October 30, 2005

Zibbudie Babbuhl and Airtime

Zibbudie Babbuhl just had its first major internet play about 2 minutes ago, the door video was played, the people of SA (SomethingAwful) and GBStv are harsh critics, but Zibbudie Babbuhl is now inspired to deliver even better quality good, we now have a massive audience, in one play alone our video got 119 unique viewers, we will be doing more elaborate thought out works to present to SA, we've found a new way to share our comedy and by god we will.

From the IRC chat room:

Kyle "sounds like the afflack duck" and Jemsy's poignant descent into madness is aptly summed up as, "oh noes insane nerd!" And it "would've been better with subtitles." The piece was given a swift "CRAP" rating. I must agree on all counts, save for the duck bit. I think he sounds more like Rusty Coqburge.

Y'ain't seen nothin' yet, goons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's not a crap rating yet. It doesn't even have a rating yet :)