August 06, 2005

The Zibbudie Babbuhl Wikipedia(ZBW) and a speech.

Yes, ladies and gents, although the ZBW has been advertised before, but I think it deserves another flaunt, it wasp ut up at a weird time, promises were made, and things were not delivered just yet, but now, our promises are filled, the ZBW is done, and will never be complete.

We will always be adding more terms, and more history, because history will never end, and Zibbudie Babbuhl will always go on, even after mine and Jemsy's passing, I envision a world full of Zibbudie Babbuhl, where the only concern in life is to make others laugh and feel good about life, and when someone's feeling down, to crack a smile on their face and make their day feel somewhat better.

We did that, and Jemsy and I feel great about it, it's a mission we set out, and damnit, it's a mission we've completed, and again, we will keep trying at it, because well, it's what we do best.

Act like idiots that is.

without further ado:
Zibbudie Babbuhl Wiki

You're in my heart now you're in my head...always

1 comment:

Nat said...

Lmao...may you zibbudie and babbuhl for a very long time! Who its Wikipedia the next step could be Webster's! :)