"We can't cook for shit Jemsy"
"Oh..well Zibbudie Babbuhl"
But, we can cook one thing at least.
In the spirit of cookery, we have decided to somehat document the creation of a BabbuhlDog(s)

First, you need water(H20 for you science guys and or Adam Sandler) bring it to a boil and put the Babbuhldog in.

Any good Babbuhldog requires proper condiments, these being what we in Zibbudie Babbuhl call the "Triad" use said condiments at your discretion upon said Babbuhldog

This is to give you and idea of what an un-condimented Babbuhldog looks like(notice liberal application of cheese under the dog, hinting at tremendous skills of Zibbudie Babbuhl)

Yours truly after eating a Babbuhldog, I am obviously quite pleased in this picture, the taste is only multiplied by the inherent power of Zobble(the shirt)

A final gulp of the Zibbudie Babbuhl Drink of choice Fruitopia: Fruit Symbiosis, the perfect ending to a perfect meal, simple and yet, ever so elegant
People might be wondering:
"What makes a Babbuhldog so different from a regular hotdog?"
Well, the answer is quite simple, Zibbudie Babbuhl made it, it was created with our hands and eaten by us, by proxy, that makes it better, so you know, yeah, Zibbudie Babbuhl
We also have taken various other pictures which may suit your fancy.

Yours truly strikes a pose of total awesomeness, showing off the power of Zobble, Jems has credited it being the "most awesome picture i've ever taken"

Chunky Monkey climbs up the fridge and onto the tall roofs of the cabinets to further inspect our diabolic work, Jemsy is yelling at Chunky Monkey "For the love of God, don't jump into the boiling water, this ain't no episode of bugs bunny, and damn cat, you ain't no bugs bunny!"
Well, that's it
-Banyon Out.
She knows its too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger, I heard you say
At least not today
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