Aye, it'll be a new year soon, as everyone is obligated to write somehing about this on their blog, we are no exception here at Zibbudie Babbuhl.
I'm going to make this short and ever so sweet, I can't stand new years.
I did not like this year, 2005, it was garbage in my opinion, I watched more than one person ruin their lives, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Here's to 2006, let's see how humanity fares this time.
On another note:
Zibbudie Babbuhl now has it's own Warhammer 40k "League"
Players include Myself, Andre, Seb and Kendall(and hopefully Jemsy)
The game, is well, another venture, like Heroclix, like well, anything I decide to play and bring everyone on the bandwagon, but this game is expensive as christ, and well, fun as all hell too, we will document the campaigns of Zibbudie Babbuhl as they happen, my Force of the Canadian 5th will see Humanity to victory, that I can assure you.
Also, the contest deadline is rapidly approaching, only another week until it's all over, make sure to finish up soon, remember, a free game of your system choice, free, nadda zip, on us, it's a good prize, I mean, we could just fling crap at you like our monkey ancestors, but what's the fun in that.
-Kyle Out
Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na Singin'
December 31, 2005
December 28, 2005
Christmas Loot
Yes Yes, a christmas loot post, you know it was coming, so sit down, shut up and enjoy it, i'm just kidding, you can leave whenever you want.
i'll start with myself first.
I received the Band of Brothers special DVD set, 6 DVD's of pure awesomeness, I got 50$, which went towards my Imperial Guard Army, and best of all, which I just found out today.
I am now the proud owner of a 1941 M1 Garand and 1938 Colt .45 pistol(and various other weapons) which my grandfather "liberated" from a fallen soldiers in WW2, the things are in damn near perfect condition, just need to find some 30.06 ammo and I can go to a firing range and test the thing out once, then it goes back into the archives, I can't believe I held such a huge piece of history to my family, none of the weapons in the archives were ever taken out, now they're all mine.
Andre to my knowledge got the Ork Codex and 40$ and various things from my family and such, and well, damn near half the food we made for dinner on the 25th so i'd consider that a good haul.
Jemsy got some small stuff as well, 50$ and I think Claudio got him the west side story DVD, which is pretty fucking funny, zing
(Jemsy says: Zing. Zing, indeed.)
People will probably go into more detail by editing the post as they see it, so stay tuned.
Same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time.
i'll start with myself first.
I received the Band of Brothers special DVD set, 6 DVD's of pure awesomeness, I got 50$, which went towards my Imperial Guard Army, and best of all, which I just found out today.
I am now the proud owner of a 1941 M1 Garand and 1938 Colt .45 pistol(and various other weapons) which my grandfather "liberated" from a fallen soldiers in WW2, the things are in damn near perfect condition, just need to find some 30.06 ammo and I can go to a firing range and test the thing out once, then it goes back into the archives, I can't believe I held such a huge piece of history to my family, none of the weapons in the archives were ever taken out, now they're all mine.
Andre to my knowledge got the Ork Codex and 40$ and various things from my family and such, and well, damn near half the food we made for dinner on the 25th so i'd consider that a good haul.
Jemsy got some small stuff as well, 50$ and I think Claudio got him the west side story DVD, which is pretty fucking funny, zing
(Jemsy says: Zing. Zing, indeed.)
People will probably go into more detail by editing the post as they see it, so stay tuned.
Same Zibbudie Babbuhl channel, same Zibbudie Babbuhl time.
December 24, 2005
A Zibbudie Babbuhl Pre-Christmas
Aye it's that time of year again, in just a while it's christmas, there's alot of hoopla going around and the locals are preparing for the yearly venture to church, myself and Andsre, our families go every year, Andre to St.Ignatius of Loyola and my family to St.Monica's(Damn Catholics) we do this every year, I am unsure of Jemsy's customs so he will not be included in this retinue at the moment, he has gone MIA for the past 3 days however, so we may not see a light shedded onto his customs for quite some time.
Suffice it to say, with zest and zeal we will keep the traditions of Zibbudie Babbuhl going even among this holiday, ironically we don't really have any Zibbudie Babbuhl traditions as of yet, so i'll make some up now.
1. At the stroke of midnight those practitioners of the Zibbudie Babbuhl ideaology may perform the Zibbudie Babbuhl dance and song routine, for one verse.
2. Those members of Zibbudie Babbuhl must shelter any homeless chinchillas they come across(pretty chinchilla or otherwise)
3. An offering shall be made to spongebob and his pineapple under the sea, the offering is usually a pizza, delivered at opportune moments.
4. Zibbudie Babbuhl will be said at least once during the day.
5. You must have fun.
Have a Safe and Happy Christmas from Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.
-Kyle Out
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year <3
Suffice it to say, with zest and zeal we will keep the traditions of Zibbudie Babbuhl going even among this holiday, ironically we don't really have any Zibbudie Babbuhl traditions as of yet, so i'll make some up now.
1. At the stroke of midnight those practitioners of the Zibbudie Babbuhl ideaology may perform the Zibbudie Babbuhl dance and song routine, for one verse.
2. Those members of Zibbudie Babbuhl must shelter any homeless chinchillas they come across(pretty chinchilla or otherwise)
3. An offering shall be made to spongebob and his pineapple under the sea, the offering is usually a pizza, delivered at opportune moments.
4. Zibbudie Babbuhl will be said at least once during the day.
5. You must have fun.
Have a Safe and Happy Christmas from Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.
-Kyle Out
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year <3
December 22, 2005
Hell yes Wikipedia, you are invited to my pizza party

-Kyle Out
Her name reminds me of the stars..
I saw diamonds divide..corners of her eye <3
December 21, 2005
It's been a year.
Yeah guys, the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane has been up for a year now, how time flys,we were such a modgepodge of general craziness back then, not to say we aren't still such a modgepodge now, but we are now frighteningly organized and strong when we set our minds to things, i'd like to think that Zibbudie Babbuhl has become a sort of group where you can find intellectuals, humor and a sense of friendship and dedication, we're not paladins of justice or whatnot, but I think we have our heads on our shoulders.
Alot of things happened during the year, and even more has happened within 3 months, some good, mostly bad, but we salvaged from that what we could, and we're still going strong, still thinking of new hijinx and spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl to those who might hear it.
Here's to a new year of Zibbudie Babbuhl
Let's take a look at the members of Zibbudie Babbuhl before the new year starts.



Andre/.../Well, we just call him Andre

Have a good holiday from Zibbudie Babbuhl, enjoy yourselves.
-Kyle Out
Cause the last relationship fucked me up
Got hurt majorly, find it tough to trust <3
Alot of things happened during the year, and even more has happened within 3 months, some good, mostly bad, but we salvaged from that what we could, and we're still going strong, still thinking of new hijinx and spreading the word of Zibbudie Babbuhl to those who might hear it.
Here's to a new year of Zibbudie Babbuhl
Let's take a look at the members of Zibbudie Babbuhl before the new year starts.



