October 22, 2005

SE++ Magic Tournament(Redux)

Yes Zibbudie Babbuhl fans, more news for your insatiable ears.

Yours truly has advanced to the semi-finals of the SE++ tournament, out of originally 16 people there are now 2 in the semi finals and 2 matches yet to be played in the semisemi's(yes i'm aware there are only 8 in that picture, this is because I created the second image after, intended only for the next set of bracket, but originally there were 16 players.)

for a better illustration see below.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I m the one with the Shazam avatar, as you can plainly see, I am in the semi-finals alongside a good pal of mine, "MasterDebater"

Cheer for Zibbudie Babbuhl while you can, I might not make it past this bracket, the giants of SE++ are on the horizon, and i'm not one of them.

-Kyle Out
Pesticides under double D combine the T that's D.D.T

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