October 28, 2005

That's right.

We walked around in circles and saw (also heard) some classical music and made loud noises right in each other's face and played Meteos. Kyle was blacking out a lot but we made the most of the time he was conscious. Ding dang old fool needs to get some sleep.

The return to Halo 2 was, in my humble opinion, awesome, despite the lack of Relic. I'm starting to think we imagined Relic from top to bottom; didn't check the map listing, though -- afraid we'd be right, I suppose. But the game does not suck shit and the developers can keep to themselves making more games, thank you very much. Got the bad end of randomization is all.

(You'll have to excuse Kyle. He can't focus his anger on a souless machine or cold hard numbers.)

Played with a dude having no mic who conveyed through text messages that he was indeed the band ZZ Top and his dreams include but are not limited to 99 pancakes. We still don't know who he is, really, in terms of Interweb characters we've come upon, but it doesn't matter too much because we can't be picky when it comes to people willing to put up with our stupidity. The dude stays.

Keeping with Kyle's wacky ploy to include stupid pictures at every conceivable turn, here is an image derived from the term "ZZ Top":

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They're wearing suits and playing guitars and they have beards and they're in the wilderness HOLY SHIT MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE

Until next time, Babbuhl it up.

-Jemsy out
Fuck tha police

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