Andre/.../Well, we just call him Andre

Have a good holiday from Zibbudie Babbuhl, enjoy yourselves.
-Kyle Out
Cause the last relationship fucked me up
Got hurt majorly, find it tough to trust <3
December 18, 2005
An update
Why hello, wayward travellers.
Zibbudie Babbuhl is sort of going through a roadbump with it's members, Jemsy has had a man poke and prod at his mouth, he is currently tending to wounds, his voice, a grim reminder of the proper ways of dental hygiene.
Andre is sick with the cold/flu, whichever it is, I saw him naught 6 hours past, he looks like hell, sounds like hell, and well, yeah he's not doing too good.
Myself, i'm actually getting out of my bronchitis(I had bronchitis for about 3 months) it feels good to be able to breathe again, I feel quite rejuvenated, i'm still coughing a bit, but hopefully it'll subside sooner or later, doing volunteer work for schools and the military humantarian aid(christmas gifts for the poor)
An update to the contest:
The contest will go as such.
The Lyrics will be sent in to the specified e-mail before 11:59pm January 8th, 2006.
I will personally check the accuracy of the answers and such asap, and confirm any winners.
If there is more than one(1) winner there will be a small questionaire about the history of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's various members, so read up while you still can.(whomever answers the most questions correctly wins)
For the winner they have a choice(s)
We(Zibbudie Babbuhl) meet you at Carrefour Angrignon, we will purchase whatever game for whatever system you choose, you'll be there with us, right on the front lines, we will then as a group, go and eat(place to be determined by various factors) we will take photos and make it into a big post commemorating the first ZBL contest(there will be more)
They're may be 2 ZB members or the whole lane(9 people Evan sadly cannot attend) whomever can attend this event will make a concerned effort to show up.
We simply buy the game and mail it to you with a small letter of thanks or whatnot, maybe a picture of the Lane members signed for idiotic posterity.(This option may be chosen for those who live near us, since you might not want anything to do with a roving band of idiots, for those who are entering from places other than montreal this is the only option we can offer you, we cannot fly u dere due to logistical reasons)
That's about it, Good Luck and take a snoop around for games that might suit your fancy that are coming out within a month.
I personally like the whole going to Carrefour Angrignon, I could use a spicy chickn sandwich.
-Kyle Out
Zibbudie Babbuhl is sort of going through a roadbump with it's members, Jemsy has had a man poke and prod at his mouth, he is currently tending to wounds, his voice, a grim reminder of the proper ways of dental hygiene.
Andre is sick with the cold/flu, whichever it is, I saw him naught 6 hours past, he looks like hell, sounds like hell, and well, yeah he's not doing too good.
Myself, i'm actually getting out of my bronchitis(I had bronchitis for about 3 months) it feels good to be able to breathe again, I feel quite rejuvenated, i'm still coughing a bit, but hopefully it'll subside sooner or later, doing volunteer work for schools and the military humantarian aid(christmas gifts for the poor)
An update to the contest:
The contest will go as such.
The Lyrics will be sent in to the specified e-mail before 11:59pm January 8th, 2006.
I will personally check the accuracy of the answers and such asap, and confirm any winners.
If there is more than one(1) winner there will be a small questionaire about the history of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's various members, so read up while you still can.(whomever answers the most questions correctly wins)
For the winner they have a choice(s)
We(Zibbudie Babbuhl) meet you at Carrefour Angrignon, we will purchase whatever game for whatever system you choose, you'll be there with us, right on the front lines, we will then as a group, go and eat(place to be determined by various factors) we will take photos and make it into a big post commemorating the first ZBL contest(there will be more)
They're may be 2 ZB members or the whole lane(9 people Evan sadly cannot attend) whomever can attend this event will make a concerned effort to show up.
We simply buy the game and mail it to you with a small letter of thanks or whatnot, maybe a picture of the Lane members signed for idiotic posterity.(This option may be chosen for those who live near us, since you might not want anything to do with a roving band of idiots, for those who are entering from places other than montreal this is the only option we can offer you, we cannot fly u dere due to logistical reasons)
That's about it, Good Luck and take a snoop around for games that might suit your fancy that are coming out within a month.
I personally like the whole going to Carrefour Angrignon, I could use a spicy chickn sandwich.
-Kyle Out
December 09, 2005
A Special Contest! Highlight Kyle's wacky taste in music, win a game!
I do not have a long time to talk but here's the skinny, gumshoes!
On almost every one of my posts here on the blog there are random lyrics from songs, i've decided to do something with them.
If you can tell me which song each lyric is from (using whatever means necessary, with the exception of asking a ZBL member) I award you a video game!
I'll offer a hint crimebreakers! if you know my musical taste, it will be much easier to decode, every lyric is from a song I have.
Some more info:
If more than one person gets the lyrics we will have quiz based game over msn at a designated time, questioning your knowledge of Zibbudie Babbuhl, so read up on your history.
I have made a count of my total posts, it is estimated at about 83, now, not all of my posts have lyrics attached to the end of them, so be wary.
The person who wins can choose what system the game will be for, but we will choose the game. Trust in the Babbuhl. We do this shit for a living, honestly. Be sure to tell us which ones you already have, though.
Go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, whatever you like, so long as there is some order and you include the date of the post, the lyric in question, the artist (or artists) and the name of the song. Just keep it neat and get them all.
Today's post, for example: December 9th '05, "I fly a starship across the universe divide", MYSTERY ARTIST - MYSTERY SONG. Painless.
This contest is open to residents of Canada and the U.S., with the exception of those fringe places like Alaska and Hawaii that would be insane to ship to. Don't move there, okay?
Send your submission to zbcontests@gmail.com, pronto. The deadline is Monday, January 9th, 2006 at midnight.
And no, the MC Hammer one below does not count. No lyric after the name, y'know? But today's does.
May the best Babbuhler win!
Last time I play with the font sizes, I promise.
-Kyle and Jems out
I fly a starship across the universe divide
I do not have a long time to talk but here's the skinny, gumshoes!
On almost every one of my posts here on the blog there are random lyrics from songs, i've decided to do something with them.
If you can tell me which song each lyric is from (using whatever means necessary, with the exception of asking a ZBL member) I award you a video game!
I'll offer a hint crimebreakers! if you know my musical taste, it will be much easier to decode, every lyric is from a song I have.
Some more info:
If more than one person gets the lyrics we will have quiz based game over msn at a designated time, questioning your knowledge of Zibbudie Babbuhl, so read up on your history.
I have made a count of my total posts, it is estimated at about 83, now, not all of my posts have lyrics attached to the end of them, so be wary.
The person who wins can choose what system the game will be for, but we will choose the game. Trust in the Babbuhl. We do this shit for a living, honestly. Be sure to tell us which ones you already have, though.
Go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, whatever you like, so long as there is some order and you include the date of the post, the lyric in question, the artist (or artists) and the name of the song. Just keep it neat and get them all.
Today's post, for example: December 9th '05, "I fly a starship across the universe divide", MYSTERY ARTIST - MYSTERY SONG. Painless.
This contest is open to residents of Canada and the U.S., with the exception of those fringe places like Alaska and Hawaii that would be insane to ship to. Don't move there, okay?
Send your submission to zbcontests@gmail.com, pronto. The deadline is Monday, January 9th, 2006 at midnight.
And no, the MC Hammer one below does not count. No lyric after the name, y'know? But today's does.
May the best Babbuhler win!
Last time I play with the font sizes, I promise.
-Kyle and Jems out
I fly a starship across the universe divide
November 25, 2005
ZBL Presents: Best Album Award
We here at the ZBL have decided to make a Best Album award. Why? I dunno. But don't let that stop the good times from rolling.
Everlast - Eat at Whitey's

Well, I'm not a big album person (growing up in the age of digital piracy and all, not to say we endorse illegal activity here at ZBL). The few albums I've purchased were for 1 or 2 songs, with the rest being just filler. However, Eat At Whitey's was the only album I ever enjoyed ALL the songs off of. Think about that. I did, which is why I'm throwing in my vote for Eat At Whitey's by Everlast as Best Album.
Daft Punk - Discovery

Now, i'm no musician, I play the harmonica for good luck(the guy with the harmonica in war movies never dies) but I like to think I know good music when I hear it, and Discovery is it, the album came out in the glorious year of 2000. I was watching MuchMusic one day, and this video came on, "One more time!" is all I hear with it's beautiful beat, I was captivated, the video was music in it's pure incarnate form, colors flashing everywhere, everyone having a great time, it was a day i'll never forget, when Discovery came into my musical spectrum. The whole album tells a wonderful story, treachery, love, happiness, joy, it's simply a wonderful experience listening to the album, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Madvillain - Madvillainy

Madlib's smoky layers upon layers of scratchy samples from a distant era gettin' busy with today's rolling bass lines. A cool, dark, hypnotic, funny, unsettling, stylish comic book brought to life with sound. First hard to hear, then hard to stop hearing. Instrumental interludes that defy genre. MF Doom sustains his high by staring down a cracked mirror over the course of twenty-two short tracks that abandon choruses and cliches. This is rap's space rock.
- Babbuhl-Squad Out
Everlast - Eat at Whitey's

