October 31, 2005
October 30, 2005
Zibbudie Babbuhl and Airtime
Zibbudie Babbuhl just had its first major internet play about 2 minutes ago, the door video was played, the people of SA (SomethingAwful) and GBStv are harsh critics, but Zibbudie Babbuhl is now inspired to deliver even better quality good, we now have a massive audience, in one play alone our video got 119 unique viewers, we will be doing more elaborate thought out works to present to SA, we've found a new way to share our comedy and by god we will.
From the IRC chat room:
Kyle "sounds like the afflack duck" and Jemsy's poignant descent into madness is aptly summed up as, "oh noes insane nerd!" And it "would've been better with subtitles." The piece was given a swift "CRAP" rating. I must agree on all counts, save for the duck bit. I think he sounds more like Rusty Coqburge.
Y'ain't seen nothin' yet, goons.
From the IRC chat room:
Kyle "sounds like the afflack duck" and Jemsy's poignant descent into madness is aptly summed up as, "oh noes insane nerd!" And it "would've been better with subtitles." The piece was given a swift "CRAP" rating. I must agree on all counts, save for the duck bit. I think he sounds more like Rusty Coqburge.
Y'ain't seen nothin' yet, goons.
Birthday's and Battlefields
Aye Aye, it's nearing my birthday, many plans have been made, all have fallen through, to be planned next week, Babbuhls will be had, the whole Babbuhlsquad will be united in a bout of near retardness, sounds will be made, jokes unfurled, funny faces done, and no sleep on my part as per standard.
It will be glorious
I bought Battlefield Modern Combat today, me and Jems played the demo quite a bit, and it wasn't as good as it could have been, the game now is totally different, finely polished and masterfully tuned, I love it, Halo2 doesn't shine a candle to this game, it's just, wow, I dunno, wow, hopefully the collective part of Zibbudie Babbuhl will enjoy this game, otherwise, i'll be flying solo for the first time ;//
Well, it's like 3am now, i'm off to work in 9 hours to tell a Bulgarian Girl that it's tradition to receive a kiss a day before ones birthday for good luck(my Bulgarian is a little shakey, but I think I can pull it off), i'll also be making stupid noises, wishing kids happy birthday and making silly faces when they cry, it's the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl, by god, and i'm getting paid for it, it's days like these where I wish there was a God so I could thank him.
Zibbudie Fucking Babbuhl
Today's GIS word is: Battlefield

-Kyle Out
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp
It will be glorious
I bought Battlefield Modern Combat today, me and Jems played the demo quite a bit, and it wasn't as good as it could have been, the game now is totally different, finely polished and masterfully tuned, I love it, Halo2 doesn't shine a candle to this game, it's just, wow, I dunno, wow, hopefully the collective part of Zibbudie Babbuhl will enjoy this game, otherwise, i'll be flying solo for the first time ;//
Well, it's like 3am now, i'm off to work in 9 hours to tell a Bulgarian Girl that it's tradition to receive a kiss a day before ones birthday for good luck(my Bulgarian is a little shakey, but I think I can pull it off), i'll also be making stupid noises, wishing kids happy birthday and making silly faces when they cry, it's the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl, by god, and i'm getting paid for it, it's days like these where I wish there was a God so I could thank him.
Zibbudie Fucking Babbuhl
Today's GIS word is: Battlefield

