February 14, 2006

I felt like I had to write something

I'm not feeling great you know, my hands are jittery and I can't calm myself down, I don't know what's wrong with me, I wanted to get rid of some of my energy, I don't know how, I usually just rant in my head or exercise, but that isn't going to cut it right now.

London Underground is a great song, it pretty much sums up the great services of the Underground in a tightly knit package which lasts 1:57m I love it, it's something great.

I've been listening to alot of RJD2 lately, more so than normal, i've been stuck on this one song it's called Work, I don't know why, but it's just caught me by the lip like a fishing hook, hook push it upwards then pull not just tug at the sucker.

I got my sabre last friday, you know, the whole initiation process in the army, i'm a mechanized soldier so we get sabre's all riding by some douche and slicing him across the chest in a macabre fashion, Sirrah, Sirrah.

I asked Jems if he thought the lord jesus christ existed, that came up to a good discussion, we're not exactly the most philosophical of people, but at least we can get a glass of wine a mock of library and velour sitting chairs and pretend to have a fascinating conversation, it went to space, like, outer space, I don't know how, I sort of puttered out real quick, the whole God thing isn't such a great theory anymore.

At Somethingawful we have a thread for posting your favorite combined insults, my favorite you ask?

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt

it just rolls off the tongue, verbatim satin cruton.

I want to do another movie, but i'm not sure what we should do, the stuff we've been coming up with requires an actual budget, but we want to stay cheap and funny, we wanted to do a movie about peole going back to the 90's ala bill and ted, me and Jems would do the whole air guitar sthick and shit, we had a good laugh, but for some reaosn that just didn't get movieng too well.

We need ideas, so in the spirit of Babbuhl i've come to ask you fair readers for ideas, we'll take the best idea and make a movie out of it, it could be a simple premise like

"Dinosaurs doing office work"

and we could take it from there, or we could make it really involved giving us a script or whatnot and hell we'll even involve you in it if you want, you'll be given top honors of course, something along the lines of.

"This Babbuhl could not be possible without ________"

Someone tell me this is not a good idea, come on, this is fucking stupendous, I am a damn genius aren't I?

The answer is yes, yes I am, of course I am, i'm in the Army, I have to be smart, this is simply a natural progression to a different form.

I love being arrogant.

Anyone watch Rescue Me? that show is tits on glass, I'm looking for the theme song, anyone know?

Didn't think so.

You know what's good?


Shit's delicious, you can put anytihng in it, nd slap it over some rice and it will taste great, cheap if you make it yourself too, I could go for some curry right now, or some scrambled eggs, or something, jesus i dunno, i'm hungry, I haven't eaten in almost 2 days now, I think i'm going slowly crazy, oh well.

No rest for the wicked they say, and well, i'm a very wicked person.

Well you guys have had enough of me being crazy and somewhat depressed so i'll take my leave.

Edit- Thank you Eric, God bless you.

-Kyle out
I know who you are, but what am I?


Eric said...

The theme from Rescue Me's by the Von Bondies, the song's called "C'mon, C'mon".

James said...

It was also in Burnout 3 I think.

A fabulous idea, Kyle.