Well, I'm not a big album person (growing up in the age of digital piracy and all, not to say we endorse illegal activity here at ZBL). The few albums I've purchased were for 1 or 2 songs, with the rest being just filler. However, Eat At Whitey's was the only album I ever enjoyed ALL the songs off of. Think about that. I did, which is why I'm throwing in my vote for Eat At Whitey's by Everlast as Best Album.
Daft Punk - Discovery

Now, i'm no musician, I play the harmonica for good luck(the guy with the harmonica in war movies never dies) but I like to think I know good music when I hear it, and Discovery is it, the album came out in the glorious year of 2000. I was watching MuchMusic one day, and this video came on, "One more time!" is all I hear with it's beautiful beat, I was captivated, the video was music in it's pure incarnate form, colors flashing everywhere, everyone having a great time, it was a day i'll never forget, when Discovery came into my musical spectrum. The whole album tells a wonderful story, treachery, love, happiness, joy, it's simply a wonderful experience listening to the album, it will always hold a special place in my heart.
Madvillain - Madvillainy

Madlib's smoky layers upon layers of scratchy samples from a distant era gettin' busy with today's rolling bass lines. A cool, dark, hypnotic, funny, unsettling, stylish comic book brought to life with sound. First hard to hear, then hard to stop hearing. Instrumental interludes that defy genre. MF Doom sustains his high by staring down a cracked mirror over the course of twenty-two short tracks that abandon choruses and cliches. This is rap's space rock.
- Babbuhl-Squad Out
November 24, 2005
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Yes this is a mission
that I'm on taking out the weak
on the microphone
cause I'm hype so don't talk
about the hard hitting hammer
when you can't even
walk on the stage after me
and if you do you're a catastrophe
happens just like that
I rock em all from white to black
OH OH OH Punch it
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
naw no is what I say
when I came to see a show
I look and it's dead dead you know
like a body in the ground
Will your show ever grow
let me know if not the gloves come off
cause you sure ain't hot
it needs work like a car in a wreck
they call me hammer yeah earn my respect
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it
I don't hesitate or wait
before the bell rings I'm out the gate
and rolling out for mine
working so hard for such a long time
in the light, that's here and gone
so pedal to the hammer
while I'm watching the floor
I'm not a king just filling pipe
you dance to the music while I'm on the mic
OH OH OH Here we go
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it
been to a tomb and I'm rolling
a whole new style but the people are holding on
too I move I groove I rap you people's so plain
just plain your ego's so big
that you miss the whole thing
dang my crib the people wanted more
that's why the hammer's in
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
check me out
move it on the floor and get hype
you betta get ready and this is your night
yeah you let em know
the cool the hard the fly *OHHH*
they're in here and it's pumpin'
hammer's gto the speakers
and you know the bass is pumpin'
loud and low it's about that time
so here we go
OH OH OH Punch it
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it

-Kyle Out
Be you Angels?
Nay, we are but MEN!
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Yes this is a mission
that I'm on taking out the weak
on the microphone
cause I'm hype so don't talk
about the hard hitting hammer
when you can't even
walk on the stage after me
and if you do you're a catastrophe
happens just like that
I rock em all from white to black
OH OH OH Punch it
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
naw no is what I say
when I came to see a show
I look and it's dead dead you know
like a body in the ground
Will your show ever grow
let me know if not the gloves come off
cause you sure ain't hot
it needs work like a car in a wreck
they call me hammer yeah earn my respect
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it
I don't hesitate or wait
before the bell rings I'm out the gate
and rolling out for mine
working so hard for such a long time
in the light, that's here and gone
so pedal to the hammer
while I'm watching the floor
I'm not a king just filling pipe
you dance to the music while I'm on the mic
OH OH OH Here we go
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it
been to a tomb and I'm rolling
a whole new style but the people are holding on
too I move I groove I rap you people's so plain
just plain your ego's so big
that you miss the whole thing
dang my crib the people wanted more
that's why the hammer's in
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
check me out
move it on the floor and get hype
you betta get ready and this is your night
yeah you let em know
the cool the hard the fly *OHHH*
they're in here and it's pumpin'
hammer's gto the speakers
and you know the bass is pumpin'
loud and low it's about that time
so here we go
OH OH OH Punch it
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh
Here comes the hammer
Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh Oh-oh oh-oh oh oh
Let's make it smooth huh (repeat 4 X)
Punch it

-Kyle Out
Be you Angels?
Nay, we are but MEN!
November 22, 2005
Zibbudie Babbuhl update
As you may have noticed, none of us at the ZBL have posted much recently, there is no catastrophic problem, we've simply been distracted by our personal vices.
Andre is doing school projects, films, scripts what have you, only today after 2 weeks of what we like to call "Babbuhl Silence" did he call me, only to ask how the last Stargate SG-1 episode went, I answered solemnly,
"Unlike the first episode of season 9, the second episode left a little to be desired, although Claudia Black on SG-1 makes it a good episode by proxy"

This is Claudia Black for you non Farscape/SG-1 watchers
Andre has alot on his plate, and has for a long time, but he still makes time for Babbuhls, albeit few and far between, they are qaulity shens.
Jemsy is also a film student, thus has the same problems as Andre, but he doesn't watch SG-1, which saddens me to no end, we make time for Babbuhls however, Three Kings was watched, were still quoting spike jones to this day.

We Three Kings....be stealin' the gold
Me, well, I'm not a film student, so I don't really have an excuse, i've been really ill however, and well, work takes up a good amount of my time, and well, to my knowledge, I ship off pretty soon, so were getting ready for that over here in my family.

A younger Cpl.Adam, tainted by youth and bravado
Once things settle down a bit we'll get more into the swing of things, until then well, you're just gonna have to sit down and enjoy this slow ride into madness.
-Kyle out
Got the latest Nikes on my feet
The streets merely reflect this bass line and beat
Andre is doing school projects, films, scripts what have you, only today after 2 weeks of what we like to call "Babbuhl Silence" did he call me, only to ask how the last Stargate SG-1 episode went, I answered solemnly,
"Unlike the first episode of season 9, the second episode left a little to be desired, although Claudia Black on SG-1 makes it a good episode by proxy"

This is Claudia Black for you non Farscape/SG-1 watchers
Andre has alot on his plate, and has for a long time, but he still makes time for Babbuhls, albeit few and far between, they are qaulity shens.
Jemsy is also a film student, thus has the same problems as Andre, but he doesn't watch SG-1, which saddens me to no end, we make time for Babbuhls however, Three Kings was watched, were still quoting spike jones to this day.

We Three Kings....be stealin' the gold
Me, well, I'm not a film student, so I don't really have an excuse, i've been really ill however, and well, work takes up a good amount of my time, and well, to my knowledge, I ship off pretty soon, so were getting ready for that over here in my family.