-Kyle Out
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp
October 28, 2005
That's right.
We walked around in circles and saw (also heard) some classical music and made loud noises right in each other's face and played Meteos. Kyle was blacking out a lot but we made the most of the time he was conscious. Ding dang old fool needs to get some sleep.
The return to Halo 2 was, in my humble opinion, awesome, despite the lack of Relic. I'm starting to think we imagined Relic from top to bottom; didn't check the map listing, though -- afraid we'd be right, I suppose. But the game does not suck shit and the developers can keep to themselves making more games, thank you very much. Got the bad end of randomization is all.
(You'll have to excuse Kyle. He can't focus his anger on a souless machine or cold hard numbers.)
Played with a dude having no mic who conveyed through text messages that he was indeed the band ZZ Top and his dreams include but are not limited to 99 pancakes. We still don't know who he is, really, in terms of Interweb characters we've come upon, but it doesn't matter too much because we can't be picky when it comes to people willing to put up with our stupidity. The dude stays.
Keeping with Kyle's wacky ploy to include stupid pictures at every conceivable turn, here is an image derived from the term "ZZ Top":
They're wearing suits and playing guitars and they have beards and they're in the wilderness HOLY SHIT MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE
Until next time, Babbuhl it up.
-Jemsy out
Fuck tha police
The return to Halo 2 was, in my humble opinion, awesome, despite the lack of Relic. I'm starting to think we imagined Relic from top to bottom; didn't check the map listing, though -- afraid we'd be right, I suppose. But the game does not suck shit and the developers can keep to themselves making more games, thank you very much. Got the bad end of randomization is all.
(You'll have to excuse Kyle. He can't focus his anger on a souless machine or cold hard numbers.)
Played with a dude having no mic who conveyed through text messages that he was indeed the band ZZ Top and his dreams include but are not limited to 99 pancakes. We still don't know who he is, really, in terms of Interweb characters we've come upon, but it doesn't matter too much because we can't be picky when it comes to people willing to put up with our stupidity. The dude stays.
Keeping with Kyle's wacky ploy to include stupid pictures at every conceivable turn, here is an image derived from the term "ZZ Top":
They're wearing suits and playing guitars and they have beards and they're in the wilderness HOLY SHIT MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE
Until next time, Babbuhl it up.
-Jemsy out
Fuck tha police
Zibbudie Babbuhl had Adventures.
but I haven't slept in about 39 hours, jemsy will tell you at some point.
Halo2 why do you have to make me hit you baby?
Zibbudie Babbuhl was thinking(Zibbudie Babbuhl being myself and Jemsy) "Hey, we bought the Halo2 map-packs, we might as well use them!"
I recently traded in my Halo2 game to help with the DS fund, the 3rd member of Zibbudie Babbuhl(Andre) was nice enough to provide his copy of Halo2 for my personal use. The triad was complete, all the pieces were together, it was almost 5 months since my last game of Halo2.
Now, I consider myself to be quite an excellent gamer, i've build quite a reputation on owning/playing every system to exist until the PSP, ive been playing games since I was two, it's what I do, naturally, i'm very good at Halo2 to say otherwise is lying, but this game, this game infuriates me.
Jemsy and I pop into matchmaking, we had one game set in mind, Big Team Battle(BTB) on Relic, our new favorite map, we played for almost five hours, and all we played was coagulation and headlong, with one match in waterworks, two in terminal and one on turf, it was a fucking disgrace, I look back on it and realize what a piece of shit the game is, i'm really dissapointed, I wanted to play a good solid match with jemsy on Relic, and we got slandered with these mediocre maps and mostly games full of douchebags.
Not to say we didn't have a good match, only that is was few and far between, Peskycubsfan(who are you man?) was with us, we rocked the fucking casbah in a few multi-team games.
In closing:
Your traditional GIS word today is: "Douchebags"

-Kyle Out
I recently traded in my Halo2 game to help with the DS fund, the 3rd member of Zibbudie Babbuhl(Andre) was nice enough to provide his copy of Halo2 for my personal use. The triad was complete, all the pieces were together, it was almost 5 months since my last game of Halo2.
Now, I consider myself to be quite an excellent gamer, i've build quite a reputation on owning/playing every system to exist until the PSP, ive been playing games since I was two, it's what I do, naturally, i'm very good at Halo2 to say otherwise is lying, but this game, this game infuriates me.
Jemsy and I pop into matchmaking, we had one game set in mind, Big Team Battle(BTB) on Relic, our new favorite map, we played for almost five hours, and all we played was coagulation and headlong, with one match in waterworks, two in terminal and one on turf, it was a fucking disgrace, I look back on it and realize what a piece of shit the game is, i'm really dissapointed, I wanted to play a good solid match with jemsy on Relic, and we got slandered with these mediocre maps and mostly games full of douchebags.
Not to say we didn't have a good match, only that is was few and far between, Peskycubsfan(who are you man?) was with us, we rocked the fucking casbah in a few multi-team games.
In closing:
Your traditional GIS word today is: "Douchebags"

