December 31, 2006

Christmas loot(gryeah)

It was Christmass a little while ago, I don't need to tell you this but I just did.

With Christmas comes loot. We all like loot, loot is cool it's awesome and best of all.

It's Free

Time to show off our loot.

What I got(i'm first to show since i'm special)

Star Trek: Legacy
The Marvel Encyclopedia
Carnivale: Season 1
Decanter of Swiss Army
And more not pictured
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So share your corporate conquests.

-Kyle out
When you find yourself lying helpless in her arms <3

December 18, 2006

I'm back with new pineapple-slicing-in-mid-air hotness!

As it turns out, I was just deserted by the roadside like a burgundy taffeta bridemaid's dress by Blogger's update. Reports of my leaving/demise/transcendence of physical form were greatly, albeit artistically, exaggerated.

To herald and celebrate my return to the world of posting, I bring you this:

The Miracle Blade III

"It's so sharp it slices a pineapple IN MID-AIR!"

You may have seen this on TV about a decade ago. That's fine. Now you can see it again. SLICING A PINEAPPLE IN MID-AIR! Though, I can't really figure out why...

However, if you ever need to slice a flying pineapple, Chef Tony knows where it's at!

-You got knocked the fuck out!, André out

December 11, 2006

New Hotness

Typing to you guys with some new shit, it's pretty spiffy however..bad news has stuck us at the Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane..

We got a man down.

Andre has left the building...

Oh God Andre....we never knew each other...forsooth..he was a good man..we're going to miss him.

and with that I bring to you...

Ode to picture form
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Powerful stroke of the fork
Food not wasted is not wanted
Africa will never Forget

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Lost to the void
Influence Unerring
Yet complained
For his gut was not full

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Suprise me not
For I am everywhere
Always vigilant
Yet never acting
T'was my curse

God bless you Andre, you made two posts and you'll probably be back in a week, but god-damnit, you're going to be a man down for that period of time

-Kyle out
And nothing else matters <3

December 01, 2006

Bad News

My dad had a minor heart attack from all the steroids, i'll elaborate, but I have to go to work.

November 27, 2006

Let me tell you about my boat

Another update:

My dad is home now, he's been home for a bit I've just been swamped.

he's doing alright considering everything, he's still real fragile and worse off than he's ever been..but that's what getting poison pumped into your veins every week does to you, vapid vile virulent shit that be.

I used to take alot of life for granted, but after leaving the army and going back to being a civilian and seeing what someone just slowly dying does to a family it's really hit me in a profound way, the conflict is from within, not without and we as humanity have to look inwards to find our sense of peace and purpose, it makes you think what we've been fighting for is all worth it.

Of course it always will be..what am I saying.

Oh, and as promised, my boat.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Our theme song?

-Kyle Out
And oh lordy I kissed her again..because she had kisses sweeter than wine <3

November 22, 2006

What's your handle? I need a Zantac, ok and thanks before I blank into anyphylactic shock

Yeah, so just an update on things with my father.

My dad went in Chemo today, as he does every wednesday because you know..if he doesn't he's fuckin' done.

He get everything done(the process takes 8 hours from start to finish) and they give him his last jumper(jumpers are a steroid which is used to accelerate the chemo process)and after a while he has a reaction..which you guessed it.

Anyphylactic Shock.

Now, i'm no doctor, I used to be a medic though and I know that that's easily the second worst shock anyone can deal with. You know all those kids who are deathly allergic to peanuts and when they eat one by accident they start to react and unless they can use their Auto-Injector(epi-pen) they're basically dead.

Yeah, that's what's happening, he has basically swollen up and this is pretty life threatening.

I'm at home right now, holding down the fort for phone calls and stuff but i'll let you guys know what's happening..

And please guys, give a prayer for my dad, I don't want him to die.

-Kyle Out
Hiding lovers just the same as we'll be, we'll be <3

November 19, 2006

Yes, Gears of War is awesome.

Only one thing better than Gears of War and that's Gears of War set to Toto's "Africa."

Big ups to the guy who did so well with such a simple idea. The timing's great.

November 08, 2006

Gears of War is pretty fuckin' nuts

So if FFXII, but shit, Gears of War is fucking crazy, it's bananas on a scale of unknown bananas.


Let me explain Gears of War to you non-babbuhlers(we also call you normies) GOW as we will now call it, is probably the most visceral experience you will have with guns.

The rifle has a fucking chainsaw bayonet and you cut your enemies apart by revving the weapon up as your character cackles maniacally

Those fucker monsters don't know what the fuck..and neither did I the first time I cut him up, it's so fucking awesome, jesus H christ.

Otherwise the game itself is just an excellence of execution perfect in every way, when you face these monsters you get so fucking scared because they're just so much more powerful and vicious than you, you pump your whole magazine into the lowliest of start to reload, but you get nervous and you fuck your reloading up...the weapon jams and he's just rushing you, firing his weapon you say fuck it, you jump over cover, rev your chain saw up and cut his skull apart.

As I said, it's pretty fucking bananas.

Edit: I'm starting my november nanowriter(or maybe continuing an old one) soon.
Edit2: Melissa(my girlfriend) qualified for the nationals in Calgary, she's leaving on monday so wish her luck.

-Kyle out(playing GOW/FFXII)
Don't be afraid, I've a hand for your hand..and i'll love you for a while <3

November 07, 2006

Fall cleaning.

Hello, Internet.

I've wiped this place down a little. No more straggler-code slowing things down with links to sites we don't visit (save Achewood, but it is a given at this point) and films we'd prefer to keep in the past (though can be found with a search or two all the same) and a newly inaugurated set of Xbox Live badges to wildly gesture at the gains we've recently made in next-generation tomfoolery. Should you be both one of the many on this service and one of the few scrolling this unassuming blog-page, do add us as friends. So lonely. Plus you make the front page if you kick our asses, or vice-versa. A modest feat, I assure you. And we could use the material.

Next up: Stirring accounts of chainsaw death in Gears of War, and shuffling Magic cards like it's 1993 in a return to lower-tech means of social marginalization. Also, out-takes from a mostly serious film project to remind us that we can never stop making inappropriate faces, ever.

Zibbudie Babbuhl.

October 29, 2006

Everybody needs somebody....sometimes






We did it, we're back, Zibbudie Babbuhl rocking the fucking house, get this homeslices, we sneak into your house right?...right? and then and then...we go to your computer, we whisper sweet nothings into it's speakers, we make love to it with out words...then...

We hack it's Gibson...We hack it's Gibson so bad

Myself and Jems, we're tech-support super-spies of the Nintendo generation, we say stuff like "dem some rude titties" "why you even got to do a thing" and "we gonna be some scottie pippins up in this bitch"

It's seriously such an awesome triumph, we're finally back with some new flavor flav, some new jive and some new toys.

Pappa's gotta brand new bag baby

In case any of you were wondering, my dad had his surgery for his cancer and everything, it spread to 14 of his nodes and he had them removed, he's doing alright, but there's sitll always that risk where anything can go wrong, overlal though he's doing quite well.

Hey you guys, I might be going to the olympics, i'm not competing but my girlfriend may be and I was invited by the team to come along to give my support, that's pretty god damn cool eh?

-Kyle out
I'm sorry just isn't your lucky day

October 26, 2006

A return to Babbuhls.

It took two Xbox 360s, two copies of Splinter Cell Double Agent, and a bevy of AI-controlled mercenaries. It took resolve. It took lots of neck-snapping and leaping around like Goddamned spider monkeys but "Babbuhl," into our problematic headsets we whispered, and babbuhl we did.

Four files, extracted to perfection in a match within the game's co-op mode. A slam dunk, if you will. Some Shaquille O'Neal type shit. Scotty Pippin' it up in this bitch. You get the idea.

We were just trying to fix their computers. Apparently these particular mercenaries were trained to fire even on tech support. That's why all of their stuff is in disarray. Serves them right. Shouldn't have to sneak and leap and throw smoke grenades just to get rid of some spy-ware.

A rousing game of cat and mouse and begging computers of their secrets. Xbox Live has returned to form before our ill-suited bizarro lens.

September 04, 2006

We aren't dead

We folks are not dead, but rather busy with our respective lives (or facsimilies thereof). So, this post -> placeholder.

I leave you with this.

Buckle your seatbelt. It's the law, and it's a good idea.

Andre out.

July 08, 2006

Hey my droogs.

I'm going to be direct and quick here, i'm not a man to fall under pressure and give up or cry but now my world is somewhat upside down.

My dad, Steven Robert Adam has Cancer of the stomach/intestines, he has been in a large amount of pain for 4 months now and the doctrs have not been able to discern what it was.

He went in for a colonoscopy on friday and it was found that he had a growth so large in his body that a biopsy would prove to be ineffective. He is going to surgery in 2 hours from now.

My dad has nevr given up and never surrendered in his life, he's always been invulnerable, much like superman, and I have no doubt that he won't come out of this just fine.