A younger Cpl.Adam, tainted by youth and bravado
Once things settle down a bit we'll get more into the swing of things, until then well, you're just gonna have to sit down and enjoy this slow ride into madness.
-Kyle out
Got the latest Nikes on my feet
The streets merely reflect this bass line and beat
November 18, 2005
Looking to fill a part-time job
Aye, not a ZBL post, but an important one, well at least to our readers, I filled a job in my store already, however, one of the affiliates of my boss is looking for part-time/full time worker(s), it's for an Indian restaurant, for general help, waiting, cleaning, greeting and such, if you're interested, please leave a comment and i'll get back to you, this is essentially a guaranteed job, no interviews no waiting, a job on the spot.
-Kyle Out
-Kyle Out
November 17, 2005
Penny Arcade Forum battles
Yes, you heard right, another contest in Penny Arcade!
after winning the SE++(Social Entropy) Magic tournament, I decided to enroll in the Forum battles, hoping i'm on a proverbial roll, the matches were made, things were said, people have already lost, and my first match is against a very prominent forum vet known only as "The Geek"
Now, unlike me, he has alot of exploitable weaknesses, one of these weaknesses is a veritable affinity for Disney, and all things disney, especially the movie Lilo and Stitch, I plan to exploit this weakness to it's full potential.
My first idea was essentially creating a sort of battlefiueld, dressing myself in full combats and making a mock war, running and shit, all sounds of war in the background, talking to the camera, pondeirng upon my existence and the validity of this senseless conflict, only to hear that the enemy was making it's final rush, have stitch tied to a tree, camera pans on him quickly, as if he were a malignant power, only equaled to the Heilghast, I then rush towards him, and eviscerate him thusly with my trusted Bayonet/Multi-tool.
What do you think?
-Kyle Out
I caught a sucker dyin cause he thought could rhyme
after winning the SE++(Social Entropy) Magic tournament, I decided to enroll in the Forum battles, hoping i'm on a proverbial roll, the matches were made, things were said, people have already lost, and my first match is against a very prominent forum vet known only as "The Geek"
Now, unlike me, he has alot of exploitable weaknesses, one of these weaknesses is a veritable affinity for Disney, and all things disney, especially the movie Lilo and Stitch, I plan to exploit this weakness to it's full potential.
My first idea was essentially creating a sort of battlefiueld, dressing myself in full combats and making a mock war, running and shit, all sounds of war in the background, talking to the camera, pondeirng upon my existence and the validity of this senseless conflict, only to hear that the enemy was making it's final rush, have stitch tied to a tree, camera pans on him quickly, as if he were a malignant power, only equaled to the Heilghast, I then rush towards him, and eviscerate him thusly with my trusted Bayonet/Multi-tool.
What do you think?
-Kyle Out
I caught a sucker dyin cause he thought could rhyme
November 15, 2005
Zibbudie Babbuhl goes to the Army
So, I took my Army physical test today, and a few cool things happened.
I sit down on a bench waiting for this whole shindig to unfurl, i'm pretty damn nervous, I grab at my left wrist, trying to stabilize it, I know there's going to be the hand-grip test, and I know i'm going to fail it, when suddenly I hear a door open.
"Adam!!" I hear, I look up, it's my old friend from Basic, 2lt.Demers, I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, turns out he's deploying alongside the RMR in May for afghanistan, so he's has to do the test, so it's me and him, a former Combat Engineer and a Engineer officer with a bunch of RMR reservists doing a physical test.
we were getting ready to do the running test and we get a visit from one of the Padre's on base, he's in his vestments and such, shaking our hands giving us his blessing, when he strips his vestments off and he's wearing PT gear, the Padre says he's gonna run the PT test with us, and 10$ says he's going to win, we all throw in the money, there's about 120$ sitting on a table, and I could really use 120$.
Now, this Padre was crazy, like, fucking crazy, I don't know why he's a Padre, he could easily be a soldier, he looked about 160lbs, shaved head to the bear of his skin, and a tattoo on the side his head of the Canadian forces emblem.
We all got on our respective starting marks, and the test started, I must have ran for what seemed like an hour, it was actually about 7-8 minutes, I ran 6+ km's, whil I stopped, I looked at the Padre, he was reaching level 13 in the test, without even garnering a sweat, it must be the shaved head, suffice it to say, the Padre came out of that contest 120$ richer, the test official told us that the Padre in question was a champion Canadian Forces: Great Freedom runner, it's like the biggest marathon in all of the Canadian Forces, so the Padre comes back into the room, gives us all our money back, and says to never trust a man of faith, at least where gambling is concerned.
I just thought the whole thing was funny.
GIS for today is: Padre

-Kyle Out
I know what you're feeling now..heartache...
I sit down on a bench waiting for this whole shindig to unfurl, i'm pretty damn nervous, I grab at my left wrist, trying to stabilize it, I know there's going to be the hand-grip test, and I know i'm going to fail it, when suddenly I hear a door open.
"Adam!!" I hear, I look up, it's my old friend from Basic, 2lt.Demers, I haven't seen him in almost 2 years, turns out he's deploying alongside the RMR in May for afghanistan, so he's has to do the test, so it's me and him, a former Combat Engineer and a Engineer officer with a bunch of RMR reservists doing a physical test.
we were getting ready to do the running test and we get a visit from one of the Padre's on base, he's in his vestments and such, shaking our hands giving us his blessing, when he strips his vestments off and he's wearing PT gear, the Padre says he's gonna run the PT test with us, and 10$ says he's going to win, we all throw in the money, there's about 120$ sitting on a table, and I could really use 120$.
Now, this Padre was crazy, like, fucking crazy, I don't know why he's a Padre, he could easily be a soldier, he looked about 160lbs, shaved head to the bear of his skin, and a tattoo on the side his head of the Canadian forces emblem.
We all got on our respective starting marks, and the test started, I must have ran for what seemed like an hour, it was actually about 7-8 minutes, I ran 6+ km's, whil I stopped, I looked at the Padre, he was reaching level 13 in the test, without even garnering a sweat, it must be the shaved head, suffice it to say, the Padre came out of that contest 120$ richer, the test official told us that the Padre in question was a champion Canadian Forces: Great Freedom runner, it's like the biggest marathon in all of the Canadian Forces, so the Padre comes back into the room, gives us all our money back, and says to never trust a man of faith, at least where gambling is concerned.
I just thought the whole thing was funny.
GIS for today is: Padre

-Kyle Out
I know what you're feeling now..heartache...
November 14, 2005
Y'all ain't gon' believe this shit!

From our hearts to yours, Zibbudie Babbuhl's latest feature:
Zibbudie Babbuhl - Tension - Leave it to Zibbudie Babbuhl to fuse noir, the silent film and jazz into something that defeats the purpose of all three.
Open registration ends tomorrow. Give it some love.
November 13, 2005
In an effort to become even more esoteric.

-Kyle Out
Don't talk to me I don't know ya
but this aint tomorrow for now I still love ya
November 10, 2005
Like holding a hairy baby
Today, on our Game & Sammich thursday, myself and Jemsy ventured into Safari to look at various animals, and pretend to pet them through the glass, and name them(the big one is bitey) but...but something magical happened, a woman, whom shalt be named "Melanie" was at the chinchilla cage as I fawned over them, she instinctivly opened the cage, plucked a chinchilla out and handed him to me.
It was so fucking awesome, it was holding a baby, the things are so timid and gentle, they chew at everything, and they're bite is nothing, it's so small and fast, jesus are they fast, very wormy animals, but so lovely and playful.
I named the Chinchilla: Pépé
I am buying one asap.
GIS of the day: Chinchilla

-Kyle Out
But her friend is no where to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
It was so fucking awesome, it was holding a baby, the things are so timid and gentle, they chew at everything, and they're bite is nothing, it's so small and fast, jesus are they fast, very wormy animals, but so lovely and playful.
I named the Chinchilla: Pépé
I am buying one asap.
GIS of the day: Chinchilla

But her friend is no where to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
November 09, 2005
A tribute to: Johnny Cash
Zibbudie Babbuhl likes Mr.Cash, we really do, he's a grade A rockin' dude, one of the best musicians ever, many people odn't like country, which is great(screw you, you make me sick)but what mr.Cash did is beyond country, it's honestly a sound of it's own, Johnny Cash is one of the few artists in which I enjoy all his music, truly a man beyond his time.
He was a rockin' dude.
Your GIS today is none other than Johnny Cash:

-Kyle Out
Many a young maid lost her babbuhls to my trade
He was a rockin' dude.
Your GIS today is none other than Johnny Cash:

Many a young maid lost her babbuhls to my trade
November 08, 2005
A new ritual is born
Myself and Jems, we like games, to satiate our need for games we have to go and buy them, this requires us, going outside, communicating with other human beings, it's hard to not make stupid noises every 6 seconds, it requires a great modicum of self-control, but we manage to gather some civility for at least a 2 minutes exchange of words to tellers and various service-persons of the food industry.
Out of this, we have decided to enact a ritual of terrible evil, which will schism the earth at the very mention of it's name, to that end, we have decided to give the ritual a name which we can use.
I give you:
the ritual is simple, when either of us has the yearning to purchase a game, we swing by angrignon, we buy what we need, and we top the day off with KFC spicy chicken sandwich, it's more elaborate to be certaun, but I cannot give our secrets away to the public, careful planning goes into these excursions, canaries are sent, people die.
But I can tell you our next purchase: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, a military sandbox/simulation game, we've been waiting a while for this to hit the stores, and we pick it up tommorow, and more stuff possibly for me, I have a zellers giftcard to use and more money than I know.
We will take pictures to regale our adventure as always.
You get a special GIS edition today, today's GIS is none other than:
A KFC spicy chicken sandwich

