August 12, 2005

The Zibbudie Babbuhl awards.

Yes, ladies and gents, you heard right, the Zibbudie Babbuhl awards will be commencing in a scant day or two.

But you must be asking "What are the Zibbudie Babbuhl awards and why should I care?"

A: The Zibbudie Babbuhl awards are the best and greatest of any number of categories, done over a time, we show the best, our reasons behind it and have a ball, and well, because here at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, were totally awesome

The first ceremony will take place tommorow or Sunday at the latest.

Our moment is swift, like ships adrift, we're swept apart, too soon
Speak low, darling, speak low, darling, when you speak love

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