August 09, 2005


Yes, far too many, but I have important news, nay, a call to arms if you will to us Canadians

CBC is doing a documentary on the great war in the coming months, and they are "enlisting" members of this country of ours whom have had ancestors in the great war, being a member of this selective organization, I have already "enlisted" to this great and noble cause.

CBC is taking 300 applicants, preference is given to military experience and being the same age as your ancestor when he/she enlisted.

12 count em' Twelve of these applicants will be chosen to be sent to europe for authentic WW1 training, living in the trenches, firing WW1 issued weapons etc, they will be filmed and put on international T.V, while in the summer of 2006, in Quebec, there will be a great re-enactment of the larger battles of WW1, using all 300 of the applicants, this will also be put onto international T.V.

To say the least it'll be interesting, and well, this is a broadcast to call possibly more people into this, it's always good to have squadmates you know.

The Great War

The sign-up is quite simple, and done in like 5 minutes.

Thank you for your time.

If you wish to contact me about finding out more about your ancestors if you are interested, please do not hesitate, I know how the archive system works very well, and I still pull alot of weight around the logistics department.

You may contact me at

I tell you I want you
I tell you I need you

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