-Kyle Out
Geezers Need Excitement, Common Sense
Out of this, we have decided to enact a ritual of terrible evil, which will schism the earth at the very mention of it's name, to that end, we have decided to give the ritual a name which we can use.
I give you:
the ritual is simple, when either of us has the yearning to purchase a game, we swing by angrignon, we buy what we need, and we top the day off with KFC spicy chicken sandwich, it's more elaborate to be certaun, but I cannot give our secrets away to the public, careful planning goes into these excursions, canaries are sent, people die.
But I can tell you our next purchase: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, a military sandbox/simulation game, we've been waiting a while for this to hit the stores, and we pick it up tommorow, and more stuff possibly for me, I have a zellers giftcard to use and more money than I know.
We will take pictures to regale our adventure as always.
You get a special GIS edition today, today's GIS is none other than:
A KFC spicy chicken sandwich

-Kyle Out
Geezers Need Excitement, Common Sense
November 06, 2005
From Zibbudie Babbuhl to you.

You're a dirty needle, you're in my blood and there's no cure in me.
November 04, 2005
GBStv gets flooded with even more crap! or: Zibbudie Babbuhl's takeover of the Internet proceeds as planned!

Registration is open until the 15th! Take advantage of this crack in the seams by requesting your favourite ZBL shorts until the combined hatred of all involved cause the site's servers to melt into a puddle of silver mush. That's how Rusty would've wanted it.
Two new Babbuhlfilms:
What is Zibbudie Babbuhl? You will instantly know what Zibbudie Babbuhl is upon seeing this clip.
Zibbudie Babbuhl - Evan Meet Evan, an angry kid that lives in a cave on the beach.
Get watchin' and get votin'!
Kyle Edit: all our current videos can be found here.
Zibbudie Babbuhl
-Jemsy out
'Cause dancin's hard work!
Two new Babbuhlfilms:
What is Zibbudie Babbuhl? You will instantly know what Zibbudie Babbuhl is upon seeing this clip.
Zibbudie Babbuhl - Evan Meet Evan, an angry kid that lives in a cave on the beach.
Get watchin' and get votin'!
Kyle Edit: all our current videos can be found here.
Zibbudie Babbuhl
-Jemsy out
'Cause dancin's hard work!
November 03, 2005
Foul pudding and subsequent fills of it.
Yeah, the Babbuhlsquad went back to Halo2 for a while, and it has confirmed what I once believed.
It sucks nut, it really does, I can't physically stand playing it anymore, it makes me ill, the community is the amalgation of every other terrible internet community combined, and i've played some of the worst communities on the planet from CS Beta 1 to UT2000, I can no longer explai nthe evil of this game, it's really taxing.
so all I can say is this.
GIS Image of the day: Matchmaking

-Kyle Out
Deep down inside I know our love will die
It sucks nut, it really does, I can't physically stand playing it anymore, it makes me ill, the community is the amalgation of every other terrible internet community combined, and i've played some of the worst communities on the planet from CS Beta 1 to UT2000, I can no longer explai nthe evil of this game, it's really taxing.
so all I can say is this.
GIS Image of the day: Matchmaking

-Kyle Out
Deep down inside I know our love will die
November 01, 2005
October 31, 2005
October 30, 2005
Zibbudie Babbuhl and Airtime
Zibbudie Babbuhl just had its first major internet play about 2 minutes ago, the door video was played, the people of SA (SomethingAwful) and GBStv are harsh critics, but Zibbudie Babbuhl is now inspired to deliver even better quality good, we now have a massive audience, in one play alone our video got 119 unique viewers, we will be doing more elaborate thought out works to present to SA, we've found a new way to share our comedy and by god we will.
From the IRC chat room:
Kyle "sounds like the afflack duck" and Jemsy's poignant descent into madness is aptly summed up as, "oh noes insane nerd!" And it "would've been better with subtitles." The piece was given a swift "CRAP" rating. I must agree on all counts, save for the duck bit. I think he sounds more like Rusty Coqburge.
Y'ain't seen nothin' yet, goons.
From the IRC chat room:
Kyle "sounds like the afflack duck" and Jemsy's poignant descent into madness is aptly summed up as, "oh noes insane nerd!" And it "would've been better with subtitles." The piece was given a swift "CRAP" rating. I must agree on all counts, save for the duck bit. I think he sounds more like Rusty Coqburge.
Y'ain't seen nothin' yet, goons.
Birthday's and Battlefields
Aye Aye, it's nearing my birthday, many plans have been made, all have fallen through, to be planned next week, Babbuhls will be had, the whole Babbuhlsquad will be united in a bout of near retardness, sounds will be made, jokes unfurled, funny faces done, and no sleep on my part as per standard.
It will be glorious
I bought Battlefield Modern Combat today, me and Jems played the demo quite a bit, and it wasn't as good as it could have been, the game now is totally different, finely polished and masterfully tuned, I love it, Halo2 doesn't shine a candle to this game, it's just, wow, I dunno, wow, hopefully the collective part of Zibbudie Babbuhl will enjoy this game, otherwise, i'll be flying solo for the first time ;//
Well, it's like 3am now, i'm off to work in 9 hours to tell a Bulgarian Girl that it's tradition to receive a kiss a day before ones birthday for good luck(my Bulgarian is a little shakey, but I think I can pull it off), i'll also be making stupid noises, wishing kids happy birthday and making silly faces when they cry, it's the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl, by god, and i'm getting paid for it, it's days like these where I wish there was a God so I could thank him.
Zibbudie Fucking Babbuhl
Today's GIS word is: Battlefield

-Kyle Out
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp
It will be glorious
I bought Battlefield Modern Combat today, me and Jems played the demo quite a bit, and it wasn't as good as it could have been, the game now is totally different, finely polished and masterfully tuned, I love it, Halo2 doesn't shine a candle to this game, it's just, wow, I dunno, wow, hopefully the collective part of Zibbudie Babbuhl will enjoy this game, otherwise, i'll be flying solo for the first time ;//
Well, it's like 3am now, i'm off to work in 9 hours to tell a Bulgarian Girl that it's tradition to receive a kiss a day before ones birthday for good luck(my Bulgarian is a little shakey, but I think I can pull it off), i'll also be making stupid noises, wishing kids happy birthday and making silly faces when they cry, it's the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl, by god, and i'm getting paid for it, it's days like these where I wish there was a God so I could thank him.
Zibbudie Fucking Babbuhl
Today's GIS word is: Battlefield