-Kyle Out
October 24, 2005
I stumbled upon this a few days ago. Laughed. So did Kyle. We love us some Samuel L. Jackson. ("It'll getch'ya DRUNK.") Click for bigger -- it makes a great desktop.
Like the best fiction, however, it was based in reality. I present to you a sad truth:
Snakes on a Plane.
Here's hoping for the presumed sequel, Snakes on a Plane 2: Planes on a Snake!
Still Lol'in.
Addendum: Production stills. It is real.
Like the best fiction, however, it was based in reality. I present to you a sad truth:
Snakes on a Plane.
Here's hoping for the presumed sequel, Snakes on a Plane 2: Planes on a Snake!
Still Lol'in.
Addendum: Production stills. It is real.
October 22, 2005
SE++ Magic Tournament(Redux)
Yes Zibbudie Babbuhl fans, more news for your insatiable ears.
Yours truly has advanced to the semi-finals of the SE++ tournament, out of originally 16 people there are now 2 in the semi finals and 2 matches yet to be played in the semisemi's(yes i'm aware there are only 8 in that picture, this is because I created the second image after, intended only for the next set of bracket, but originally there were 16 players.)
for a better illustration see below.
I m the one with the Shazam avatar, as you can plainly see, I am in the semi-finals alongside a good pal of mine, "MasterDebater"
Cheer for Zibbudie Babbuhl while you can, I might not make it past this bracket, the giants of SE++ are on the horizon, and i'm not one of them.
-Kyle Out
Pesticides under double D combine the T that's D.D.T
Yours truly has advanced to the semi-finals of the SE++ tournament, out of originally 16 people there are now 2 in the semi finals and 2 matches yet to be played in the semisemi's(yes i'm aware there are only 8 in that picture, this is because I created the second image after, intended only for the next set of bracket, but originally there were 16 players.)
for a better illustration see below.
I m the one with the Shazam avatar, as you can plainly see, I am in the semi-finals alongside a good pal of mine, "MasterDebater"
Cheer for Zibbudie Babbuhl while you can, I might not make it past this bracket, the giants of SE++ are on the horizon, and i'm not one of them.
-Kyle Out
Pesticides under double D combine the T that's D.D.T
October 21, 2005
Rap and Zibbudie Babbuhl
A confusing title eh?
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl listen to a good amount of rap, well at least 2/3rds of Zibbudie Babbuhl, Andre's musical taste is well, he doesn't have any, I give him music and he listens to it, so, in effect he has my taste in music, which if I might say is tasteful and full of zeal.
But on to my pressing matters, we don't seem like the standard fare of rap fanatics, which to be fair, it's true.
Your Typical "Wigger"

Notice the Fubu clothing and other trends of hip-hop and gangsterism.
A talk with this individual showed nothing more than a love of Tupac, a taste for a KFC and a great understanding of text messaging.
Now, a typical look at your Zibbudie Babbuhl Members.

Myself, the physical comedian and loud weird noise maker, do I look like a gangsta? Maybe

Jemsy or as I call him Shenbobba he is the idea man, the brains behind the operation, the writer, is he a rapper, all packing and such, no. Does he get jiggy with it? Yes.

Andre, he's just there for his "I don't know what's going on look" if he looks like a gangsta, this whole post is null and void, and I should kill myself.
See, were not the typical rapper listeners, there's a reason for this.
We listen to a very different kind of rap and hip hop.
Which is when I come to present you with the point of this fucking post, so you can stop reading, giggle and go apeshit over the words that I write, and I die a little inside.
I suggest to you, the readers, I know we have a few hard rockers in the audience, I don't like the stuff, but I get my jollies off on Kraftwerk so i'm not one to say anything.
I now present to you, the good hip-hop artists we as a collective listen to.
RJD2 - Counseling ft.Mhz/2 More Dead/June/Work/Through The Walls
MF Doom - Deep Fried Frenz/One Beer/Guinnesses Feat.Angelika & 4ize/Kon Queso/Kookies
Handsome Boy Modeling School - The World's Gone Mad/I've Been Thinking/Class System/Rock&Roll (Could never Hip-Hop like this)/The Truth
Buck 65 - Cries A Girl/Wicked And Weird/463
Junkie XL - Zerotonine/Silver Rock Canyon/Catch up to my Step Ft.Solomo/Spirits Ft.Saffron/Crusher Ft.Saffron/Fuusoku City/Solar City/Fight/Legion
K-OS - Heaven Only Knows/Crabbuckit/Superstar Part Zero/B-Boy Stance
Lloyd Banks - On Fire(yeah, that's it)
Outkast - Bombs over Baghdad/The Whole World/Roses
Rehab - It Don't Matter/Crazy People/Hey Fred/Sittin At A Bar/My Addiction/Rattle My Cage/Stormchaser
MC Chris - Fette's Vette(fucking awesome)
Radiohead - Everything in the Wrong Place/Rapperfection/Creep/D.D.T (more, but this is a remix album, ask for song's)
The Streets - Turn The Page/Geezers Need Excitement/Has It Come To This/Same Old Thing/It's Too Late/The Irony Of It All/Weak Become Heroes/Who Dares Wins/Stay Positive/Blinded By The Lights/Fit But You Know It/Dry Your Eyes
Culture Beat - Mr.Vain(no i'm not serious)
Kayne West - Jesus Walks/We Can Make It Better/Through The Wire/All Falls Down ft.Syleena
And that's it, so basically, I just told you to download all this music, or hell, if you're feeling lazy, i'll send you the stuff, i'm that much of a nice guy, so, get downloading, you won't be dissapointed.
If you are man, I don't know, you'll get a refund or your choice of:
5 Zibbudie Babbuhl Bucks to be reedeemed at your local Zibbudie Babbuhl member for various Zibbudie Babbuhl Merchandise, A "Slick" high five from yours truly or one Zibbudie Zabbuhl member will put his voice as your answering machine message.
-Kyle Out
My name is Y2K i'm here to shut your ass down
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl listen to a good amount of rap, well at least 2/3rds of Zibbudie Babbuhl, Andre's musical taste is well, he doesn't have any, I give him music and he listens to it, so, in effect he has my taste in music, which if I might say is tasteful and full of zeal.
But on to my pressing matters, we don't seem like the standard fare of rap fanatics, which to be fair, it's true.
Your Typical "Wigger"