But prayer is a powerful tool, and God...well he's a powerful dude, so please, just give my dad a prayer for a successful operation and a good recovery, he deserves that much at least.

Thanks Guys
-Kyle Banyon Adam

July 02, 2006

Oh Leo, you Card.

Oh hey true believers, been a while, Zibbudie Babbuhl has been pretty busy, all juke jivin' and shit, we're members of capitalism now, we work full time jobs, we be rollin' in the bling so to speak.

Jems takes care of children, he slowly molds them into the image of Zibbudie Babbuhl, the perfect cover for our fledgling way of life, truly a philosopher king.

I'm a junior underwriter fomr Osborn and Lange, a marine insurance firm, I do endorsements and stuff, I also manage young adults on the cleaning crew and clerical duties.

Like any office there are different kinds of characters.

For instance, there's Melissa an olympic speed skater who was injured and couldn't make it to the last olympics.

There's Thalia who loves Daft Punk almost as much as I do, she took Japanese Literature in Cegep to the dismay of those around her.

There's one special person though, his name is Leo, now words cannot do this man justice, but i'll try.

I once said that if Homosexuality could take a physical manifestation that it would assume the avatar of a person myself and Jems know as "Whitepepper"

Well, if Hippyism and were to take it's own form, Leo would be it without ay doubt in my mind, I would stake my very life on this claim, Leo is stuck in the 60's and 70's in every way possible.

I will try to restate a conversation I had with Leo on thursday during work.

"Hey Leo, long day eh?"
"Oh yeah Kyle, you know, there's just this one file that gets you for hours and hours..."
"Yeah been here for 2 days and i'm already getting that"
"But..but Kyle"

This is where Leo gets very jittery.

"I look out my window and I see this cloud you know"

Leo puts his hands on my shoulders to emphasize a point.

"Then I look back at my file you know, and I realize....when i'm six feet under, that file....that file... it won't be there anymore you know..but...but that cloud will!"
"Well Leo...that's a pretty good way of thinking you know..that's really deep"
"Oh really puts me in a different perspective Kyle."

Leo then sits back down on his chair and eats his spaghetti, whch he calls me in from the kitchen to talk about later.

Leo is truly a character, he is Zibbudie Babbuhl before any of us were even born, truly a philosopher king.

May we someday become like him.

-Kyle Out
Work it work it work it.....never over <3

June 20, 2006

Giving blood(Angel olol!)

After Jems turns 18, were going to give blood, I know who I can count on here, and those who have already expressed interest in coming to give blood.

The plan is pretty simple, we get a good meal going(you must eat before you give blood, or you're really dumb) and we go and give blood.

Some of us may be rejected(my girlfriend and I for instance have useless blood, so they may not take it. But we'll still go) but i'm gonna take a stab(olol in ur vein) that one of our bloodtypes will be useable.

It's for a good cause, and well what's a meal go for nowadays 7 dollars or so?

Pretty good trade for possibly saving a life at least to me.

Leave comments as necessary.

-Kyle Out
The Stage is Set <3

June 13, 2006

I was in the hospital today ;/

Yeah, I was in the hospital from 8am to 4pm, I had something stuck in my vocal cords, they still don't know what it was, but they stuck an apparatus with a camera down my throat and jarred it free, it was bloody murder lemme tell you.

I was awake the whole time, and lemme tell you, I have a very powerful gag reflex, anytihng goes near my tonsils and I throw up, the only aid I had was a freezing agent applied to my tonsils, which didn't work on me, at least not enough ut it was worth being able to breathe at more than 30% efficiency again.

So yeah, tell me about your hospital adventures, because of course, if my day was crappy, yours had to be.

-Kyle out
Ah the fine art of hotel expressionism <3

June 04, 2006

Johnny Quest?!

Anyone remember the original show...or how about the new updated version from 1997?

No..? me either.

I had basically the major collective of Zibbudie Babbuhl at my house yesterday, now, that might not be a huge number considering all things and my room may be a good size for a hulking mass such as myself but 4 people and Marmaduke in one room?


But we pulled it off, myself and Jemshibiddie went to Angrignon to procure new forms of entertainment, I bought Hitman: Blood Money and Jems got Half Life: Episode 1(Freeman turns to the darkside olol)

Let me tell you about Hitman for a moment.

This is you

As stone cold steve austin you venture throughout the greater parts of the world killing marks in which your agency gives to you, how you choose to kill these people is up to you.

One target was a former amusement park director who was drove out of business for setting up one of his ferris wheel's incorrectly and having a major accident killing 36(you are hired by the parents of one of the children who died in the accident) I had to show him the photo of the kid who died before I slayed him with a hammer in the face.

I also shot an opera singer while he was practicing and killed his gay lover by dropping a massive chandelier on his head...all looking like an accident.

It was concurred by both myself and Jems that the game kicked severe ass.

We introduced Zack to brain age and the DS chat function, as per standard abuse of drawing..he drew penis' various penises

"Zack stop drawing penis'"
"So awesome"
"It's peni"
"No man it's penises, no one says peni"

After careful search, Jems you are correct, no one says Peni.

3/4ths of Zibbudie Babbuhl went to the former Reel/Peel pub and shot the shit for about an hour or two, discussing the various allusions that were the existance of man, we also determined that bluechip makes little to no profit past the initial expenses and that the money right now was in sugarcane and corn.

We all went home soon after, I went to see my lady friend at about 1:30 and I then slept in till 4pm.

It was a cool 31 hours.

Some more memorable quotes:
"This shit will be bananas... ;/"
"Hey baby what's your sign?"
"Wrinkly balls"
"You like riddles mang?"

Also, Andre I have read the comics in full detail now, I find the wolverine issue to be lacking in ummph, you know...and the Spiderman one is great, just his new costume sucks alot of dick.

Myself and Jemsy have also began a campaign to play all the great SNES games in parallel, we have begun with Earthbound and we will play side by side, offering each other encouragement and support. We will then play one of the masterpieces of the SNES' existance..Final Fantasy 3, I may even start a screenshot story thingy for FF3 and so on.

-Kyle out
I see you in the crowd I know what you're about <3

June 01, 2006

The Adventures of Deadpool pt.1

Welcome to my new segment.

The Deadpool Adventures.

The title is self explanatory.


-Kyle out
Hey whoa that's my amazon queen <3

May 27, 2006

Wii love you

Zibbudie Babbuhl has pledged it's undying support to many different heathen images:

The Xbox:

-Zibbudie Babbuhl's first foray into unified gaming, we tore it up for a solid 2 years with Halo2 and Splinter Cell,we established my godhood at basically everything that requires a controller during this period(Jems was pretty good too ;/)

Some memorable quotes:
"Who's Nephilimk?! stop sniping us!"
"I like my cookies the old fashioned way"
"you're a pistol bitch Kyle"

Ahh memories, we had a sort of revelation at a point...instead of going fowards nto the industry we decided to go into another realm entirely.

The Nintendo DS:

The purchase of the system came to me in a dream, much like everytihng else I do, I shared this cryptic dream with Jems and we both decided it was a good idea, and well we were suprised on how much fun we could squeeze out of the damn thing.

Games we played:
Animal Crossing:DS
Advance Wars:DS
Mario Kart:DS

and now we play Super Mario Bros:DS.

As much of a hard time I have playing Mario now(Luigi for prez) kicking Jems' ass and taking his stars just proves to be too much of a distraction for me to pass up.

We've always had ol' Elenor and Bessie to back up up though!

(not actually either of our computers)

We played many games on the computer...actually I think it's just one...Jems can correct me on this one..but we only played DoD together..we won the war though, trounced those Nazi's, we learned that our world was not a monotheistic one, we had another lord...and his name was the M1 Carbine. I became a God with that weapon, and all learned to fear me.

One of Jems' old comics is based off one of our old matches on Avalanche, unfortunately the comics are basically sacrosanct and I no longer have it, although someday it would be nice to see the Comic where I end Jems' comic career as a character someday.

We became a feared sight in DoD, angels of death if you would.
M-M-M-M-Monster Kill!(I am aware that i'm not from New York city, that joke is old and overplayed shut up about it)

We still play DoD alot, nothing will ever replace that, there is no greater pleasure than extinguishing the Nazi forces of 1945.


We have a new friend!

The Nintendo Wii!(that's just the controller)

The Wii will bring a revolution in gaming, and Zibbudie Babbuhl will be at the forefront of this wonderous crusade creating the path for others to bask in it's holy radiance.

And now I can actually snipe people!

Uh also I guess we're also playing Warhammer 40k, Jems is reluctant to do so but throws his Orks in harm's way whenever we need him to be there.

May Zibbudie Babbuhl game until the end of existance when my head is placed into a jar and the universe is about to collapse.

-Kyle out
When there's something the neighbourhood..who're you gonna call?

May 25, 2006


Woohoo! i'm back yeah! WOOHOO YEAH!

I had some adventures and revelations.

But i'm not going to tell you guys.

It would blow your fucking minds


Stuff is happening and stuff has happened, my grandfather Charles Hindley is in the hospital for a hip replacement, i'd appreciate a prayer for his swift recovery.