-Kyle Out
Somebody ordered pancakes I just sip the sizzurp
October 28, 2005
That's right.
We walked around in circles and saw (also heard) some classical music and made loud noises right in each other's face and played Meteos. Kyle was blacking out a lot but we made the most of the time he was conscious. Ding dang old fool needs to get some sleep.
The return to Halo 2 was, in my humble opinion, awesome, despite the lack of Relic. I'm starting to think we imagined Relic from top to bottom; didn't check the map listing, though -- afraid we'd be right, I suppose. But the game does not suck shit and the developers can keep to themselves making more games, thank you very much. Got the bad end of randomization is all.
(You'll have to excuse Kyle. He can't focus his anger on a souless machine or cold hard numbers.)
Played with a dude having no mic who conveyed through text messages that he was indeed the band ZZ Top and his dreams include but are not limited to 99 pancakes. We still don't know who he is, really, in terms of Interweb characters we've come upon, but it doesn't matter too much because we can't be picky when it comes to people willing to put up with our stupidity. The dude stays.
Keeping with Kyle's wacky ploy to include stupid pictures at every conceivable turn, here is an image derived from the term "ZZ Top":
They're wearing suits and playing guitars and they have beards and they're in the wilderness HOLY SHIT MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE
Until next time, Babbuhl it up.
-Jemsy out
Fuck tha police
The return to Halo 2 was, in my humble opinion, awesome, despite the lack of Relic. I'm starting to think we imagined Relic from top to bottom; didn't check the map listing, though -- afraid we'd be right, I suppose. But the game does not suck shit and the developers can keep to themselves making more games, thank you very much. Got the bad end of randomization is all.
(You'll have to excuse Kyle. He can't focus his anger on a souless machine or cold hard numbers.)
Played with a dude having no mic who conveyed through text messages that he was indeed the band ZZ Top and his dreams include but are not limited to 99 pancakes. We still don't know who he is, really, in terms of Interweb characters we've come upon, but it doesn't matter too much because we can't be picky when it comes to people willing to put up with our stupidity. The dude stays.
Keeping with Kyle's wacky ploy to include stupid pictures at every conceivable turn, here is an image derived from the term "ZZ Top":
They're wearing suits and playing guitars and they have beards and they're in the wilderness HOLY SHIT MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE
Until next time, Babbuhl it up.
-Jemsy out
Fuck tha police
Zibbudie Babbuhl had Adventures.
but I haven't slept in about 39 hours, jemsy will tell you at some point.
Halo2 why do you have to make me hit you baby?
Zibbudie Babbuhl was thinking(Zibbudie Babbuhl being myself and Jemsy) "Hey, we bought the Halo2 map-packs, we might as well use them!"
I recently traded in my Halo2 game to help with the DS fund, the 3rd member of Zibbudie Babbuhl(Andre) was nice enough to provide his copy of Halo2 for my personal use. The triad was complete, all the pieces were together, it was almost 5 months since my last game of Halo2.
Now, I consider myself to be quite an excellent gamer, i've build quite a reputation on owning/playing every system to exist until the PSP, ive been playing games since I was two, it's what I do, naturally, i'm very good at Halo2 to say otherwise is lying, but this game, this game infuriates me.
Jemsy and I pop into matchmaking, we had one game set in mind, Big Team Battle(BTB) on Relic, our new favorite map, we played for almost five hours, and all we played was coagulation and headlong, with one match in waterworks, two in terminal and one on turf, it was a fucking disgrace, I look back on it and realize what a piece of shit the game is, i'm really dissapointed, I wanted to play a good solid match with jemsy on Relic, and we got slandered with these mediocre maps and mostly games full of douchebags.
Not to say we didn't have a good match, only that is was few and far between, Peskycubsfan(who are you man?) was with us, we rocked the fucking casbah in a few multi-team games.
In closing:
Your traditional GIS word today is: "Douchebags"

-Kyle Out
I recently traded in my Halo2 game to help with the DS fund, the 3rd member of Zibbudie Babbuhl(Andre) was nice enough to provide his copy of Halo2 for my personal use. The triad was complete, all the pieces were together, it was almost 5 months since my last game of Halo2.
Now, I consider myself to be quite an excellent gamer, i've build quite a reputation on owning/playing every system to exist until the PSP, ive been playing games since I was two, it's what I do, naturally, i'm very good at Halo2 to say otherwise is lying, but this game, this game infuriates me.
Jemsy and I pop into matchmaking, we had one game set in mind, Big Team Battle(BTB) on Relic, our new favorite map, we played for almost five hours, and all we played was coagulation and headlong, with one match in waterworks, two in terminal and one on turf, it was a fucking disgrace, I look back on it and realize what a piece of shit the game is, i'm really dissapointed, I wanted to play a good solid match with jemsy on Relic, and we got slandered with these mediocre maps and mostly games full of douchebags.
Not to say we didn't have a good match, only that is was few and far between, Peskycubsfan(who are you man?) was with us, we rocked the fucking casbah in a few multi-team games.
In closing:
Your traditional GIS word today is: "Douchebags"

-Kyle Out
October 24, 2005
I stumbled upon this a few days ago. Laughed. So did Kyle. We love us some Samuel L. Jackson. ("It'll getch'ya DRUNK.") Click for bigger -- it makes a great desktop.
Like the best fiction, however, it was based in reality. I present to you a sad truth:
Snakes on a Plane.
Here's hoping for the presumed sequel, Snakes on a Plane 2: Planes on a Snake!
Still Lol'in.
Addendum: Production stills. It is real.
Like the best fiction, however, it was based in reality. I present to you a sad truth:
Snakes on a Plane.
Here's hoping for the presumed sequel, Snakes on a Plane 2: Planes on a Snake!
Still Lol'in.
Addendum: Production stills. It is real.
October 22, 2005
SE++ Magic Tournament(Redux)
Yes Zibbudie Babbuhl fans, more news for your insatiable ears.
Yours truly has advanced to the semi-finals of the SE++ tournament, out of originally 16 people there are now 2 in the semi finals and 2 matches yet to be played in the semisemi's(yes i'm aware there are only 8 in that picture, this is because I created the second image after, intended only for the next set of bracket, but originally there were 16 players.)
for a better illustration see below.
I m the one with the Shazam avatar, as you can plainly see, I am in the semi-finals alongside a good pal of mine, "MasterDebater"
Cheer for Zibbudie Babbuhl while you can, I might not make it past this bracket, the giants of SE++ are on the horizon, and i'm not one of them.
-Kyle Out
Pesticides under double D combine the T that's D.D.T
Yours truly has advanced to the semi-finals of the SE++ tournament, out of originally 16 people there are now 2 in the semi finals and 2 matches yet to be played in the semisemi's(yes i'm aware there are only 8 in that picture, this is because I created the second image after, intended only for the next set of bracket, but originally there were 16 players.)
for a better illustration see below.
I m the one with the Shazam avatar, as you can plainly see, I am in the semi-finals alongside a good pal of mine, "MasterDebater"
Cheer for Zibbudie Babbuhl while you can, I might not make it past this bracket, the giants of SE++ are on the horizon, and i'm not one of them.
-Kyle Out
Pesticides under double D combine the T that's D.D.T
October 21, 2005
Rap and Zibbudie Babbuhl
A confusing title eh?
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl listen to a good amount of rap, well at least 2/3rds of Zibbudie Babbuhl, Andre's musical taste is well, he doesn't have any, I give him music and he listens to it, so, in effect he has my taste in music, which if I might say is tasteful and full of zeal.
But on to my pressing matters, we don't seem like the standard fare of rap fanatics, which to be fair, it's true.
Your Typical "Wigger"

Notice the Fubu clothing and other trends of hip-hop and gangsterism.
A talk with this individual showed nothing more than a love of Tupac, a taste for a KFC and a great understanding of text messaging.
Now, a typical look at your Zibbudie Babbuhl Members.

Myself, the physical comedian and loud weird noise maker, do I look like a gangsta? Maybe

Jemsy or as I call him Shenbobba he is the idea man, the brains behind the operation, the writer, is he a rapper, all packing and such, no. Does he get jiggy with it? Yes.

