August 08, 2005

Everyone, welcome a new member to Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane

Since i'm leaving for Ontario shortly, myself and Jemsy decided to induct another member into the ZBL, this person is one of the original creators of Zibbudie Babbuhl alongside myself and Jems, i'd like to stress though, he is not my replacement, I will still remain with the ZBL, spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl in Ontario, we have simply decided to finally include one of the originals into this wonderful blog we have.

The person being inducted is none other than Andre Wallis A.K.A Seraph, he is a film student in Dawson on his second year, and has been an amazing friend of mine going on 14 years, he has a perverted sense of humor which has never been matched by anyone i've ever seen, a guru of films, comics, D&D and general non-sensicals.

Welcome to the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane, may she treat you well.

could it be that we were wrong
and I was so wrong
when I realized and turned around
and you were gone

1 comment:

Nat said...

Hey Andre! S'cool that ZB has gotten another member to join. However I do have a few questions:

Does this mean that Andre will be writing too?

Will Kyle still be writing even when he's in Ontario?

Suggestion/comment: I think that you should get little evan to type a little blurb now and then. Something random. Or if that doesn't work out, possibly a quote that he's said. Kind of like those calenders with different quotes for different days of the year. Perhaps not quite as inspirational, but a good laugh daily...:D