My sister Bailey had dental surgery today, got rid of all her wisdom teeth and she has 19 stitches in her mouth, she cried her little heart out and she's in terrible pain, again a prayer would be appreciated.

Simply be confident that your favorite muse is here to save you all.

I leave you with this sentiment.


-Kyle out
We gotta fight back and start a revolucion

It's starting to feel like summer!

The sun is shining, birds are singing, children laughing.

It's hell on earth.

Bereft of significant employment or academic pursuits, I'm like a ship without a rudder, just kinda floating along. I think this is what being a loser feels like.

What does this have to do with you, the readers? Nothing.


And now for the true purpose of this post:

Like 70's fashion, I have risen from the grave! Small children will run in terror and dogs will bark, for Andre...has...returned!

For good. No jokes. I'm actually here to stay and post regularly.

Next time, on Zibbudie Babbuhl Lane: Mike Myers, Human Chameleon!

May 17, 2006

Established; three things:

1. Kyle picks up what is put down. This kind of mystifies Best Buy employees.

2. He does not have a soul. He has a rotten, empty husk where dreams go to die.

3. If there was ever a muse for stupid, morbid crap, he is it.

If he won't post, I'll post about him.


May 06, 2006


Under the banner of Zibbudie Babbuhl I've crafted another few minutes of zaniness that completely betray the medium of film. It's a big whopper, requiring literally years to even begin to compress, so I'll have to hold an interest check before I get it onto the usual channels. Also I'm wishy-washy about everything I do so here's your chance to tell me to go fuck myself and bring it on anyway.

For what it's worth, the film involves Evan, Claudio, and myself in various states of disarray. Evan beats me with a baseball bat, I yell at Claudio, Claudio fakes his death, I tell Evan he doesn't have a family. Stuff like that. Fun stuff. I quite like how it came out, mostly because it's not just people getting hurt as my description suggests but a little dance between genres on top of excessively dry humour and some attempts at being a little more than a cacaphony of noises.

I will edit this with links to consumption in due time. Just shout out in the comments if you're at all interested. A pulse-check, if you will, for the mostly imaginary ZB community.

Thank you.

Edit: Thank you two.

April 26, 2006

I'm resigning from the Blog

That's right, i'm leaving the blog, I feel as if the whole concept of this blog and every other is inherently flawed.

I'm removing myself from the member list as of immediately, I'm not sure which Direction Jems or Andre will take the ZBL into, but hopefully it's a good one.

I am still a member of ZB, and I will continue to write the story "New Avalon" but I will no longer post here.

I'm sure some may be happy of this occurance, others devastated, oh well, that's life for you.

God Save the Queen

-Kyle... Over and Out
I am immortal
I have inside me blood of kings (Yeah, yeah!)

April 23, 2006

SomethingAwful, you know how to make good pizza.

At SomethingAwful, there's a huge forum, i'm talking like 75'000+ people, and out of that many people there's bound to be some funny goons(goons is the term in which they refer to themselves, myself and Jems are goons) there are alot of Gimmick posters: The Adventures of Jesus, Qqqqq, Jim Hushpup and Game Quoter, stand out as osme of the best gimmicks i've ever seen.

These are a few of the stories from one such gimmick poster known as:
mjq jazz bar

So, I was at work yesterday, and I happened to walk by this guy's desk. I noticed on his computer screen that he had his personal E-mails pulled up. I asked him who he thought he was to do this on company time, and then, he told me that his daughter was sick at home, so he was checking up on her. I then punched his cimputer screen out, and Look him straight in the eye and said, " Who do you think I am? Jerry Lewis? I dont want to hear your sob story, so get back to work before I get you fired." He then said a few cusswords, and then, then He tried to punch me, I blocked it, then , I gave him a swift, round kick to the groin. I asked him if he wanted some more, and he came at me, again, so, I slapped him, then I hip tossed him into the nearest filing cabinent. I looked Over my should at anther worker who was standing near by, and I said...." File him under G..... for garbage." Needless to say, I was quite pleased, because now, that means there one less person in the company for people to look at. All eyes should be on me. I'm a stud.
Me and one of my friends went out today for some dinner so we stopped at a pretty nice restaurant. I don't smoke and most of the time I sit in the non smoking section but I didn't feel like walking to the back of the restaurant today so me and my friend sat at the first table we came to in the smoking section. Since most ppl should be aware that I don't smoke I didn't think I would have any problems. I was wrong. This jerk lit up a cigarette right next to me. I couldn't belive this fat jerk was disrepecting me like this so I turned around and looked him right in the eye and said " you might want to put that out sir..........That is,if you value your health". The guy said a couple of cuss words and told me to go to the non smoking section. Well that did it. I got up went over to the table and said "excuse me sir but you didn't clean your plate", and then I took his plate and bashed him over the head with it. Then his friend that was with him got up and took a swing at me, I ducked it and then gave him a swift round kick to the ribs. I then hip tossed him on the table and then I turned around and looked one of the waiters right in the eye and said "this orders to go" and then I tossed the table with the guy on it a good 14 feet across the room. As me and my friend were storming out the manager apologized to us but I told him it was too late as I would never eat there again.
So I was sitting in the back corner of eat ‘n park a restaurant in the northeastern region and I hear this group of punk kids terrorizing their waitress, and I stumble over there and ask the beautiful lady what the problem seems to be. The kids being the adept punks they are give her a glare that tells her not to talk or else therell be problems but I know better than this and I tell them that if they don’t apologize to this beautiful belle theyre going to have to answer to me. I pull my shades out of my back pocket, slip a comb through my wet hair, and tell them they have 10 seconds to apologize. The leader of the gang a chubby kid tells me to get loss and then throws the peg game on his table at my face. “I pegged you as the wise sort, and I don’t play games!” says I, and I grab a tonfa from the cop sitting at the table next to them and tell them today’s special, punks served sunny side up, with a side of hollandaise. I crack the tonfa over two punk heads, do a roundkick, and then hiptoss the runt of the crew into the pie fridge. “Creamed or Key Limed? ” I ask the cop as he slips me a fiver and gives me a back high five. He tells me Ive done a good job as a citizen, and I kiss the beautiful waitress on the cheek, run my comb through my hair once more and leave the restaurant on my harley.

April 20, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl and roots.

I find that through my own actions Zibbudie Babbuhl has more or less lost touch with it's roots, this is a problem for a multitude of reasons.

Zibbudie Babbuhl is built off of past experiences
We at Zibbudie Babbuhl... every joke every dance and movie is simply a culmination of our past experiences, Jems had a comic, I watched Conan O'Brien religiously, Andre had Bruce Campbell as his lover to be, we took inspiration from our various facilities and we played off our various strengths.

Even before Zibbudie Babbuhl as we know it now was created, we were a larger group and we grew up into what we have now, I miss the presence of many of those people, for whatever reasons they/we have grown apart, they were truly kings and queens among men/women.

Zibbudie Babbuhl is simply a group of friends
In the end, after the dust has settled, the magazines emptied, Zibbudie Babbuhl is just a group of friends doing what they do for shits and giggles, we live life a day at a time, always trying to come up with a new idea to make people laugh, hell to make ourselves laugh.

As much as I want to make Zibbudie Babbuhl into something greater, little did I realize that Zibbudie Babbuhl was something great unto itself, what we perceive as life, and how we will live it is varied, but every members of Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's newly found "Honoraries" is a person of tremendous value, intelligence and of ethical fortitude, I could honestly never pick better friends, and that's all we are in the end, a group of people trying to have a good time.

We stopped playing video games together
When Zibbudie Babbuhl became what it is now, we lost touch wih one of the greatest tenants of our profession: playing video games, what are we without video games?! we're a bunch of god damn silly brutes, video games brings us our professionalism, there and only there we are Gods, I miss the days of picking up a sniper rifle after killing some stupid ass fool in Halo2 and headshotting a whole team and Jems runs into the base to get the flag.

We tried playing other things than Halo2 of course, like DoD:S, and it's holding up amicably, but something is missing, you know, when we all used to go to TCBY one night a week, and go to someone's house and just play soul caliber until 3am.

Now, maybe i'm just a sentimentalist
But these are things I miss, now more than ever, I realize we all have to grow up, even if that's apart from each other, but Zibbudie Babbuhl is probably one of the more defining things in my life, it gives me character and a real je ne sais quoi, with Zibbudie Babbuhl a bunch of misfits who play video games has become a terrific group of people who learns from each other as much as just playing and laughing.

The end of this rant
Zibbudie Babbuhl and it's members have grown alot, more members will come and go as they have been for the past 3 years, we're different people from before and it's showing, for better or worse though, we will remain here at Zibbudie Babbuhl, and we will maintain this bastion.

We will not fall.

-Kyle out
Have you seen her all in gold? like a queen in days of old <3

April 17, 2006

We are changing our format.