Andre, he's just there for his "I don't know what's going on look" if he looks like a gangsta, this whole post is null and void, and I should kill myself.
See, were not the typical rapper listeners, there's a reason for this.
We listen to a very different kind of rap and hip hop.
Which is when I come to present you with the point of this fucking post, so you can stop reading, giggle and go apeshit over the words that I write, and I die a little inside.
I suggest to you, the readers, I know we have a few hard rockers in the audience, I don't like the stuff, but I get my jollies off on Kraftwerk so i'm not one to say anything.
I now present to you, the good hip-hop artists we as a collective listen to.
RJD2 - Counseling ft.Mhz/2 More Dead/June/Work/Through The Walls
MF Doom - Deep Fried Frenz/One Beer/Guinnesses Feat.Angelika & 4ize/Kon Queso/Kookies
Handsome Boy Modeling School - The World's Gone Mad/I've Been Thinking/Class System/Rock&Roll (Could never Hip-Hop like this)/The Truth
Buck 65 - Cries A Girl/Wicked And Weird/463
Junkie XL - Zerotonine/Silver Rock Canyon/Catch up to my Step Ft.Solomo/Spirits Ft.Saffron/Crusher Ft.Saffron/Fuusoku City/Solar City/Fight/Legion
K-OS - Heaven Only Knows/Crabbuckit/Superstar Part Zero/B-Boy Stance
Lloyd Banks - On Fire(yeah, that's it)
Outkast - Bombs over Baghdad/The Whole World/Roses
Rehab - It Don't Matter/Crazy People/Hey Fred/Sittin At A Bar/My Addiction/Rattle My Cage/Stormchaser
MC Chris - Fette's Vette(fucking awesome)
Radiohead - Everything in the Wrong Place/Rapperfection/Creep/D.D.T (more, but this is a remix album, ask for song's)
The Streets - Turn The Page/Geezers Need Excitement/Has It Come To This/Same Old Thing/It's Too Late/The Irony Of It All/Weak Become Heroes/Who Dares Wins/Stay Positive/Blinded By The Lights/Fit But You Know It/Dry Your Eyes
Culture Beat - Mr.Vain(no i'm not serious)
Kayne West - Jesus Walks/We Can Make It Better/Through The Wire/All Falls Down ft.Syleena
And that's it, so basically, I just told you to download all this music, or hell, if you're feeling lazy, i'll send you the stuff, i'm that much of a nice guy, so, get downloading, you won't be dissapointed.
If you are man, I don't know, you'll get a refund or your choice of:
5 Zibbudie Babbuhl Bucks to be reedeemed at your local Zibbudie Babbuhl member for various Zibbudie Babbuhl Merchandise, A "Slick" high five from yours truly or one Zibbudie Zabbuhl member will put his voice as your answering machine message.
-Kyle Out
My name is Y2K i'm here to shut your ass down
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl listen to a good amount of rap, well at least 2/3rds of Zibbudie Babbuhl, Andre's musical taste is well, he doesn't have any, I give him music and he listens to it, so, in effect he has my taste in music, which if I might say is tasteful and full of zeal.
But on to my pressing matters, we don't seem like the standard fare of rap fanatics, which to be fair, it's true.
Your Typical "Wigger"

Notice the Fubu clothing and other trends of hip-hop and gangsterism.
A talk with this individual showed nothing more than a love of Tupac, a taste for a KFC and a great understanding of text messaging.
Now, a typical look at your Zibbudie Babbuhl Members.

Myself, the physical comedian and loud weird noise maker, do I look like a gangsta? Maybe

Jemsy or as I call him Shenbobba he is the idea man, the brains behind the operation, the writer, is he a rapper, all packing and such, no. Does he get jiggy with it? Yes.

Andre, he's just there for his "I don't know what's going on look" if he looks like a gangsta, this whole post is null and void, and I should kill myself.
See, were not the typical rapper listeners, there's a reason for this.
We listen to a very different kind of rap and hip hop.
Which is when I come to present you with the point of this fucking post, so you can stop reading, giggle and go apeshit over the words that I write, and I die a little inside.
I suggest to you, the readers, I know we have a few hard rockers in the audience, I don't like the stuff, but I get my jollies off on Kraftwerk so i'm not one to say anything.
I now present to you, the good hip-hop artists we as a collective listen to.
RJD2 - Counseling ft.Mhz/2 More Dead/June/Work/Through The Walls
MF Doom - Deep Fried Frenz/One Beer/Guinnesses Feat.Angelika & 4ize/Kon Queso/Kookies
Handsome Boy Modeling School - The World's Gone Mad/I've Been Thinking/Class System/Rock&Roll (Could never Hip-Hop like this)/The Truth
Buck 65 - Cries A Girl/Wicked And Weird/463
Junkie XL - Zerotonine/Silver Rock Canyon/Catch up to my Step Ft.Solomo/Spirits Ft.Saffron/Crusher Ft.Saffron/Fuusoku City/Solar City/Fight/Legion
K-OS - Heaven Only Knows/Crabbuckit/Superstar Part Zero/B-Boy Stance
Lloyd Banks - On Fire(yeah, that's it)
Outkast - Bombs over Baghdad/The Whole World/Roses
Rehab - It Don't Matter/Crazy People/Hey Fred/Sittin At A Bar/My Addiction/Rattle My Cage/Stormchaser
MC Chris - Fette's Vette(fucking awesome)
Radiohead - Everything in the Wrong Place/Rapperfection/Creep/D.D.T (more, but this is a remix album, ask for song's)
The Streets - Turn The Page/Geezers Need Excitement/Has It Come To This/Same Old Thing/It's Too Late/The Irony Of It All/Weak Become Heroes/Who Dares Wins/Stay Positive/Blinded By The Lights/Fit But You Know It/Dry Your Eyes
Culture Beat - Mr.Vain(no i'm not serious)
Kayne West - Jesus Walks/We Can Make It Better/Through The Wire/All Falls Down ft.Syleena
And that's it, so basically, I just told you to download all this music, or hell, if you're feeling lazy, i'll send you the stuff, i'm that much of a nice guy, so, get downloading, you won't be dissapointed.
If you are man, I don't know, you'll get a refund or your choice of:
5 Zibbudie Babbuhl Bucks to be reedeemed at your local Zibbudie Babbuhl member for various Zibbudie Babbuhl Merchandise, A "Slick" high five from yours truly or one Zibbudie Zabbuhl member will put his voice as your answering machine message.
-Kyle Out
My name is Y2K i'm here to shut your ass down
October 15, 2005
Oh God, why am laugh, does not compute.
Seriously, why is this so funny? (Click for bigger.) We've been laughing at it for three days now. Don't know who made it, but I do know it's funnier than actual Garfield has ever been. "lol Garfield can't stop eatin esp.; lasagna"
And yeah, the DS is pretty bumpin'. Now Kyle and I can talk about dicks and John Leguizamo wirelessly. Games are secondary to firing our pirate signal into the night sky, as always. If you get Animal Crossing, though, let us know; we'll totally crap in your garden and set up signs with the Ghostbusters logo on them.
-Jemsy out
Do it like the Robot to headspin to boogaloo
October 14, 2005
Magic, it's a Babbuhl thing.
As most people who know me personally, they know I play Magic the Gathering, and that when in my hayday I was very good, reaching the nationals, then losing in my first match against a 17 year old from Ontario.
I quit Magic shortly thereafter and played very random games with members of the gaming club(you go Spike, shit yeah) and members of the Babbuhlsquad, but who are we kidding,the Gaming club was my creation along with two other members of the former clan chinchilla, so the gaming club is essentially an extension of the arm of Zibbudie Babbuhl.
In the present, there is a Sealed Deck tournament going on at my favorite forum Penny-Arcade, and yours truly just won his first match, getting back in the Magical groove of Zibbudie Babbuhl!(get it? Magic? ahaha I make myself laugh sometime)
On another note: Jemsy has his DS, the triangle is complete, it took a long arduous journey to get to angrignon and attain the electronic divinity that is the Nintendo DS, but it was done and we are better men for it, you might be seeing DS little comics coming from us at some point, Gif's of our madness induced conversations.
Civilization 3 is taking over the lives of Zibbudie Babbuhl, almost like Skynet slowly taking over all of america's systems, it is taking us into it's folds.
And it is good.
As per a new tradition, I take one word from my post and GIS and post the funniest result, and here you go.

Edit: Yours truly just won his second match, i'm now in the semi-semi-semi-semi-finals. this victory will be for Zibbudie Babbuhl.
-Kyle Out
Mostly though, we at war with ourselves
I quit Magic shortly thereafter and played very random games with members of the gaming club(you go Spike, shit yeah) and members of the Babbuhlsquad, but who are we kidding,the Gaming club was my creation along with two other members of the former clan chinchilla, so the gaming club is essentially an extension of the arm of Zibbudie Babbuhl.
In the present, there is a Sealed Deck tournament going on at my favorite forum Penny-Arcade, and yours truly just won his first match, getting back in the Magical groove of Zibbudie Babbuhl!(get it? Magic? ahaha I make myself laugh sometime)
On another note: Jemsy has his DS, the triangle is complete, it took a long arduous journey to get to angrignon and attain the electronic divinity that is the Nintendo DS, but it was done and we are better men for it, you might be seeing DS little comics coming from us at some point, Gif's of our madness induced conversations.
Civilization 3 is taking over the lives of Zibbudie Babbuhl, almost like Skynet slowly taking over all of america's systems, it is taking us into it's folds.
And it is good.
As per a new tradition, I take one word from my post and GIS and post the funniest result, and here you go.

