his arms in that stupid dance way, and the scene ends, Jemsy and I walking out of the muppet warehouse, Kermit swearing vengeance, with the two black rectangles over his eyes to denote anger, then it blacks out, credits role, and we wonder what the fuck we're doing with our lives.

Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door
Burning bridges lost forevermore