(I have just learned my mother reads this blog so we will be changing our format)

Zibbudie Babbuhl will convene at St.Monica's church(sunday of course) at 5am for their weekly church meetings, we will then all go to a waffle house and order 4 pancakes(I know ordering pancakes at a waffle house, how rebel!)no more no less, we don't want to ruin our appetite for lunch, eat them with napkins affixed to our collars and on our laps not to ruin our nice church suits.

We will then go to bible study and revel in how stupendous the lord is and how we all love our respective families.

Everyone will be welcomed to my house so they can enjoy the movie "Passion of Christ" and the video game "Bible Blaster the Ezekiel divination"

See you later chaps!

-Kyle Out
"Reflections of... the way life used to be"

April 04, 2006


No, no not the bible, no, this is different, i've had a fucking stupendous idea, and with that came alot of other ideas that i'm going to try to convey.

I'm terrible at this, so bear with me.

I read Pat's blog every so often, fucking realplayer, man that gets me, and I find that this kid is pouring his heart out all over the internet, over what I can only speculate, but that was some deep shit that will haunt my dreams forever, much like his "Shamble Dance"

But that's not the important part, no, his pouring of heart made me think.

"Wow, as shitty as I think life may be for me, for how many crappy things that have happened to me, i'm pretty fucking well off, as are most of the people on this earth"

(no offense Pat, i'm not saying that's real bad whatever you're going through i'm just using you as a springboard, see because you're a stiff... Ba-zing...sorry.)

It's true when I think about it, many of us are well off, I am, I know it, I may not be great human being, but i'm well off, I have the power to do something, as do alot of people, but why dont we? why don't we do what we can to make the world a better place? is it apathy, distaste for the human race? or is it because we're lazy slobs who couldn't give a shit about his/her fellow man?

Now, I won't pretend to be on some moral highground here, I am by far one of the most cynical and generally assholish person here, some people have witnessed this firsthand and some haven't, for those who haven't, good, you're on the right track.

But what im saying is common sense, giving old clothes to sun youth, giving blood at the blood drives, a dollar a day from 100 people could build wells in other countries and give these people medicine, hell if we're going to be greedy, screw other countries, what about Canada, what about Quebec, we have a massive population of homeless, we have 4 major hospitals full of children and adult alike who need blood to live, children every christmas who don't get a present or even a meal.

I decided i'm going to try to do something about this, but I think for this, i'm gonna need some bodies, or at least some people to reflect ideas off of, this can be a big thing or just donating 20 bucks to sun youth or whatnot every so often.

Contrary to popular belief, our readership is pretty varied, we have a chance to do alot with what we have, I in particular have always been an advocate of donating blood, what if we got a large group together to go and donate blood one day(technically they pay you with cookies and orange juice) then we could do a park outing or something, set up a barbeque have a nice time, saving lives never felt so good has it?

I'm going to try and call a representative of sun youth and the blood banks of montreal and get some information from them, see if I can arrange some things with them.

This is helping your fellow man, and I dunno about you, but I have some major sins to pay off, and it's mighty good time that I get to it.

I'd like to see some participation, this is what I think is a good cause with a chance of success, we'd be helping the world and having a good time while doing it.

Please leave a comment or contact me if you're interested.
(Eric, it's time you paid it forward ;p)

-Kyle Out
I remember when I lost my mind <3

P.S: Yes I really am a huge asshole, that wasn't a joke, many people can attest to this, but I like to think i'm the good kind of asshole


I have spoken to a few people about ideas and possible organizations in which to work with, a few good plans have arisen, Eric suggested an organization which helps the homeless of the greater montreal area, the name escapes my tongue as of present, however, it seems very much a pratical idea as far as everything else goes, and a worthy cause, I will work on contacting them post-haste and proposing this initiative.

I will contact this organization when I speak to Eric once more, I need to get the URL again, seeing as i'm such a forgetful person in my old age.

I doubt we could just throw volunteers at them, many people have things to do and cannot devote themselves to an auxiliarry job, especially one not being paid for, which is understandable, but perhaps we can donate materials, food and clothing and such, and out efforts may not be sent to just one charity or place, donating toys and or money to a hospital for instance.

However, this ia a group effort, i've spread the word to as many people as I could, and I would like all honorary ZB members to offer some degree of participation.

In case we all forgot, all honorary members of the ZBL are as follows.

Andrew(We haven't spoken in a while)
Evan(Who is exempt for obvious reasons)

Word is being spread already, Marionopolis has heard the word. I have my compadre's from the school asking what all the commotion is about and such.

Addendum pt.2

After I spoke to Eric for a very brief time I once again retreived the URL for the organizationin which I think we could best offer our assistance, you see these people very often on the streets of downtown with their large trailers, giving food and other items to the homeless of the greater Montreal area.

The URL is Dans La Rue I will contact a representative when I have a little more time and once I think we understand how we're going to work this plan, we still have some work to do.

People everywhere are hearing about this now, this can be something big and something really worth being proud of, we can change so much with so little.

And that's what Zibbudie Babbuhl is about, community, friendship and brotherhood, comedy aside we're a group of friends, and little else, and that my friends is quite a bit of strength.

Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Addendum Pt.3

We have a good bit of support for this little movement we have now.

However, there is a problem, Dans La Rue is allegedly not within our interests to help, given if what Andy says is true, I find their practices to be mediocre at best, and we can find an organization that we can work with, that we better agree with.

However, I am no charity specialist, I don't know all these charities out here with the exception of the red cross(and that's only because I used to wear one on my uniform)So, I extend to you, members of the Honorary ZB, what should we donate our time to? any suggestions are welcomed, and I will take a look at it, YMCA would be a good one, last one I went into was dilapidate to shit, and they give out things like clothing and use food all the time, so there's an idea.

Also, anyone who would like a shirt, please tell me, and i'll set something up, you might have to pay for them(at cost, so you know, it's just you getting a shirt, but come on who doesn't want one?) but i'll try to see if I can front anything.

If we take initiative we can come up with a very good idea and plan and then execute it, just needs a bit of work.

I must make something very clear

We are not a registered non-profit organization, I would have to collect Tax on anything anyone donates and I would have to issue receipts, I will not do this, and if anyone asks you, we are not a charity organization, we are simply a Charity Drive, we are making aware to many people about a certain plight for one organization.

I cannot make anything official by government standard, it requires me to register us as a non-profit organization which requires me to do many things in which I do not want to do or am incapable of doing.

Keep this in mind.

List of people

Members - Contact these people should you need information or have a suggestion
Kyle Adam(19)(
James Jacobo(17)(
Andre Wallis(18)

Volunteers -
Andrew Canello(20?)
Patrick Balazinski(18) My apologies.
Sebastian Cote(17)
Anthony Zacharawycz(Zack)(19)

A charity has been suggested by Andre's mother Leah, it's called Chez Doris, it's a women's shelter, it takes women and their children in when they have no where else to go.

I cannot even begin to think of a cause that deserves our help more than this, grand potential is wasted on terrible circumstance, if we can alleviate the suffering of one person on this earth, I will be proud of the work we accomplished, and hopefully so will the people of Zibbudie Babbuhl.

Also, for those who can, i'd like to set up a blood drive, I can probably find out the next date for Hema-Quebec for when they set up their kiosk in Carrefour Angrignon, we can go early some day, have a nice breakfast, make it a nice community event and then donate blood, this is for members who are 18 and over of ocurse but others may attend at their discretion.

I'm also thinking of starting a seperate blog so the work of Zibbudie Babbuhl Productions will not be impeded by this quest, I will ponder on this in the next few days, after a good shave.

There will be a planning commitee set up for the various problems we may come across, the body will be the planners and the go to people, I will be a charter member however, and it will be chosen off of interest and capability towards our movement, again I will tihnk of a method once I have a few days to sort everything out.

I'll talk to others about this asap, leave comments as necessary.

I have created a seperate blog the URL is Zibbudie Babbuhl: Charity I strongly advise you add this to your favorites, and visit regularly, I will be updating frequently.

Jems and Patrick, please check your e-mails asap.

Zibbudie Babbuhl will now continue it's regular functions in about 48 hours.

I'd like to wish everyone a happy easter for those who celebrate it, for the rest, uh, love peace and good will?

April 02, 2006

My cat died

Yeah....Small Cat has gone to a better place, he died about 6 hours ago, he went to sleep and just never woke up again, I loved him very much, as did my family, I know it's a little stupid to feel this much for a cat, but he was a member of our family, we had him for about 8 years, he was always friendly, and everyone who came across him always loved him.

Love you little guy

March 30, 2006

Lose it, it means go longer in possession of one's faculties....three fries short of a happy meal......

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March 29, 2006


Kingdom Hearts II is in!

Oh lord yes, the day i've been waiting for for so long, it's finally here, all I need to do is go to angrignon and pick it up, this has turned into the holy grail for me, the game has been in development since the first one came out, and if it's even half as good as the past one, it will be so aweosme no other game will compare.

The old one is probably my favorite game.