Edit: Yours truly just won his second match, i'm now in the semi-semi-semi-semi-finals. this victory will be for Zibbudie Babbuhl.
-Kyle Out
Mostly though, we at war with ourselves
October 10, 2005
Zibbudie Video: "Something About Doors"
Do not sift for any deeper meaning. Seriously. There really isn't much to it. We just get a little wacky when left to our own devices.
Now go watch the shit out of this video. Thanks.
October 01, 2005
October/Christmas of the Fall
Yes, ladies and gents, it's October, the greatest single month of the year, why is this you might be asking? Halloween?(All Hallows Eve for my Scottish bretheren)partly, nay, it's my birthday on this glorious month.
October 31st, 1986, 12:13:48 on a Monday, I was conceived into this world of ours, I have with great honor and divine respect for the day of Halloween decided to change the format of the Holiday, it is now known as "The Christmas of October" I will be accepting patronage throughout the month.
Zibbudie Babbuhl will also persue halloween shens during this month, as a sort of theme to celebrate all those pagans out there, Pagans need lovin' too..
They just gotta pay
Edit: I GIS'd Halloween, and this is the totally awesome thing I found first.

-Kyle Out
The sides of the record play, the song that got stuck in my head will always say, you will die by what you live by!
October 31st, 1986, 12:13:48 on a Monday, I was conceived into this world of ours, I have with great honor and divine respect for the day of Halloween decided to change the format of the Holiday, it is now known as "The Christmas of October" I will be accepting patronage throughout the month.
Zibbudie Babbuhl will also persue halloween shens during this month, as a sort of theme to celebrate all those pagans out there, Pagans need lovin' too..
They just gotta pay
Edit: I GIS'd Halloween, and this is the totally awesome thing I found first.

-Kyle Out
The sides of the record play, the song that got stuck in my head will always say, you will die by what you live by!
September 30, 2005
Get it?
Because pandas aren't supposed to drive go-karts.
Zibbudie Babbuhl: Breakin' the rules since 199X.
Zibbudie Babbuhl: Breakin' the rules since 199X.
Since we're now an affiliate to Google
Yes, since our recent hmm, contract with the Google Shareholder representatives we at Zibbudie Babbuhl have found new zest and zeal in accordance to our pursuit of total media domination, in this respect, we plan to buckle down and create even more movies, stories and ideas, including more people of Zibbudie Babbuhl.
These ideas range from small stupid projects to actual movies with plots and such, although fear not faithful fan of Zibbudie Babbuhl, we will always stay to our original roots of comedy and internet stupidity, we're just expanding bit by bit what Zibbudie Babbuhl will soon encompass.
Now back to our scheduled programming:

-Kyle Out
"Could that someone be Mack the Knife?"
These ideas range from small stupid projects to actual movies with plots and such, although fear not faithful fan of Zibbudie Babbuhl, we will always stay to our original roots of comedy and internet stupidity, we're just expanding bit by bit what Zibbudie Babbuhl will soon encompass.
Now back to our scheduled programming:

-Kyle Out
"Could that someone be Mack the Knife?"
September 29, 2005
Zibbudie Videos Now LIVE in the Proper Custody of Google Video!

Thank you, Google! Thank you so bad.
(The videos will play in an embedded Flash application, which means no clunkiness or gooey residue on your browser. Damn, those Google people are good.)
September 21, 2005
Zibbudie Babbuhl*4
The Zibbudie Babbuhl crew(Andre, Jems and yours truly) went out most of the day yesterday.
Us three, we're social shut-ins, it's why were such good friends, we all know ths and play off our strengths, going out in the public, the light of day in a group is a foreign concept, we braved the terrible scorching heat to go to Dawson, now a little backstory.
I have what is most commonly reffered to as Polyphobia(Fear of too many things at once) now this isn't a terrible bad thing, but the sheer amount of people in the school, it becomes over-whelming to me, I came very close to having a panic attack.
So we go up to the second floor(?) to get a camera, while i'm making grooves in the floor from my foot stamping up and down and generally just looking down, we get the hell out on my advice.
Andre had to film a short movie, which will be posted here in a short time, we finished that, and retired to Andre's home to eat and basically do whatever we pleased.
This is when I post pictures, and you will not be dissapointed.

Andre snaps his fingers nonchalantly to begin what will become an exciting journey

Making preparations for further movie recording. Movies, Serious Business

Curry, it's what's for dinner

Andre always adds spice to things, it's damn stupid, curry is already spicy, he's putting jalepeno sauce in it, now, I love spice, but I also like to taste my food.

Andre takes the first bite, seemingly unphased by the beef curry, with this in mind, we dig in

Jemsy takes it slow, he is cautious, unerring centre of wisdom in this group of ours

It's a little too hot for jemsy...

...So he goes for the Raita

I take this challenge like I do with every challenge, with a thumbs up and my Captain Marvel Shirt

The pilgrimage from the plate to my mouth is long and arduous, but my beef curry has maintained their faith and came out strong..ONLY TO BE EATEN HULGUHULGU

I Think he likes it

Andre is content with this meal, he is also making me an offer I cannot refuse

Jemsy recovering from the spice bombardment

I ate a little too much, it's different being 137lbs you eat a lot less

Whilst Andre is gone from the room, myself and Jemsy decide to do stupid stuff

And again...

..And again...

If any dermatologists are reading this post right now, can you tell me what's up with my ear? you know, right under the lobe? thanks

Some craziness on my part, my eyes do that twirly thing on command, it's fucking radical

Andre finally walks in the room, in disgust, and well, general apathy
Us three, we're social shut-ins, it's why were such good friends, we all know ths and play off our strengths, going out in the public, the light of day in a group is a foreign concept, we braved the terrible scorching heat to go to Dawson, now a little backstory.
I have what is most commonly reffered to as Polyphobia(Fear of too many things at once) now this isn't a terrible bad thing, but the sheer amount of people in the school, it becomes over-whelming to me, I came very close to having a panic attack.
So we go up to the second floor(?) to get a camera, while i'm making grooves in the floor from my foot stamping up and down and generally just looking down, we get the hell out on my advice.
Andre had to film a short movie, which will be posted here in a short time, we finished that, and retired to Andre's home to eat and basically do whatever we pleased.
This is when I post pictures, and you will not be dissapointed.

Andre snaps his fingers nonchalantly to begin what will become an exciting journey

Making preparations for further movie recording. Movies, Serious Business

Curry, it's what's for dinner

Andre always adds spice to things, it's damn stupid, curry is already spicy, he's putting jalepeno sauce in it, now, I love spice, but I also like to taste my food.

Andre takes the first bite, seemingly unphased by the beef curry, with this in mind, we dig in

Jemsy takes it slow, he is cautious, unerring centre of wisdom in this group of ours

It's a little too hot for jemsy...

...So he goes for the Raita

I take this challenge like I do with every challenge, with a thumbs up and my Captain Marvel Shirt

The pilgrimage from the plate to my mouth is long and arduous, but my beef curry has maintained their faith and came out strong..ONLY TO BE EATEN HULGUHULGU

I Think he likes it

Andre is content with this meal, he is also making me an offer I cannot refuse

Jemsy recovering from the spice bombardment

I ate a little too much, it's different being 137lbs you eat a lot less

Whilst Andre is gone from the room, myself and Jemsy decide to do stupid stuff

And again...

..And again...

If any dermatologists are reading this post right now, can you tell me what's up with my ear? you know, right under the lobe? thanks

Some craziness on my part, my eyes do that twirly thing on command, it's fucking radical

Andre finally walks in the room, in disgust, and well, general apathy

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