October 01, 2005

October/Christmas of the Fall

Yes, ladies and gents, it's October, the greatest single month of the year, why is this you might be asking? Halloween?(All Hallows Eve for my Scottish bretheren)partly, nay, it's my birthday on this glorious month.

October 31st, 1986, 12:13:48 on a Monday, I was conceived into this world of ours, I have with great honor and divine respect for the day of Halloween decided to change the format of the Holiday, it is now known as "The Christmas of October" I will be accepting patronage throughout the month.

Zibbudie Babbuhl will also persue halloween shens during this month, as a sort of theme to celebrate all those pagans out there, Pagans need lovin' too..

They just gotta pay

Edit: I GIS'd Halloween, and this is the totally awesome thing I found first.

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-Kyle Out
The sides of the record play, the song that got stuck in my head will always say, you will die by what you live by!

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