Notice the Fubu clothing and other trends of hip-hop and gangsterism.
A talk with this individual showed nothing more than a love of Tupac, a taste for a KFC and a great understanding of text messaging.
Now, a typical look at your Zibbudie Babbuhl Members.

Myself, the physical comedian and loud weird noise maker, do I look like a gangsta? Maybe

Jemsy or as I call him Shenbobba he is the idea man, the brains behind the operation, the writer, is he a rapper, all packing and such, no. Does he get jiggy with it? Yes.

Andre, he's just there for his "I don't know what's going on look" if he looks like a gangsta, this whole post is null and void, and I should kill myself.
See, were not the typical rapper listeners, there's a reason for this.
We listen to a very different kind of rap and hip hop.
Which is when I come to present you with the point of this fucking post, so you can stop reading, giggle and go apeshit over the words that I write, and I die a little inside.
I suggest to you, the readers, I know we have a few hard rockers in the audience, I don't like the stuff, but I get my jollies off on Kraftwerk so i'm not one to say anything.
I now present to you, the good hip-hop artists we as a collective listen to.
RJD2 - Counseling ft.Mhz/2 More Dead/June/Work/Through The Walls
MF Doom - Deep Fried Frenz/One Beer/Guinnesses Feat.Angelika & 4ize/Kon Queso/Kookies
Handsome Boy Modeling School - The World's Gone Mad/I've Been Thinking/Class System/Rock&Roll (Could never Hip-Hop like this)/The Truth
Buck 65 - Cries A Girl/Wicked And Weird/463
Junkie XL - Zerotonine/Silver Rock Canyon/Catch up to my Step Ft.Solomo/Spirits Ft.Saffron/Crusher Ft.Saffron/Fuusoku City/Solar City/Fight/Legion
K-OS - Heaven Only Knows/Crabbuckit/Superstar Part Zero/B-Boy Stance
Lloyd Banks - On Fire(yeah, that's it)
Outkast - Bombs over Baghdad/The Whole World/Roses
Rehab - It Don't Matter/Crazy People/Hey Fred/Sittin At A Bar/My Addiction/Rattle My Cage/Stormchaser
MC Chris - Fette's Vette(fucking awesome)
Radiohead - Everything in the Wrong Place/Rapperfection/Creep/D.D.T (more, but this is a remix album, ask for song's)
The Streets - Turn The Page/Geezers Need Excitement/Has It Come To This/Same Old Thing/It's Too Late/The Irony Of It All/Weak Become Heroes/Who Dares Wins/Stay Positive/Blinded By The Lights/Fit But You Know It/Dry Your Eyes
Culture Beat - Mr.Vain(no i'm not serious)
Kayne West - Jesus Walks/We Can Make It Better/Through The Wire/All Falls Down ft.Syleena
And that's it, so basically, I just told you to download all this music, or hell, if you're feeling lazy, i'll send you the stuff, i'm that much of a nice guy, so, get downloading, you won't be dissapointed.
If you are man, I don't know, you'll get a refund or your choice of:
5 Zibbudie Babbuhl Bucks to be reedeemed at your local Zibbudie Babbuhl member for various Zibbudie Babbuhl Merchandise, A "Slick" high five from yours truly or one Zibbudie Zabbuhl member will put his voice as your answering machine message.
-Kyle Out
My name is Y2K i'm here to shut your ass down
October 15, 2005
Oh God, why am laugh, does not compute.
Seriously, why is this so funny? (Click for bigger.) We've been laughing at it for three days now. Don't know who made it, but I do know it's funnier than actual Garfield has ever been. "lol Garfield can't stop eatin esp.; lasagna"
And yeah, the DS is pretty bumpin'. Now Kyle and I can talk about dicks and John Leguizamo wirelessly. Games are secondary to firing our pirate signal into the night sky, as always. If you get Animal Crossing, though, let us know; we'll totally crap in your garden and set up signs with the Ghostbusters logo on them.
-Jemsy out
Do it like the Robot to headspin to boogaloo
October 14, 2005
Magic, it's a Babbuhl thing.
As most people who know me personally, they know I play Magic the Gathering, and that when in my hayday I was very good, reaching the nationals, then losing in my first match against a 17 year old from Ontario.
I quit Magic shortly thereafter and played very random games with members of the gaming club(you go Spike, shit yeah) and members of the Babbuhlsquad, but who are we kidding,the Gaming club was my creation along with two other members of the former clan chinchilla, so the gaming club is essentially an extension of the arm of Zibbudie Babbuhl.
In the present, there is a Sealed Deck tournament going on at my favorite forum Penny-Arcade, and yours truly just won his first match, getting back in the Magical groove of Zibbudie Babbuhl!(get it? Magic? ahaha I make myself laugh sometime)
On another note: Jemsy has his DS, the triangle is complete, it took a long arduous journey to get to angrignon and attain the electronic divinity that is the Nintendo DS, but it was done and we are better men for it, you might be seeing DS little comics coming from us at some point, Gif's of our madness induced conversations.
Civilization 3 is taking over the lives of Zibbudie Babbuhl, almost like Skynet slowly taking over all of america's systems, it is taking us into it's folds.
And it is good.
As per a new tradition, I take one word from my post and GIS and post the funniest result, and here you go.

