October 30, 2005

Birthday's and Battlefields

Aye Aye, it's nearing my birthday, many plans have been made, all have fallen through, to be planned next week, Babbuhls will be had, the whole Babbuhlsquad will be united in a bout of near retardness, sounds will be made, jokes unfurled, funny faces done, and no sleep on my part as per standard.

It will be glorious

I bought Battlefield Modern Combat today, me and Jems played the demo quite a bit, and it wasn't as good as it could have been, the game now is totally different, finely polished and masterfully tuned, I love it, Halo2 doesn't shine a candle to this game, it's just, wow, I dunno, wow, hopefully the collective part of Zibbudie Babbuhl will enjoy this game, otherwise, i'll be flying solo for the first time ;//

Well, it's like 3am now, i'm off to work in 9 hours to tell a Bulgarian Girl that it's tradition to receive a kiss a day before ones birthday for good luck(my Bulgarian is a little shakey, but I think I can pull it off), i'll also be making stupid noises, wishing kids happy birthday and making silly faces when they cry, it's the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl, by god, and i'm getting paid for it, it's days like these where I wish there was a God so I could thank him.

Zibbudie Fucking Babbuhl

Today's GIS word is: Battlefield

-Kyle Out
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp

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