I have alot of good(and some bad)memories attached to it, but in spite of that it still remains one of the best games i've ever played, it'ssort of like Discovery to me, no matter what else I listen to, it's still my favorite album.

I am going to play this like a damn fiend, oh lord, please, guide my hand as I fall into hermitage.

-Kyle out
Roses and wine <3

March 27, 2006

I used to like the word Apostasy

I like to talk as many people know, i'm a god damn chatterbox but, I only speak seriously when there's a cause that I believe in or something needs to be done, i'm just like that.

I have a few problems with the Muslim/Islam faith, now, i'm a very big supporter of Cultural Relativism i'm all for other people celebrating their culture, whatever makes you dudes happy over in Bumfuck, Rockingston is fine by me, but I, like the rest of the civilized world has limits, only so much horseshit one can take before they just snap, I think we've hit that point now with the Muslim/Islam faith.

Abdul Rahman was a medical attendant in Peshawar, Pakistan, he conveted to the christian faith while working for a christian non-government group, while his reasons are unknown for his conversion of faith, that is not the point, the man willingly chose to follow a different faith and teaching, own free will and all that jazz, this man is not a terrorist, nor a criminal, he helped many a people, be they his own or others, and now he is being charged with apostasy.

n. pl. a·pos·ta·sies
Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.

Now to my understanding, in the teachings of Muslim, if you leave the faith, you are to be brutally murdered or excommunicate, now, this is what I have a problem with, i'm going to Afghanistan in a while, and these people want our help, they request us to help set up a government, a free nation, a democracy, we sent upwards of 2'100 soldiers to help with this, and they turn their backs around and pull apostasy, quoting the ancient Hadith, I want to know what I and many other soldiers doing up there is worth our time and when bullshit like this pops up, it leaves many of us wondering.

Suffice it to say, the United States and oh my mercy Canada had a shitstorm over this little debacle, and rightly so, last I heard and last I experienced, it isn't a crime to be hypocritical(using Mohammed's definition dictated by the Hadith) and nor is it a crime to convert your faith, be it for whatever reason you like(I knew a man who convert to Judaism for the holidays, once I think about it, that's was pretty smart)

The Taliban government is gone now, we did alot of work to remove it, lives were lost and ruined for the freedom of a country over 4000 miles away.

I think for once George Bush said it best.

"It is deeply troubling that a country we helped liberate would hold a person to account because they chose a particular religion over another"
-President. G.W Bush

As much as you find it sinful and destructive, you don't pull this shit on a man for converting to his faith, especially after we destroyed one of the most tyranical governments since Nazi Germany.

That dog won't hunt monsenior.

-Kyle out
She's got a lover so the lies and the lust is a rush <3

Opening night, people.

php hit counter

March 25, 2006

Puerto Rican experiences relating to and of Zibbudie Babbuhl, One in a Series

Hey, guys. I just got off a plane and finished cleaning cat poop. Here are some fun facts about the island of Puerto Rico!

1. Puerto Rico is an island!

2. The people who live there speak Spanish but it is OK if you want to use English or German or French or something like that. (They don't really mind so long as you do it on your own time.)

3. Nobody knows what snow is, and those who do are pulling your leg to make you feel comfortable.

4. It is not uncommon to wield machetes on the street in broad daylight, with or without any certifiable reason, which to me is totally rad because I don't even know where to buy a machete in Canada or how to use one.

5. The maids do not ask if you did your pee-pee and I think only one or two are named Maria.

6. Shopping centre parking lots are circled by squad cars and watched over by armed guards in towers who are positioned as such to protect you from getting shot in the face and also to keep prices low.

7. There are a few Asians but they are either Japanese business-families on vacation or Puerto Ricans inhabiting a reanimated human vessel.

8. Everybody listens to reggaeton, which has as much to do with reggae as Gilbert Gottfried. It is rap and dance music minus everything I like about rap and dance music.

9. People clap when the plane lands now. And no, there weren't any snakes on it.



So, yes, Zibbudie Babbuhl's back, baby. Say that like Nixon and you are set. You are so set.

- Jems
Zibbudie Babbuhl in Spanish is "Zibbudie Babbuhl."



That's right you candy ass bitches, we're back, all rested up, all rip roaring for shens and shits and giggles, that's right SHITS SHENS AND GIGGLES! 3 FOR FUCKING 1 M I RITE?

In other news, Kingdom Hearts 2 is coming out in about 5 days..Fuck yes I have a full preorder on it and im getting it as soon as it comes out, I will then not speak to anyone for at least 4 days.

Also, as soon as everything is cleared up after my training, i've volunteered for duty in Afghanistan, just thought you dudes and duddettes should know, i'll be all up in Kandahar, translating and directing my company, shit yeah, i'm also getting a transfer to Petawawa Ontario, to the 2nd Mechanized Brigade HQ, at least I have been told I'm getting a transfer there.

Jems will probably make a post sooner or later, keep watching you wacky cats.

-Kyle Out
Deeper love..give me a sign.. <3

March 21, 2006







I still haven't pooped that chicken sandwhich oh man oh Lord LORD

March 19, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl is on vacation

Yes, I have called a vacation for all Zibbudie Babbuhl members, I for one am very busy with a woman from Westmoreland Jamaica, little time to post, little incentive.

Should Jems post, by all means, but this cat is off on an another adventure.

I will leave you with these words for one week.

"You wanna know if they're true or not. The stories about me? Did you ever notice with stories like that, everyone says they heard it from someone who was there. Then when you ask that person, they say they heard it from someone who was there. It's nothing new really. I bet if you went back two thousand years, you'd hear a couple centurions standing around yakking about how Tertius lopped off the heads of some Carthaginian prisoners."

"Well, maybe they kept talking about it because they never heard Tertius deny it."

"Maybe that's because Tertius knew there was some value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman Legion."

March 18, 2006

Ahahah! I am unstoppable!

Yes sir, that's right, Jemsy is leaving in about..22 hours, when he does, you guys are going to get it, I will rip the internet a new asshole, you will be bombarded by pure stupidity, since no one will be able to scold me!




But seriously, Jemsy is leaving for Puerto Rico in less than a day, he's going for I think is a week, all sunshine and lollipops over there, while the rest of Zibbudie Babbuhl has to sit around here in the muck of this cold ass country.

We have discussed implementing Zibbudie Babbuhl into suitcases, but I then reminded Jems that I indeed had claustrophobic tendencies.

In anticipation of this daywe have been creating so many ideas it isn't even funny, we have brutally desecrated the memory of Johnny Cash(even though we love him) CSI: Miami has been brought down to clown antics..NOTHING IS SAFE FROM ZIBBUDIE BABBUHL.

Eric got his prize, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance and the special edition DVD retail value 70.00$

I hope you enjoy the game Eric, from our hearts to yours.



-Kyle out
I want you more than anything in my life <3

March 17, 2006

This is how we roll

The winner of our contest Eric, won a game of our choosing, and it came in today, so we got it with him, since it needed my john handcock.

Eric and I at the food court, Eric is clearly pleased at what is transpiring.

This is why I do not wear hats for those who have inquired.

Eric and his prize, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance with the special edition DVD, WE HATH DELIVERED

See what Zibbudie Babbuhl can do for you?! sign up for the Zibbudie Babbuhl newsletter today!

March 14, 2006

March 13, 2006

Tonight's CSI: Miami Horatioism

Horatio stands outside a court room following a not guilty verdict in the favour of a man accused of murdering his wife. Bald Cop Guy approaches, snapping his cell phone closed.

Bald Cop Guy
: "They just found Melissa Rowe's body. Too bad the verdict's in."
Horatio: (arranging sunglasses) "The verdict may be in--

--but the jury's out."



March 06, 2006

Let me tell you something!

I am very angry and excessivly irritable, coupled by the fact that I am naturally an asshole and a very easily provokable person, this is obviously a bad combination, let me tell you who i'm angry at.

The Canadian Reserves, in specifics, 3rd Field Engineers.

I have been a sapper(that's a demolitions soldier) within that unit for 2 years, and they repay my contribution with negligence of duty.

During my Basic Training almost 3 years ago now, take a month or so, my helmet and other items were stolen from me, a repoort was made, and it was to be taken care of.

I learn 11 days before being shipped off to prelim's that my file is in mass disrepair, tons of paperwork is missing in which my regiment has to provide, nearly all of which they need to write up is missing or erraticaly filled out, I was brought in front of basically a tribunal, in full dress uniform, looking quite dapper.

"As a result, Corporal.Adam(Kyle Banyon) is no longer eligible for this rotation of service, the Corporal will have to wait for another offer until his paperwork is settled"

I screamed at the board, it was negligence, pure and simple, and I requested legal counsel and that I would be pursuing a lawsuit against 3rd Field Engineers and the 34th Brigade for Negligence of Duty and Due Process, and that I would not accept the judgement of the board until a lawyer and chaplain were present, I told them I would not let this happen.

My retinue took a while to arrive, but it was my right for this and as a soldier of Canada it would be given to me, my group conferred that although it was negligence, nothing could be done now, so I accepted the board's decision and left with a bit of tears welling in my eyes, I lost my opportunity to serve again.