Edit: Yours truly just won his second match, i'm now in the semi-semi-semi-semi-finals. this victory will be for Zibbudie Babbuhl.
-Kyle Out
Mostly though, we at war with ourselves
I quit Magic shortly thereafter and played very random games with members of the gaming club(you go Spike, shit yeah) and members of the Babbuhlsquad, but who are we kidding,the Gaming club was my creation along with two other members of the former clan chinchilla, so the gaming club is essentially an extension of the arm of Zibbudie Babbuhl.
In the present, there is a Sealed Deck tournament going on at my favorite forum Penny-Arcade, and yours truly just won his first match, getting back in the Magical groove of Zibbudie Babbuhl!(get it? Magic? ahaha I make myself laugh sometime)
On another note: Jemsy has his DS, the triangle is complete, it took a long arduous journey to get to angrignon and attain the electronic divinity that is the Nintendo DS, but it was done and we are better men for it, you might be seeing DS little comics coming from us at some point, Gif's of our madness induced conversations.
Civilization 3 is taking over the lives of Zibbudie Babbuhl, almost like Skynet slowly taking over all of america's systems, it is taking us into it's folds.
And it is good.
As per a new tradition, I take one word from my post and GIS and post the funniest result, and here you go.

Edit: Yours truly just won his second match, i'm now in the semi-semi-semi-semi-finals. this victory will be for Zibbudie Babbuhl.
-Kyle Out
Mostly though, we at war with ourselves
October 10, 2005
Zibbudie Video: "Something About Doors"
Do not sift for any deeper meaning. Seriously. There really isn't much to it. We just get a little wacky when left to our own devices.
Now go watch the shit out of this video. Thanks.
October 01, 2005
October/Christmas of the Fall
Yes, ladies and gents, it's October, the greatest single month of the year, why is this you might be asking? Halloween?(All Hallows Eve for my Scottish bretheren)partly, nay, it's my birthday on this glorious month.
October 31st, 1986, 12:13:48 on a Monday, I was conceived into this world of ours, I have with great honor and divine respect for the day of Halloween decided to change the format of the Holiday, it is now known as "The Christmas of October" I will be accepting patronage throughout the month.
Zibbudie Babbuhl will also persue halloween shens during this month, as a sort of theme to celebrate all those pagans out there, Pagans need lovin' too..
They just gotta pay
Edit: I GIS'd Halloween, and this is the totally awesome thing I found first.

-Kyle Out
The sides of the record play, the song that got stuck in my head will always say, you will die by what you live by!
October 31st, 1986, 12:13:48 on a Monday, I was conceived into this world of ours, I have with great honor and divine respect for the day of Halloween decided to change the format of the Holiday, it is now known as "The Christmas of October" I will be accepting patronage throughout the month.
Zibbudie Babbuhl will also persue halloween shens during this month, as a sort of theme to celebrate all those pagans out there, Pagans need lovin' too..
They just gotta pay
Edit: I GIS'd Halloween, and this is the totally awesome thing I found first.

-Kyle Out
The sides of the record play, the song that got stuck in my head will always say, you will die by what you live by!
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