October 10, 2005

Zibbudie Video: "Something About Doors"


Do not sift for any deeper meaning. Seriously. There really isn't much to it. We just get a little wacky when left to our own devices.

Now go watch the shit out of this video. Thanks.


Pat said...

I just...I don't know what to say...

Aside from that being awesome and the reason why I miss being around you guys.

alex icon said...

Fuck, Jems...

That was messed up.

Although my perception of its messed-upness is severely influenced by the difficulty I'm having with coming to terms with your no longer being a fat kid... Where did all the roly-poly pudge go, man?

Are you related, by any chance, to any one of Nicole Richie, DJ AM, Lindsey Lohan, either of the Olsen twins or Allegra Versace?

Just wondering.