I'll tell you guys something, as much as I profess to wanting no violence in my life and everyone should love each other...I love being on the front, being in the dirt, I enjoy the fight, knowing you're doing something with your life, it's something I want to do, but being denied that for the second time to circumstances that just shouldn't be a problem...well it hurts, I just want to put on my uniform, fix up my beret and get on a plane, and fight for the freedom in which every person is entitled to.

But I get shut down because my regiment is negligent, and now they'll have to pay for it, and so do I, i'm stuck here for God knows how long.

Here's to you Canada, you and your shitty reservists.

-Kyle Out
Those sunburned hands I used to hold...

March 04, 2006

I'd like to present you something

I've been playing DoD to vent my anger, and alot of anger I do have, and i've discovered something in which i've discovered almost 3 years ago.

the M1 Carbine is the Lord and our saviour Jesus Christ in a weaponized platform, call me a heathen if you will, but one of my religious freedoms is to worship whatever I deem I have a spiritual connection with, and this is it baby.

Caliber: .30 US Carbine (7.62x33 mm)
Action: Gas operated, rotating bolt
Overall length: 904 mm
Barrel length: 458 mm
Weight: 2.36 kg without magazine
Magazine capacity: 15 or 30 rounds

WW2's finest, and in my hands it's deadly as all christ, Day of Defeat was never such a fun experience, it's a shame that the weapon has been relagated to a support function, however i went 56-24(that's 56 kills and 24 deaths on one map) with only 3 magazines each spawn, oh man oh man, this is so awesome, the carbine used to be my favorite weapon and now it's back with vengeance.

-Kyle out
King of the road

February 28, 2006

This space to be used for military functions

Yessir, after abou a 6 seconds conversation with Jes we have concluded that this place will house my various updates from my BMQ, SQ and MOC training!

You know what this means?

You get to see what a military singles room looks like, a bed, a desk and a cupboard all neatly packaged in a 6x6ft room!


I will document my adventures here so you may all rejoice in their coming, because hell, I can tell you people want to see some of e stuff aobut the army, it's like wondering about a firefighters job, you always just want to step into the station and look at everything, I will give you that oppportunity right here.

For a modest fee of course.

-Kyle Out

February 27, 2006

A babbuhl far far away.

Hey ho loving audience, it's me again, i've been mulling over making a post about my departure, but instead, I decided to chronicle the legendary battles of the Zibbudie Babbuhl Alliance and it's quest to rid the galaxy of the oppressive empire.

I will start by showing one of the many space battles my forces have been engaged in with the empire.

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The fleet is assembled at Atzerri under the command of General Han Solo, it is to strike the Vergasso Asteroid Cluster, the main hub of Empire shipping for materials on this new superweapon, which the latest reports from the bothans have supplied us, many bothans died to supply us with this information, let's make it worth the trouble.

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The Zibbudie Babbuhl fleet hyperspaces into the system under the cover of a nebula to mask their approach, this is going to be a quick raid, destroy the main base to disrupt the Empire's vital shipping routes and then hyperspace out.

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Unfortunately for us the Empire had ample time to set up their defense, they staitoned star destroyers in the immediate vicinity to deter any pirate raids, they would sonn be turning those turber laster batteries on us, the Interdictor cruiser in the background had activated it's Gravity Well Generator to prevent our escape by hyperspace, we had to destroy it.

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The X-Wings have engaged the cruiser to draw it's batteries way from the capital ships and to provide a suicide bomb if needed, the great cruiser looms over the 3 X-wings breaking off to strike again.

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The Interdictor was falling apart from the en masse assault from the ZB fighters, our pilots were brave this day, the turbo laser batteries on that ship would never fire at alliance vessels ever again

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The Corellian Gunboats unleashed a salvo of Concussion Missles finally ending the career of the Interdictor, the alliance could finally being it's calculations for it's hyperspace jump, they had been battered and bruised

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A damaged Imperial Star Destroyer hyperspaced in, no doubt from it's patrols on the outer rim, the Alliance forces caught it by suprise however, the orbital shift had throw small asteroids near it's course, it had to maneouver through them to get to us

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An asteroid crashed into the ship's main power generator, and it shut down, the fleet hyperspaced out, leaving the ship to die in the asteroid field, the alliance has won this day, Babbuhl will be restored to the galaxy.

-Kyle Out
Tell the truth you never wanted me

February 21, 2006

I'm leaving March 13th

Yes that's right, I venture to the great beyond on the 13th of march, i've told a few people, I get the random aww that sucsk, sure I guess it does, but i'm onto life now, I've had to leave for a long time only to be strung along by the military.

As sad as it is, it's also a time for awesomeness, I have no clue where i'm going after it, maybe to another country, maybe staying in Canada, but regardless it'll be something.

The military has been my family for a long time, nearing a decade now, I go with fierce pride and knowledge that I will be in service to my country and it's people, as decadent as some of them may be, I train and fight for you guys, I hope you're proud of me, at least as much as i'm proud of myself.

I've been asked to write out my living will this thursday an such, i've also been hinted that Afghanistan or Bosnia may be the country in which I serve a tour of duty, i'm hoping for Bosnia to be honest, want to work alongside EUFOR

I'll go on a tangent some other time, professing my love and such, but not tonight, I'm tired, and i'm burning up as in a fever.

-Kyle Out
He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright.
He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
You ain't gonna jump no more.

Shooting stuff (redux)

As you may have gathered, Zibbudie Babbuhl tends to incorporate the magic of shooting people in a virtual realm -- it makes a good round-table (or couch-length) game since, you know, everybody like shooting stuff -- and we are in the process of making another step in this realm. A step backwards and a little to the left, but a step nonetheless. Like a group of poker players starting to dabble in acid-filled Super Soakers and gin rummy after years of neglect, we are going to give Half-Life and its associated modifications another spin.

Free to download, fun, less cursing 12-year-olds, and fast in the regard that we can both run it without problems. What it boils down to is little more than shooting people, sure, but we're taking the time and effort to diversify. A bullet is just a bullet until you give it context, you know? Friggin' poets we are.

We'll shoot Nazis in Day of Defeat. (We do this a lot.)

We'll shoot trenchcoat-wearing Uzi-toting action film charicatures in The Specialists. (For the first time in a while, possibly with more of an emphasis on shotguns and stabbing weapons.)

We'll steal scientists and other various human resources in Science & Industry, contributing to a fictional corporation's grasp of science, more often than not by shooting at what gains our competitors have made.

We'll fire upon the living grime of xenoform-infested mining stations adrift in space in Natural Selection, Darwin be damned.

This bloody engine is almost eight years old now. And there is yet life in these modfications, some updated as recently as last month. It boggles the mind. We're essentially pulling amusement out of a technology that has existed as long as Evan, a person who talks and walks and carries intelligent conversations.

We never hated Gabe Newell.


February 15, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl and Islam


Well, Islam has been basically sticking their fingers up their assholes for a while now hasn't it, I mean, taking a look at their historical culture, one would surmise that the religion and it's people are based upon peace, unity and prosperity.

Oh Islam, where have you gone wrong?

Recently, a danish newspaper published drawings of the prophet Mohammed, for those who don't know, Mohammed is essentially the equal of the Lord Jesus Christ to us Christians/Catholics, now, I can understand the whole shouldn't depict the prophet in case of false idolization, we have that too, but to deny the whole planet it's right ot free speech and freedom of the press..all for one religion, while i'm sensitive to religion, I believe people can believe whatever they want, shouldn't the Muslim/Islam world offer the same courtesy?

This is not a one way street guys, respect goes both ways, if you want us to respect your faith I suggest you respect our freedom to parody it, the drawings did not infringe your right to worship your God in any way you see fit, it did not close down your Mosques and persecute you, it was simply a parody.

I see all this support for the violence from several members of the Muslim/Islam world, so I guess everytime a Boondocks comic is posted up, members of the black community will raze a consulate and kill innocent people because they were portrayed in a certain facility in which they do not necessarily prescribe to, that is some sick twisted justice we have going on here.

Look at North America, every single day we have defamations of various religious icons and people, look at the KKK for christ sake, while vast majority of the people on this planet do not agree with them, we have to tolerate them because well it's their freedom to do what they do, as sick as it is, Death Metal bands all over the world are a great example of this, it is their right to express themselves how they choose, do you see the christian world(presently) initiating a great crusade to wipe these people off the face of the planet?

The answer is no, I used crusade as analogy just for this, yes, the christian empire did initiate terrible wars for the holy land, however, this is the past, and we learned from it, while we might not be the most tolerating faith/people on the planet, we decided that this whole crusade to prove that were are the superior religion was wrong and that we should co-exist with out brothers and sisters of the faith(every faith, not just a singular)

Right now the Muslim/Islam world is losing every shred of credibility, you cannot control your people, you cannot allow a cartoon to not initiate you into a bloodbath and trial by fire, you are allowing violence to sterotype you as barbarians, it is your freedom to prescribe to any religion you see fit, but when you call for Jihads and the killing of innocent people it's going too far, especially over a cartoon.

