August 25, 2005

Change of Comment system.

As you may or may not be aware, Blog's tend to be hit by alot of ads' via comments, automated bots copy/paste and then comment onto blogs which have recently updated.

Here at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, we've grown tired of it, so we decided to take ou the trash.

As of now, we've set up a different comment system, much like a regular security function for logging onto a website, we've all seen it before.

"look at this image type down the letters/numbers as you see them"

This is just a forewarning so no one goes ape-shit within 10 minutes of us changing this system.

-Banyon out
Regarding the way we are together
Regarding the way we both should be
Regardless of time or space or weather
A part of you lives inside of me
So if you ever change your mind
You know where you can find me

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