I recently traded in my Halo2 game to help with the DS fund, the 3rd member of Zibbudie Babbuhl(Andre) was nice enough to provide his copy of Halo2 for my personal use. The triad was complete, all the pieces were together, it was almost 5 months since my last game of Halo2.
Now, I consider myself to be quite an excellent gamer, i've build quite a reputation on owning/playing every system to exist until the PSP, ive been playing games since I was two, it's what I do, naturally, i'm very good at Halo2 to say otherwise is lying, but this game, this game infuriates me.
Jemsy and I pop into matchmaking, we had one game set in mind, Big Team Battle(BTB) on Relic, our new favorite map, we played for almost five hours, and all we played was coagulation and headlong, with one match in waterworks, two in terminal and one on turf, it was a fucking disgrace, I look back on it and realize what a piece of shit the game is, i'm really dissapointed, I wanted to play a good solid match with jemsy on Relic, and we got slandered with these mediocre maps and mostly games full of douchebags.
Not to say we didn't have a good match, only that is was few and far between, Peskycubsfan(who are you man?) was with us, we rocked the fucking casbah in a few multi-team games.
In closing:
Your traditional GIS word today is: "Douchebags"

-Kyle Out
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