Now, I support Cultural Relativism but this is just getting excessive it's like we can't go for a week without the Muslim/Islam world causing a huge debacle because it was parodied or offended in some inane way.

I am not sterotyping or generalizing, this is simply an observation n the current political situaitons occuring in today's world.

Any comments would be nice on this, your views as such.

I like to hear that i'm not crazy sometimes.

Another Topic

I'm looking for another worker again, i'm leaving soon and I don't want to give my two weeks in, jobs pretty sweet, I just want time to say bye to family, do training and shit, relax a bit before I venture out to the great wonder.

3 hour shifts 5pm-8pm good for students, it's in montreal, I can meet you snywhere and take you there, show you around, train you, i'm pretty desperate here, i'll take anyone at this point.

Leave a comment if interested, thanks.

-Kyle Oizzout.
With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
Of a thousand men who have come and gone

February 14, 2006


Another crazed rant from yours truly I think you guys like this part more than my actual writings, there's some sort of...pseudo honor with these insane ramblings.

I don't want alot of T.V to be honest, most of the shows I loved are long gone, I was a T.V watcher of the 90's all pounding the VCR while it recorded Exo-Squad on my saturday mornings.

But I love this one show, Rescue Me, i'm sure alot of people have watched it, it's an insane show about this particular firefighter department, and these people are just insane in so many ways.

We have Tommy Gsvin the protaganist who lost his best friend and brother on 9/11 and he constantly has visions of grandeur and delusion, he sunk into depression and hi the bottle pretty badly, he seperated form his wife and the only thing he had left was the job, after taking anti-depressents not prescribed for him along with viagra because he couldn't screw her without being drunk, he basically lost his old ways and became a nice guy, only to be kicked off the FDNY hockey team, soon only to fatally injure a police officer on the other team, bringing him back to hs asshole demeanor.

That is just one example of the insanity, I can't do it justice really, it's something that's really genious, like me really, just i'm not Dennis Leary.

Achewood is geting like 10000 times more amazing with every comic, the great outdoor fight has begun, and well, I remember I told Jems if such a contest existed I would sign up in a second, he then told me I would be thrashed like a carpet hanging from a clothesline, dust puttering out and all.

I said no, no way, I could take these guys, they all think a good price for wine is 3 dollars, i'm a tough son of a bitch, all cracking my foot into some dudes asshole for speaking of the sabbatical, pulling a .45 on some stupid fucknut for stepping over the foul line, Kyle Adam doesn't take shit from no one, stupid Thundercunts, they say it can't be done, but i'd rip a guy's whole mid-section apart and then eat at as he cried.

I invited Jems into this posse of mine to be my co-pilot, he politely refused as I told him I could tear a mid-section apart, emphasizing the tearing, I told him he could drive the motor cycle and inform me on what I may be getitng myself into before I bravely step into a 3000 Acre 3000 Men brawl, but i'd nonetheless brave on and win the competition, only to find that I was wounded mortally and dying slowly.

You know what's funny? I can hardly stand pizza, I hate the stuff, but a pizza pocket, that's something else, I live for pizza pockets, damn I could go for one right now.

When I got back fro mthe Parade on friday we did a little mock battle in he westmoutn park, we basically kicked the kids off the football field, gave everyone a rifle and ran at each other, hypothesizing tactics and fanking maneovers, I didn't know what to scream as a battlecry anymore, being a Mechanized Soldier alongside engineers..I thought to myself what would be appropriate..the order for charge was given..people mounted up slowly getitng up from their prone position..

CHIMO! was screamed from the engineers a clear precise cry, I didn't say that, I couldn't anymore I had another unit now, they had to be represented!

VELOX!!!!!!! I yelled with fury, it could be heard from miles away with how loud I screamed, the flanking force was filled with such strength, man it was awesome, I love being a mechanized soldier, my sabre all clanking and such while I was charging, too bad I couldn't unsheathe it, but you know, as a Canadian, I shouldn't be stabbing another Canadian.

I am done now

-Kyle Out

I felt like I had to write something

I'm not feeling great you know, my hands are jittery and I can't calm myself down, I don't know what's wrong with me, I wanted to get rid of some of my energy, I don't know how, I usually just rant in my head or exercise, but that isn't going to cut it right now.

London Underground is a great song, it pretty much sums up the great services of the Underground in a tightly knit package which lasts 1:57m I love it, it's something great.

I've been listening to alot of RJD2 lately, more so than normal, i've been stuck on this one song it's called Work, I don't know why, but it's just caught me by the lip like a fishing hook, hook push it upwards then pull not just tug at the sucker.

I got my sabre last friday, you know, the whole initiation process in the army, i'm a mechanized soldier so we get sabre's all riding by some douche and slicing him across the chest in a macabre fashion, Sirrah, Sirrah.

I asked Jems if he thought the lord jesus christ existed, that came up to a good discussion, we're not exactly the most philosophical of people, but at least we can get a glass of wine a mock of library and velour sitting chairs and pretend to have a fascinating conversation, it went to space, like, outer space, I don't know how, I sort of puttered out real quick, the whole God thing isn't such a great theory anymore.

At Somethingawful we have a thread for posting your favorite combined insults, my favorite you ask?

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt

it just rolls off the tongue, verbatim satin cruton.

I want to do another movie, but i'm not sure what we should do, the stuff we've been coming up with requires an actual budget, but we want to stay cheap and funny, we wanted to do a movie about peole going back to the 90's ala bill and ted, me and Jems would do the whole air guitar sthick and shit, we had a good laugh, but for some reaosn that just didn't get movieng too well.

We need ideas, so in the spirit of Babbuhl i've come to ask you fair readers for ideas, we'll take the best idea and make a movie out of it, it could be a simple premise like

"Dinosaurs doing office work"

and we could take it from there, or we could make it really involved giving us a script or whatnot and hell we'll even involve you in it if you want, you'll be given top honors of course, something along the lines of.

"This Babbuhl could not be possible without ________"

Someone tell me this is not a good idea, come on, this is fucking stupendous, I am a damn genius aren't I?

The answer is yes, yes I am, of course I am, i'm in the Army, I have to be smart, this is simply a natural progression to a different form.

I love being arrogant.

Anyone watch Rescue Me? that show is tits on glass, I'm looking for the theme song, anyone know?

Didn't think so.

You know what's good?


Shit's delicious, you can put anytihng in it, nd slap it over some rice and it will taste great, cheap if you make it yourself too, I could go for some curry right now, or some scrambled eggs, or something, jesus i dunno, i'm hungry, I haven't eaten in almost 2 days now, I think i'm going slowly crazy, oh well.

No rest for the wicked they say, and well, i'm a very wicked person.

Well you guys have had enough of me being crazy and somewhat depressed so i'll take my leave.

Edit- Thank you Eric, God bless you.

-Kyle out
I know who you are, but what am I?

February 06, 2006


Why hello wayward travellers, I am here again to spread my infinite wisdom to you, as moses proclaims his 10 commandments, so shall I(sans tablet and burning bush)

Zibbudie Babbuhl had it's very first WH40k battle, it was essentially Jemsy and Andre versus yours truly, the forces looked like this.

HQ Squad
Squad of Karskins
A platoon of Guardsmen
(I had over 62 men)

12 Chaos Space Marines

A fuckload of Orks

I know it looks heavily weighted in my favor, but in actuality, Andre had almost triple the point value fielded than I did(so nyahh)

The highlights were my 69 shots against Andre's already dwindled marines, he soon succumed to the Canadians, Jemsy attacked my Karskins and HQ squad, his orks soon fell, he took out quite a few though, about 9 of my elite troops, which is hard to do, Andre sadly, did not even get off a shot.

Jemsy has subsequently chose his side, he will be playing the Orks, all rushing into battle, knocking their skulls together.

I have also purchased Civilization4, wow, is it ever different, I owned the world as the romans on more than one occasion, then as the russians twice, the game is really somrthing special, best 69.99 I ever spent.

It's too bad, there's so much to buy, but so much to save for, Valentine's day is coming, have to save for that bugger, it's too bad, I wanted to buy Black this week.

Alas, it will have to wait.

-Kyle out
But there's something about us, I want to say,
Cause there's something between us anyway <3

February 02, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl goes back to school?

That's right faithful readers, Kyle Banyon Adam(me) may yet grace the halls of an academic institution once again(outside of the military)

In order to keep my options fresh and varied i've considered going to Vanier to learn a little somethin' somethin' and or becoming a firefighter in this fire infested city of ours, which would require me to go to an academy in Laval.

The military is still a big option for me though, Just well, the conservative government scares me, and well, I don't wanna die clutching a Canadian flag, all saying "Tell her I love her" then nodding off solemnly, I wanna go with with a bang "Der Adler ist gelantet" or somesuch(*cough* the pizza), I wanna be an educated man, more so than I already am.

