August 02, 2005

The Muppet murders pt.2

As a second foray into murdering mMuppets, Elmo was brought up, Jemsy went to the bathroom, so he came out exclaiming:

"Dogg, imagine if Elmo just popped out of a toilet, while you were emptying your tinker-tot, just sloshing aound the water and shit"

"oh god, oh man, that's insane, wait wait, get this, as he's popping his head slowly ouf othe the toilet bowl he quietly and all sinister like says:

"If you shake it more than 3 times, you're playing with yourself!"

Jems throughly frightened, lurches over to his bathroom sink, and retracts a baseball bat from it's innards somehow, and starts wailing away at the muppet slooshing around the water, missing it completely for the most part, Jemsy in his frustration would beat the side of the toilet, as the crazed elmo looks on.

We also thought about the Elmo being baby Elmo:

Jemsy then said:

"Dogg, I dunno, I don't really think killing baby Elmo would help our already tainted image"
"I can tell you now Jemsy, I would have no problems shooting baby Elmo"
"You just don't lead em' as much"

I promised said scenario.

Baby Elmo sloshing around the toilet, all going crazy and such, then I come in with a handgun, point it at the red bastard.

"Dude, how the hell can you shoot baby Elmo?"

and in a gruff voice, I would simply answer.

"Easy, just don't lead em' as much"

Ending baby Elmo's timely existance, flushed him, like an 8 year old would flush a goldfish, we watched on, as he spun slowly, and then sped up, I offered a sharp salute, as his last words were spoken.

"If you shake it more than 3're playing with yourself"

There's one more Muppet murder, but i'm getting really tired, it's like 3:30 in the morning, i'd do the last one, but i'm running low on creative energies.

All the burning bridges that have fallen after me
All the lonely feelings and the burning memories

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