Also. in other news, Zibbudie Babbuhl has fully infested Somethingawful, we have begun a great plot, we wre show them our ways and convert them slowly, they will see the light of Zibbudie Babbuhl....or else(this means I now have a forum account there and I can read the cooking forum because i like to cook)

I might be going to OCS! as in Officer Candidate School, to become a Second Leftenant in the army, oh god yes.

-Kyle Out
I feel right
The music sounds better with you <3

January 28, 2006

Zibbudie Babbuhl Plans(that never made it)

Yes, as you may know, us 3 at ZB, we're chock full of ideas, promises and hopes for the future, truthfully, we're full of empty promises, pessimistic ideaologies and we just re-use old tired gags, yes, it's true, but that doesn't make us less funny, no siree bob.

Let's take a few looks at the plans in which Zibbudie Babbuhl came up with yet never left it's beta stages.

1) The Zibbudie Babbuhl Movie:

Yes, we had the idea to incorporate basically every Zibudie Babbuhl moment ever in one single film, we soon realized after spouting our ideas on Halo2 that this movie would simply be too awesome to show to the general public.

Imagine it, every Zibbudie Babbuhl moment in one film, over and over, greatness portent, we were afraid it would destroy the foundations the catholic church had lay over 700 years ago, we've kept this idea in the proverbial safe, never to be unveiled fully....

In actuality, the movie wold have been way too long, we needed sets that we didn't have access to, we required more people than we could manage, especially since back then, we were a 2 man wrecking crew who shot virtual avatar's and little more, and well, the expense of batteries would have bankrupted us, fucking bankrupted us.

2.Zibbudie Babbuhl DVD Commentary:

We decided on the movie and everything, but Jemsy and I just ook a deep look into this idea and just realized it would be us making stupid noises and referencing other jokes from other movies(you a docta) for about an hour and 14 minutes, not being sadists, we decided that this idea was folly, it was a flawed piece of crap from the start, the idea isn't scrapped, but man, it would be a cold day in hell when it comes out.

The movie was Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle if you were wondering, I wanted to do Collateral, but that movie was actually really good, didn't want to ruin it.

3. Zibbudie Babbuhl Music Parody:

Jems and I like music, it's awesome stuff, we also like much of the same music, ot' odd, but the mixture of RJD2, Pépé Deluxe, and MF Doom does something to makes them totally awesome we also like making jokes about things, as any amateur comedian would, when the idea of parodying music came along, we took it with zeal, Fire soon cameout, struck the nation in a cacaphony of ultrasound 101 it was a smash hit, but we went too far...

Our next parody was the of Golden Earring - Radar Love, now, I love this song, who doesn't it's just pure awesomeness disytilled into song form, you cannot tell any person to listen to this song and expect them to not like it, so we thought what better song to do?!

We Were Wrong..

The intricasies of the song are subtle and difficult to master, impossible to recreate, our minds were blown as Jems struck his Ukelele and I hummed that harmonica, we tried our hardest to recreate hgat wonderful sound, but it was just out of our world, you crreare the most beautiful art, only to blind everyone on the planet...tis a shame really.

After a while the idea represented itself once more, through Highwaymen a staple around these parts as all three members here like Johnny Cash's music, and since Senor Cash is in the Highwaymen, we like them by default, but we thought parodying a song of some of the greatest country music signers would be quite disrespectful seeing as we liked the song so much, and that we should stick to the crappy stuff we hate.

Hands were shook promises made, Highwaymen remains out of the grasp of Zibbudie Babbuhl to this day.

That's all I guess, we were stupid enough to do everything else our sick minds thought of, true heroes of this era I tell you.

-Kyle Out
Now every day I been listening to "Love Supreme"
I mean I've fallen in deep like a submarine

January 21, 2006

A bold new look, same great taste.

Yes, we have a new look here at the ZBL. some of you may like it, most of you may not, but who cares? your opinions are irrelevant anyway, I mean, who could compare to Jemsy's genius in graphic design? no one I tell you so, you're stuck with the new hotness.

On to various news sources:

I have tried the Black demo, and holy god, that game is going to be tits on glass x 4, too bad it will never see the light of multiplayer, tis a shame really, the action is so furious, god damn, all hiding behind a car, 7.62mm round flailing at it, taking off the doors and windows, bullets going thorugh the cover, as I pop up "ra-tat-tat-ta-ta and all the terrorists scatter" essentially all the environment can be destroyed in some way, I actually shot the floor under some dude and he plummeted to his death, it was glorious.

Also WE WON WORLD WAR 2, SHIT YEAH BITCHES myself and Jemsy have initiated a campaign of utter destruction of the German Wehrmacht of 1945, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the zenith of Nazi killing, all screaming into the mic, "JEMSY I NEED SUPPRESSING FIRE ON THAT MG!" only to hear a timid "Zibbudie Babbuhl" as Jems threw a grenade and destroyed te entire position, I then charge with my men,obliterating any other resistance with the hallowed Tommy Gun, it's a beautiful thing.

We also play Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf now, unlike that last mechassault, this game is actually fun, it looks great, shit is more balanced, more strategy, however, we suck dick at the game currently, the game requires such a different thought process, although I will always cherish the moment I mechjacked Jemsy, I entered the last of the wonderous code, 1 second..2 second! and Jemsy's pilot pod careened through his cockpit, a victory for Kyle.

Zibbudie Babbuhl seems to be moving itself along the internet very nicely, we're seepng into every nook and cranny, delivering the word of Babbuhl, it's something I have always dreamed to see, and it's happening now, so very nicely, and well, wouthout vilence, I thought I was gonna have to tie a few people to a chair and cut off a few ears scream into the discombobulated ear "ZIBBUDIE BABBUHL PRINCESS" show those non-believers..

I have some friends i'd like you to meet!

The Canadian 5th Army

Image hosting by Photobucket
Image hosting by Photobucket

Those are my WH40k figures, that's just one platoon, I have a second platoon a tank my command squad and my JTF2, Velox Foxtrot.

January 19, 2006

My current favourite joke.

A cab driver and his passenger sitting in the back seat are idling in an alleyway as they wait for a third party.

The passenger tries to liven up the polite conversation by asking about the driver's taste in music after he makes a comment in passing about the oldies station.

The passenger asks the driver if he's heard of the Rat Pack. The driver, contorting to meet his passenger's gaze, shakes his head no. The passenger is stunned.

"Frank Sinatra? Ever heard of him?" The driver again shakes his head no, looking as if he's done something wrong.

Incredelous, the passenger then asks with a great urgency,"What about Sammy Davis Jr.!?" The driver, yet again, shakes his head no, at this point wide-eyed and jittery.

The passenger looks around, not believing what he's hearing. He finally asks the driver, "Then who have you heard of?"

The driver looks at him for a moment, and once the silence grows pregnant, begins to stare intently. He speaks gravely:


At the moment his mouth pops open, a portly clown clad in white and black falls from the adjacent building, howling a single note before he rips into the hood of the car with a tremendous crashing sound.

January 16, 2006

You are playing a game now, a game of wits, a game of secrecy, it does exist, but it can never be spoken about.

The rules are here.

Good luck.

January 15, 2006

And Babbuhl they did.

DA-NANA-NANA (Andre, looking for an exit.)

DA-NANA-NANA (This is Eric, a cool dude.)

DA-NA-NA-NA-NANA (Kyle, cookin' up a-somethin'. I asked him what and he said my demise and then started laughing so hard he began to cough.)



We met, we talked, we bought, we laughed, we ate, we saw chinchillas and fish and pennies and made threats and got all philosophical. A winning day, to be sure, to be continued come March something-something, when the game Eric won is released to the masses. At present, he has a pre-order paid in full, and a demo disk for Black, a game that takes mindless killing and spontaneous explosions to a level not seen since 1986's Raw Deal. There's also the incalculable damage to his mental state. Suffice it to say, the dude did not go home empty handed.

So, yeah.

Here are some stupid pictures of marginally intelligent people doing idiotic things:

"Kyle. Kyle."


"Seriously, Kyle, it's funny but there are people here. Like Eric. "

"Man, he doesn't want to play Jurassic Park."

"Zibbudie BRAAGHB--!"

The look on Kyle's face in this picture reminds me of violent bowel movements and the sound small arms make when they're fired.

We were going to take pictures of the animals but that's a sketchy move considering the vague imprint of the law on our collective psyches, and well, there's not a lot a lot of comedy inherent to an artificial pond full of goldfish and change. Unless they exploded, as Eric pointed out. Dude's sharp.

Lastly, a small venture to the arcade with empty pockets before parting ways on our city's great system of rails. We basically commented on the smell (cigarettes and sweat here--Eric's local joint was marked by whiffs of Asian people and soy sauce, apparently) and marveled at how Pac Man raped and pillaged his way into the Mario Kart franchise. It looked nice, though.

So that's that. We all lived, thankfully, and Zibbudie Babbuhl touched another human being. Consensually.

Until next time, keep your babbuhls by your breast and your gun under your pillow.

Jemsy out.